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Jon Clarke

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Posts posted by Jon Clarke

  1. Check if anything relating to TEGB North appears in your Custom Scenery folder. If it does then just delete it. Reboot PC.

    Open Orbx Central. If it starts to try and download again, Open up the download icon at the top of the page which i have circled in red 

    The following pics show the process:



    Now click on Pause:




    Now click on the X. It will then show it is cancelling and state there is nothing more in the queue



    After that is all done I suggest you then go to Orbx central/settings/downloader and click on Clear Temp folder


  2. I can only refer you to the screenshots displayed on te product page at Orbx Direct regarding the quality but can confirm it is HD.

    Regarding whether you can still use your ortho4xp tile I would have to refer that question to the Dev @Tony Wroblewski.

    A general statement though is that Orbx does not make addons designed to be compatible with ortho4xp but makes them compatible with default Laminar scenery and Orbx TE regional scenery.

  3. Thanks for the feedback. The test you did show nothing is wrong with the addon, but does indicate that there is a problem with other addons which causes a memory issue.

    I can only suggest looking through your addons and seeing if there are any that you really don't use much or you can disable some when flying in Australia near YMEN

  4. A while back the Dev of X-Organiser was in discussion with our True Earth dev regarding the way that X-Organiser misplaced TE addon scenery in the scenery_packs especially after being disabled and then enabled again. TE addons should always be directly under Global Airports and the 3 files of Custom, Overlay and orthos should not be separated. My understanding was that after the talks there was a newer version of the Organiser issued that assisted in resolving the issue. You may wish to check that out.

  5. @Nick Cooper Please move this to the Support forum as I don't believe it is a BUG but a different issue.

    @KQ707 I have rearranged the scenery_packs to see if that makes any difference so please try and report back.

    If that doesn't resolve your issue we need to test other options to determine the cause.

    The first and easiest is to choose the Verify Files option for YMEN in Orbx Central. This will show if there are any missing files for YMEN (I seriously doubt there will be)

    The second and best by far is to rename your Custom Scenery folder to Custom Scenery.bak

    Drag and drop YMEN, Global Airports and OrbxLibsXP from your Custom Scenery.bak folder into the new Custom Scenery folder.

    Make sure that YMEN sits above Global Airports in the new scenery_packs.ini. OrbxLibsXP can be anywhere for this test.

    Now try a flight which leaves and returns to YMEN.

    Looking at your log file at the point of your CTD the log is stating you are very low on Memory and to turn down your rendering settings etc.

    Here is the extract from your log file:

    0:50:49.971 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: X-Plane is running very low on memory.
    0:50:49.971 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Scenery loading is now disabled.
    0:50:49.971 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: To avoid a crash, please turn down your settings and restart the sim as soon as possible.
    0:50:49.971 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: http://lookup.x-plane.com/_lookup_11_/lo_mem.html
    0:50:49.971 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: C:\jenkins\design-triggered\source_code\core\memory\UTL_memory.cpp:1097
    0:50:54.573 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: X-Plane is totally out of memory.
    0:50:54.573 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: Next time, turn down your rendering settings or remove add-ons to avoid this problem.
    0:50:54.573 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: If you cannot restart X-Plane you may have to delete your preferences, found in the Output folder.
    0:50:54.573 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: 
    0:50:54.573 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: C:\jenkins\design-triggered\source_code\core\memory\UTL_memory.cpp:1119
    0:50:54.573 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0:50:54.573 E/SYS: | X-Plane is running very low on memory.
    0:50:54.573 E/SYS: | Scenery loading is now disabled.
    0:50:54.573 E/SYS: | To avoid a crash, please turn down your settings and restart the sim as soon as possible.
    0:50:54.573 E/SYS: | http://lookup.x-plane.com/_lookup_11_/lo_mem.html
    0:50:54.573 E/SYS: | (UTL_memory.cpp:1097)
    0:50:54.573 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    --=={This application has crashed!}==--


    The test I suggest above will only have YMEN and OrbxLibsXP and Global Airports in the Custom Scenery folder so there are no other scenery demands which could affect the demands on Memory.

    Report back please especially on the results of the new Custom Scenery and limited addons test.

    Place this revised scenery_packs.ini into your current Custom Scenery folder to replace your existing one.


  6. I have rearranged the scenery_packs.ini to optimise it.

    Regarding FPS I cannot comment as the fps rate will vary considerably dependent on hardware, and location within TEGB. London fps will be hugely different to flying over the Highlands of Scotland for example as you well know. so to quote seeing 50-70 fps previously would only have been in a fairly sparse autogen/ buildings area I would guess. I have a 1080Ti and will get 28-32 fps around EGLC heading into central London and Heathrow.

    Again it also depends heavily on your XP settings which you have not mentioned nor whether you use Vulkan or Metal (are you on Windows or Mac?)

    Hope this helps:


  7. 21 hours ago, FlyingFella said:



    thank you Jon.




    I just submitted the ticket (#26983) - one thing to note please: @Richard Lincoln I could not find EDDT in the list of airports in Europe, despite searching for it. Either because I just missed it repeatedly, or it is missing in that list. However, to proceed I selected LOWW as the airfield, as its also produced by GayaSim.




    I hope that this does not raise any further confusion and hope to hear from you soon.

    You are welcome and again apologies for your unresolved issues.

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  8. Not all addons have User guides. This has been for quite a long time now as they were deemed as unnecessary in most cases.

    Send e a pic of your Orbx Central/settings/downloader page please.

    Something is very wrong with your Orbx Central to XP!! setup if Orbx Central is not loading addons into your Custom Scenery folder.

    No one has ever reported such issues before and I have demonstrated in my  pics above of how the process works.

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