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Jon Clarke

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Posts posted by Jon Clarke

  1. @Ross FAnswered in 2 posts already. Please do not repeat the same query in numerous posts as it is difficult to manage.

    You say it is an Aerosoft addon. Orbx will not be offering a fix as Orbx has no authority to modify other developer's addons. Please address you issue to Aerosoft. Thanks

  2. Is the fix files placed above Global Airports in your scenery_packs. If not then please place it there . Let me know.

    Also is it default Malaga or an addon?

    If it is an Aerosoft addon then I refer you to this post above:

    Ashley Jones

    Well that would be because I am one of the devs the converted it over from p3d for Aerosoft And im just more then anything informing you and I believe our Aerosoft rep is in contact aswell I was not aware of this tho when I started the post. And you are quite right you can not go around messing with other developers payware Airports. Also there is a mesh issue aswell that is being discussed too.

  3. Would you please give  a pic of the on screen error message.

    I also request to know the amount of free space you have on your Disk drives and which disk drives you use to download onto and also the disk drive you install into.

    The download disk drive will be shown in Orbx Central/settings/downloader section unless you have moved it to a non default place.

    Also please attach a copy of your Orbx Central log file.

    @Nick Cooper @Steve Raycraft looks like an OC issue.

  4. Please confirm you have replaced the original Orbx_A_EU_Spain_South_TE_Airports/ with the one posted at the beginning of this topic?

    I also refer you to this post here from the Dev who made the conversion for Aerosoft:

    On 12/5/2021 at 8:15 PM, Ashley Jones said:

    Well that would be because I am one of the devs the converted it over from p3d for Aerosoft And im just more then anything informing you and I believe our Aerosoft rep is in contact aswell I was not aware of this tho when I started the post. And you are quite right you can not go around messing with other developers payware Airports. Also there is a mesh issue aswell that is being discussed too.


  5. EGLC has no pushback in real life I believe.

    Here is an extract from Vatsim regarding EGLC:

    Located 6nm east of London, London City airport serves the financial district - handling 2.8 million passengers annually. In order to negotiate the limited space and large buildings nearby - the runway features the steepest glideslope in the UK, which together with a 1500m runway creates a challenging approach for pilots of all aircraft.

    Neighbourhood pressures together with the unique approach requirements severly limit the aircraft types which can operate into the airport - which also requires specifically qualified crews in order to ensure safe operations.

    All of the stands face nose out - which negates the need for pushback from the terminal. The airport also features a jet centre at the western end - this plays host to the numerous business jets which visit the airport. Operations face restricted hours in a week - and the weekend sees the airport closingdown for 24 from the middle of Saturday onwards.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Ashley Jones said:

    I have said  to be fair that it is the Aerosoft payware version of Malaga.

    I am asking because the entry in your scenery_packs does not have the prefix of Aerosoft in the addons name. It just says :

    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Malaga Airport/

    Aerosoft addons always have the Aerosoft name in the entry like this:

    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/1-Aerosoft - Barcelona Airport/

    I am not disputing the issue you are raising but want to know if the Malaga addon is from XP10. The issue is also with a Payware addon and Orbx has no rights to modify another developers addons like it can "fix" etc default airports


  7. 1 hour ago, manidep271 said:

    @Jon Clarke, I have come across several other airports with Orbx autogen bleed through occurring. As I have looked at each one in WED, the common thread is that the airport modelers are not using exclusion zones efficiently. Typically, when I create the small airports that I have done, I utilize the exclusion zones to eliminate all possibilities to avoid surprises. I am seeing exclusions for road networks, sometimes forests, sometimes objects but rarely facades. The Orbx autogen appears to be falling into the facade category so it will show up at every airport where facades are not excluded. I think this issue is beyond what Orbx should reasonably be expected to handle and it needs to go to the folks who check airports before they are included in X-Plane. TE Southern Spain is not the only place I have seen this happen. I have seen default autogen buildings and trees at airports that are located in default X-Plane scenery. Apparently, exclusion zones are not well monitored. At least that is the conclusion I have arrived at and, as the saying goes, your mileage may vary since this only one person's opinion.



    @Tony Wroblewski for comment please


  8. There will be no conflict.

    La Palma is standalone addon included in the Canaries package.

    The TE _Airports folder just contains alignment corrections to some default airports in the region as the Default Laminar scenery places them inaccurately compared to the photo scenery. Place the La Palma above TE Canaries airports and both need to be above Global Airports

  9. Those "missing" objects are redundant old messages and appear in the XP Log only as far as i know.

    You can dismiss the them as they are no longer relevant.

    The only error messages that need attention are the ones that appear on Screen.

    There is nothing wrong with you r installation of TEGB North

    Here is the same extract from my XP Log file having just done a flight in Inverness (TEGB North)

    0:02:06.018 W/SCN: Missing object objects/cars/dynamic/police_car_var1.obj from package Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_North_TrueEarth_Overlay/roads/; replacing with blank
    0:02:06.018 W/SCN: Missing object objects/cars/dynamic/police_car_var2.obj from package Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_North_TrueEarth_Overlay/roads/; replacing with blank
    0:02:06.018 W/SCN: Missing object objects/cars/dynamic/police_car_var3.obj from package Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_North_TrueEarth_Overlay/roads/; replacing with blank
    0:02:06.018 W/SCN: Missing object objects/cars/dynamic/BusXTran_D.obj from package Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_North_TrueEarth_Overlay/roads/; replacing with blank
    0:02:06.018 W/SCN: Missing object objects/cars/dynamic/police_car_var1.obj from package Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_North_TrueEarth_Overlay/roads/; replacing with blank
    0:02:06.018 W/SCN: Missing object objects/cars/dynamic/police_car_var2.obj from package Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_North_TrueEarth_Overlay/roads/; replacing with blank
    0:02:06.018 W/SCN: Missing object objects/cars/dynamic/police_car_var3.obj from package Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_North_TrueEarth_Overlay/roads/; replacing with blank
    0:02:06.018 W/SCN: Missing object objects/cars/dynamic/police_car_var4.obj from package Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_North_TrueEarth_Overlay/roads/; replacing with blank

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