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Everything posted by BradB

  1. https://flightsim.to/file/13218/air-creation-582sl Also some payware in the Marketplace .
  2. Head to the mountains Jack , more mesh too work with .
  3. I dew like these Adam .
  4. Amazing scenery Bernd , thanks for posting your shots .
  5. Got bored with bridges huh Jack , giant steel turbine blades have met there match ........
  6. Great shots Paul , your title reminds me of a oldie but goodie : Cheers John
  7. Northern Sky does incredible work , as your shots show Carlos .
  8. Thanks Ryan for these beautiful shots from the PNW with a assist from Carlos .
  9. Thanks Karl . Thanks Andy . Thanks Paul . Thanks Wayne . Thanks Graeme , 20th Birthday's only come around once so I hope you all had a great night . Thanks Martyn . Thanks Jack .
  10. Now that’s what I call a real floater , thanks for the back story John .
  11. More quality choppers coming next year hopefully.
  12. Tremendous shots and flying skills Captain Jack .
  13. Rome was not built in a day so lots of holiday sales coming up later this year . I got Lanai during the flash sale last weekend.
  14. I have the whole collection for the Islands from Orbx , I really enjoy the tropical scenery .
  15. Only one Felts Field (KSFF) , hoping someday before I die we see this in MSFS ………
  16. I saw that last night on the V-Tail , hopefully some reviews will be out shortly . I have been using the beta thru Steam and have had no issues at all , I have totally switched over to DX12 .
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