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Everything posted by BradB

  1. I guess no one told the fine people of Bendigo that the pandemic was over …….. I can hear a mouse fart in that terminal .
  2. First to the runway wins …….
  3. Welcome to the forum , the Market Place and Orbx are two separate entities . They are not linked in anyway . Cheers John
  4. Good health and safe travels to the both of you on your special day . Cheers John
  5. My watch says 8:47 AM and it’s still a great shot Filou .
  6. Thanks Sir , any issues with TE and XP12 yet ; I’m DL right now from Steam .
  7. Wow - Looks great Filou , what area are you flying in ? .
  8. Paradise , wish I was there ; grand shots Paul .
  9. 737's , 757's , 767's , A330 are what come to mind .
  10. I hope you have your chest waders on Jack , always tough going in the "Swamp" .
  11. Glad you got it sorted out Jack , tho I would have enjoyed watching you use the upside down fan as Karl had suggested .
  12. Yay , no trees ; things are looking up Jack .
  13. https://secure.simmarket.com/toposim-north-america-greenland.phtml Cheers John
  14. Welcome to the forum , one option for Greenland is MSFS : https://flightsim.to/by-country/GL/
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