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Posts posted by Stillwater

  1. 6 hours ago, timmo32 said:

    lovely set here Gerold!

    Thank you Timmo!


    5 hours ago, BradB said:

    Smashing set of shots Gerold !! .

    Thanks a lot, John.


    23 minutes ago, Iain Emms said:

    Fine set of shots.



    Thanks for commenting, Iain.


    4 hours ago, TerribleT said:

    That's the way to do it (but no money for nothing or chicks for free in those areas)!  Great shots mate ......

    Ant it ain´t working as well, TT!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, wolfko said:


    What you are doing is counterproductive. If many think like you, it would be understandable that Orbx cancels the development of Landclass Asia and focusses even more on MSFS.

    I second what you say, Wolfgang. Even more, I still stick with P3D.

    The only truth is the current, the total and the expected sales figures - which might be a well-kept secret. And, obviuosly, the consistent partnership with long-time customers, who continue to enjoy such a reliable relation (whatever this is valid...).

    • Like 2
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  3. Getting out of Nanaimo land airfield CYCD we pass the nicely detailed industrial area at Duke Point...


    ... on the way to Nanaimo city.


    A bit further north is Departure Bay, ...


    ... where we turn east to cross the channel to the mainland. Another one of @BradB John´s favourite holiday vehicles on the way.


    Here we cross the confusing coastline of Pender Harbour. Enough parking lots for yachtsmen, it seems.


    The advantage of using a Cessna rather than a boat is that you can take a shortcut, ...


    ... looking at Sechelt & Salmon Inlet from above...


    ... before climbing up to Mt. Wrottesley and Mt. Ellesmere...


    ... and descending over the Brennan Lakes...


    ... towards Watt´s Point...


    ... and into Squamish Harbour.


    We chose the land airport again, ...


    ... with a nice place to park...


    ... and to rest.


    On a cool July evening.


    • Like 8
  4. 8 hours ago, TerribleT said:

    Magnificent contrasts there Gerold!

    Thank you TT. In this rugged area snow and water are close, we remember the Vancouver winter olympics.


    8 hours ago, JohnnyJohnJohn said:

    Great shots Gerold, but I think the snow will always be in those. I don't think its affected by weather....not yet anyway.  

    Thanks JJJ. The glaciers have been in the mountains for ages, and they still are. But have you seen the photo comparisons over the past 100 or 50 or 30 years? It seems we are on a way...

  5. 8 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

    Great shots these Gerold.



    Thank you Iain!


    4 hours ago, adambar said:

    Beautiful shots Gerold! :) 

    My pleasure, Adam.


    4 hours ago, BradB said:

    Great looking shots and refreshing too , I had too move my PC to the basement because of the continuing heat wave here . 
    We have AC in some rooms but not in my office . Downstairs it is a comfortable 64 F . 

    Thanks for your compliments, John.

    I thought of you West coast guys already, it must be hard over there with the 100+F. We have daily rains these days, rather heavy which is also uncommon for Summer.


    4 hours ago, Taph said:

    Grand shots Gerold

    Thank you, upcoming VIP!


    1 hour ago, lifejogger said:

    Another great flight with beautiful scenery.

    Thanks a lot, John!

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Captain Lars said:

    Next week is my birthday and I wonder if I'm going to be able to enjoy a certain birthday present? B);)

    I would be happy if someone could get you that certain birthday present. Even a headline like "My first shots" would be another reason to celebrate...

    • Like 3
  7. For this flight I started eastwards from Bella Coola...


    ... and turned south into the first valley.


    And the mountains here are not only hiding themselves, ...


    ... they are also covered with snow and glaciers, like the Jacobsen Glacier ahead.


    Scar Creek Glacier lead us back down...


    ... to Bute Inlet.


    Soon we crossed the sea to Vancouver Island...


    ... where we look down at Nanaimo city, ...


    ... just before the final into that cities land airport.


    • Like 7
  8. Thank you for watching & commenting, @Iain Emms, @lifejogger, @wain71, @Taph, @John Mac, @adambar.


    20 hours ago, Bullfox said:

    Terrace (CYXT) in British Columbia is a great little airport in a beautiful little valley.  

    Thanks Bullfox. Indeed the location is great, and the details around the airport as well.


    19 hours ago, TerribleT said:

    Another fine set, great scenery, great aircraft and great commentary, thank you!

    My pleasure TT. This region is fun to fly with all these good views.

    • Like 1
  9. Great shots and tour, Eric. I keep my fingers crossed you get your heat problem solved.


    PS: The problem of your reverse plane is that the ventilators do not cool your engines. Maybe you have to fly forward to get better performance?

    • Haha 1
  10. Terrace "international" offers 3 runways - an advantage in every wind direction, but time consuming when taxiing.


    It is just a short hop on a misty evening...


    ... to Kitimat harbour. Does not look like cruise ships here.


    The coastal mountains look great on the way south...


    ... to Bella Bella, ...


    ... where we turn east over King Island...


    ... and dive into the Burke Channel.


    There is a village at the channel´s end.


    You have guessed it already: It is Bella Coola.


    • Like 4
  11. 17 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

    Great shots Gerold.



    Thank you Iain!


    9 hours ago, JohnnyJohnJohn said:

    Nice cool shots to see after such a hot day today where I am.  Nice relief post there.  Well done. 

    Thanks John. Have some cool thoughts, perhaps it helps.


    7 hours ago, adambar said:

    Grand set of shots Gerold. :) 

    Thank you Adam.


    17 hours ago, lifejogger said:

    Super shots Gerold, enjoyed looking at them.  I  would like to fly in that area again but I can't get my P3D to run.:(

    Thanks a lot, John. Always a pain when something does not work as intended (or as before). In addition, this is why I am reluctant to maintain multiple sims.


    9 hours ago, BradB said:

    Yep , just call me Triple B . :):rolleyes::P:lol:

    Thank you BBB. I´d like to come over and share a BBQ with you...

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