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Posts posted by Stillwater

  1. 12 hours ago, lifejogger said:

    I do not have a working record player

    John, it is very cheap to get record players with USB or bluetooth connection nowadays (from chinese production, of course, and by far not as solid as you know from our past). Or you take a vintage one and buy a pre-amplifier to connect with your current audio stuff.

  2. 3 minutes ago, lifejogger said:


    Thanks for commenting Gerold, I have always been A Beatles fan!!!!!!!!

    Listening to their songs we hear their amazing creativity. So many variations during such a short timespan….

  3. 12 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

    Fine set of shots Gerold.



    Thank you Iain!


    6 hours ago, lifejogger said:

    Enjoyed your shots and the flight.

    You´re welcome, John!


    2 hours ago, BradB said:

    P3D at it's best Gerold . :):)

    My pleasure, John. It (still) works to my fullest satisfaction, and I enjoy all the planes and add-ons I have collected.


    12 hours ago, wain71 said:

    nice flight Gerold, great shots....little close to the big jet but you survived.....

    Thank you Wayne. Little close, and I was not mastering the plane well enough to stay in a safe situation...

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  4. Here we are getting ready in the more private area of KSFO San Francisco airport.


    A beautiful takeoff over the bay, ...


    ... but a little desorientation during climbout - that does not look like safe flying from my side...


    However, I made it south to Palo Alto...


    ... with Dumbarton Bridge below.


    After crossing the hills towards the Pacific I passed Watsonville...


    ... and soon I came to Fort Ord beach, where I already turned downwind...


    ... into Monterey.


    A safe evening touchdown...


    ... and an adequate place to park. What´s missing now?


    • Like 6
  5. Like everyone here I hate these problems coming out of blue sky (or from release "experts").

    And I hate this fiddling around before things get back to a usable status.


    Reports like these do not make me keen to move to MSFS either... despite the good optics and the constant flow of releases (I miss such news for p3d).


    1 hour ago, wain71 said:

    Took girls (wife, daughters) to one of these high-end label shopping centre today so update later..sat in car having a brew now

    Sounds like an adequate cure for computer anger.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Rob Abernathy said:

    Love it Gerold!   I grew up just SE of Oakland and know all these areas well, great captures.   Hope you have enough money for a drink after paying the landing fees at KSFO!  :lol:

    Thank you Rob! I am still cleaning virtual dishes to pay the beer... :rolleyes:

  7. 18 hours ago, xuehua china said:

    I'm still waiting to fly to India, Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines and many other beautiful places in Asia.

    Same with me. I keenly await to re-fly my Asia travels, probably starting with India...

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