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Posts posted by Stillwater

  1. On 2/16/2021 at 10:33 AM, wolfko said:


    Is it S43 Harvey Field? This red and white striped hangar looks familiar.


    On 2/16/2021 at 4:21 PM, Rob Abernathy said:

    You guys are good!   It is S433.  Even with the current snow I thought maybe that red/white building would give it away.  Airport is only a few miles from my daughter's house, been there several times IRL.

    Just to remind all of us: Wolfgang was correct and would have the right (or duty) to post the next riddle. But... as far as I know he has run out of pictures, and in Corona times he can not even book another flight to make new ones!


    So anyone who would like to share a real-life shot of an Orbx airport may start a new task now.

  2. 4 hours ago, Ed Correia said:

    Nonetheless, Eugene is practically on this 7 days a week and this is no mean feat!


    The first area has also increased slightly in size (red shaded area) to make more efficient use of landclass textures.

    Fantastic update, Ed, thanks a lot for this.

    a) Take your time on making the product meet our expectations (you know Orbx has raised the bar over the last decade...)

    b) Great to read the Himalaya is already included in part 1. That will be awful flying experience for us!

    c) Nice preview shots. I have done numerous travels through India and will enjoy repeating them virtually.

    • Like 2
  3. On 2/8/2021 at 3:08 PM, boetie said:

    It was only taken a couple of hours ago Gerold. Their max is 0deg, min -2deg today.  My in-laws are English. ... No more clues, I know how well travelled you are. 

    Hmm, I am no expert in Orbx airfields in Britain - I was slightly disappointed from the quality of the region packs so I did not invest much more there. So I have to make some wild guesses...

    There are not many hard-surfaced airfields in the portfolio. My first suspicion would be Shoreham/Brighton?

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, wolfko said:

    A fantastic cross-link, indeed, Wolfgang. Thanks for the awareness!

    I put Chris´s picture here once again, though y´all know the airport already.

    I couldn´t take a picture there, because I was the driver when we passed the runway.


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