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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. Hello,

    in the case of FSX Steam Edition, this problem will typically occur when the customer runs the Steam Verify files function.

    This overwrites numerous Orbx files.

    If your scenery starts to look like this:

     Annotation 2020-03-19 102104.jpg


    First run Verify files for Global Base and for all your open LC products.

    Before posting a support request, please try this fix:


    Please try renaming Scenery\BASE\Scenery\lclookup.bgl to lclookup.bgl .off

    and then apply this terrain.cfg file fix


    Then run Verify Files for the Orbx Libraries and try again.


    Please note:

    1. that each of these steps must be taken in this exact order, or further problems will result.

    2. that the term "Orbx Libraries" refers specifically to the Orbx Libraries product, it does not

    mean Orbx products in general.




  2. 5 hours ago, jfwharton said:

    I do have one question, however, regarding updating the navaids in P3D/FSX.  Why should updating the navaids affect the field elevations?  I would think that all that would change would be the navaid frequencies, headings (for ILS approaches) and stuff like that.  Nothing that would affect the elevation of the airfield.


    Basically because the FSX airport database and the addon navigation database do not coincide.

    In all cases, the airport elevation is chosen from a fixed point, because in the real world, very few of them are perfectly flat.

    In FSX and P3D they are, with a few notable exceptions, all perfectly flat, so if the chosen spot in one database is not exactly

    the same as the chosen spot in another, the elevations will not coincide.


    The main problem, as already explained many times in this topic, is the presence of two airport versions at the same time.

  3. KBVU and 61B are the same place. It was 61B and now it is KBVU, in the real world.

    If a real world ICAO code is changed and then the simulator's navigation database is updated or

    an addon is added with that updated ICAO code, then any exclude made for 61B will not work

    and the added KBVU version will interfere.

    It will do so with both the default airport and any addon.

    This is what I suspect here.


    If it helps, imagine someone being told to deny entry to a gathering to a person named Smith.

    That person arrives, but as she is now married, she is called Jones.

    Shouting out "Smith, please leave" still refers to her but she pays no attention, because she is no

    longer called Smith.



  4. Logically, there is an influence on this airport that other customers do not have.

    We seem to have ruled out most possibilities, the most likely being something that updates the airport data

    and less likely that you have a remnant of another version that is affecting both your default version, if that

    is what you are showing and the addon.

    Your image of the addon shows the aircraft "spawned" at a location below the addon which suggests that

    either the addon's elevation is not working, highly unlikely given Jack's screen shot topic, or that your installation

    contains something that is setting a different elevation.


    The presence of an added elevation for KBVU is still my main suspect.

    An airport named 61B could not exclude it, either in the default version or in the addon version.

    It could be an AI traffic addon too.


    There is no way other than what you suggest to return the installation to the root folder.

    Where does the addon airport appear in your in-game scenery library?


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