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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. To install objectflow using Orbx Central, first an Orbx Central Scenery Library must be created.

    This Orbx Central Scenery Library should not be the preinstalled "Main Library" in the Users folder

    but a new Orbx Central Library, outside any of Windows' folders.


    This is an extract from the User Guide.




    Creating a library

    The first time you start Central, you will be prompted to create a library. If you would like to create more libraries, you can do this by going to Settings > Libraries and clicking “create a new library”.


    This will prompt you to choose a name and an install location for this library.


    There are a few requirements when choosing a library location:

    • You cannot choose a location that is within a simulator’s root directory.

    • You cannot place a library at the root of a volume (you’ll need to create a directory). This means a location like D:\ is invalid, but D:\Library is valid.

    • You cannot choose a directory that already contains files.



    Once the Library has been created, select objectflow from the Misc section of My Products and click on Install.




    Then select your Orbx Central Library




    and objectflow will be installed into it.




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  2. Thank you for your comments.

    I have not suggested that the cause is user error, I have suggested that there

    are options in the software of which you have not taken advantage.


    As to your reaction to my "condescending tone", sometimes the lack of personal contact

    allows what is intended as a straightforward suggestion to be interpreted as something

    else, particularly if the recipient has a point that they wish to make.


    I am wondering if I have interpreted this correctly.




    You mean like this already ticked option. As you mention, this is the default. I have not changed this setting (why the hell is it even a setting?!) and yet your software still filled up /tmp and then failed without any indication to me as to the issue, not even a "I've run out of space in the temporary location" message. It just kept trying again and again to force files into a filled up /tmp partition. Smart.


    This is a screenshot I just took, with that setting ticked:




    It shows that Orbx Central is using what I assume to be the Linux temp directory and it offers the option to

    edit that directory to a different location.

    Using /tmp/Orbx/temp is causing you a problem but you apparently decline to use that option?



    As you mention, this is the default. I have not changed this setting (why the hell is it even a setting?!) and yet your software still filled up /tmp


    Perhaps we continue to misunderstand each other.

    To address your other questions, 


    1. I did not read every word of the browser user guide. I do still look for written advice when I encounter a problem or a solution for something I would like to do.

    2. I would think that the installation is stopping because of the lack of disk space, as already discussed.


    Finally, the "the exact crap I had to deal with last year.." was with a much earlier version of Orbx Central.

    I cannot comment on Linux, having no experience of it.


  3. Hello,

    you highlight your terrible user experience and there is nothing passive about your statements about it.

    I regret that your user experience has been terrible.

    Here are the two pages of Orbx Central that could have been used to avoid the problems that you have encountered.

    The default setting is "Check disk space before installing" and "Automatically backup product install files" ticked.





    I do not consider it unreasonable to consult a User Guide before using a program.





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    System Requirements


    Windows 7 SP1+, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 are supported. The following components need to be installed for Central to function correctly:



    Additional Requirements for Windows 7 and 8




    macOS High Sierra (10.13) or later is required.


    Compatibility may vary from distro to distro. Orbx Central uses .NET Core 3 and exact requirements for Linux compatibility can be found below:



    The GNU C library is required for TrueEarth texture conversion. The package name differs based on your Linux distro. Use the appropriate package manager for your distro to install the package.


    • Debian/Ubuntu: libc6-dev

    • Red Hat/Fedora: glibc-devel

    • Arch/Manjaro: lib32-glibc

    The simulator does not appear in the list

    Make sure you’ve launched your simulator at least once, as many simulators won’t correctly set their location until they’re launched. You’ll also need to restart Central if you have installed or started a new simulator. 





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