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Nick Cooper

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Everything posted by Nick Cooper

  1. Hello, this is an English Christmas: The rainbow cloud is why I took the picture.
  2. Hello, the product licences are held at Orbx Direct. Which simulator do you use?
  3. Hello, please send in a support ticket, ideally outlining the specific problem that you are having. You can do that here: A Product - Orbx Support - Jira Service Management (atlassian.net)
  4. @John Dow Hello John, I found the webpage that shows how to make the Content folder visible, so that you could then add the two files that allow the frame rate generation. Converting my sim install from Legacy to Modern (parallel42.com)
  5. Hello Wayne, very good news about your health. A very Happy New Year to you and to all of our fellow forum friends and colleagues. 🍷 🍷
  6. Hello Brian, I stand corrected, operator error. However, there are still 1173 airports and even when I ask to see those I don't own, there are 1097 to choose from. My point, I think, is that where there is a huge number of items on sale, there will always be a huge search required, unless a few choices are made before the search begins. Nevertheless, as I wrote earlier, all suggestions will be considered.
  7. Hello, just to add a few facts: In the in-game Marketplace, only Airports can be selected as sale items. When they are, the list contains 1173 results. Featured, Aircraft (174), World (82) and Activities (14) are all lists of all the available products, whether on sale or not and not in sale/not sale order. Perhaps that is why this icon accompanied the post that you are agreeing with: 🤔
  8. Hello John, indeed, yours is an earlier version. If you wanted to risk it, just uninstall the game, leaving all of the content and then reinstall it.
  9. Hello, welcome to the forums. Can you clarify which aircraft or which simulator please? The PAC 750 model is for MSFS.
  10. I think that's a wise decision. I only tried it because given the layout of my MSFS installation, it was easily and quickly done. I may have misunderstood, but I have read it as putting an extra frame in between each frame.
  11. I was thinking of suggesting that, but I don't want the feedback if it doesn't go well. 😁 As far as I am aware, reinstalling just the game does not delete any of the content. If you are asked if you want to do that, the answer must be no.
  12. Hello John, some time ago, but I can't remember which developer asked for it to be done, the MSFS installation was changed and inside the MSFS root folder, another folder was created with the exe file in it. Mine is installed onto my G drive, in a folder that for clarity, I named "Microsoft Flight Simulator" and there is this folder: You can see the two added files inside it.
  13. Hello, this is what needs to be done: 1 Make a small download and unzip the folder 2 Copy and paste two files and open a registry file. 3 that's it. To undo 1 delete two files 2 open another registry file. 3 that's it It works for me, RTSS thinks that the frame rate is doubled and that's what it says on the tin.
  14. I took a look at another site, where there is an "On Sale" category. It contains 382 products on 10 pages. Because the category is "On Sale", they are randomly for several simulators and several types of product on each page. As I mentioned: As ever, Orbx will, after Christmas, consider all customer feedback and thanks for providing it. As this is Christmas day, Seasons Greetings to you all. 🎄
  15. Hello, As of today, there are 1446 products at Orbx Direct. Regardless of the sale, it will take some time to browse through them all. The layout of an online store can never satisfy everyone but my suggested course of action would be to make some choices before starting to look. Which area of the planet and which simulator you are buying for would be two good decisions. Once that is decided, you can open the Europe page, for example and then from the drop-down, select for example, just MSFS. You will then be presented with a list, each reduced price product price will be in red and crossed out, with the sale price next to it.
  16. Hello, for future reference, the answer to that question should always be "No". It is only intended for those who wish to reinstall onto another PC, which is not permitted if P3D is still activated somewhere else.
  17. Hello, the P3D installer can only remove the files that it installed in the first place, so everything that remains must be an addon. You can certainly install P3D v5 into the same folder and see if it will all work. For Orbx products, I wrote this topic some time ago:
  18. Hello, hopefully, you did not simply delete P3D v4, but uninstalled it. If you installed all of your Orbx products into the P3D folder, all that is left to do is to delete the remaining P3D folder. If you installed all of your Orbx products into an Orbx Central Library, they wil be in a folder maned p3dv4. Once you have installed P3D v5, you can change that folder name to p3dv5, run Verify Fles and Sync Simulator and they will all be ready to use in your new P3D version.
  19. Hello, yes. I too live in an English village and enjoy around the same connection speed. For much the same reason, I don't use photogrammetry either, but the Orbx addons look fine and fill in the gaps left by the World Updates.
  20. Hello, here is a useful list that is up to date to last month. Our updated list of aircraft currently available for Microsoft Flight Simulator - MSFS Addons
  21. Hello, welcome to the forums. The Orbx City packs do not add photogrammetry, just models of the most important buildings. In almost all cases, they also do not replace default MSFS landmarks, so if there is an MSFS World Update for the city in question, you will need to install that to see some of the landmarks. How slow is your internet connection?
  22. Hello, the files are already compressed and are decompressed by Orbx Central. Here is a randomly chosen download notification: Orbx has been delivering files in compressed format since 2006 and Voz did the same before that. The only difference between then and now, is that you don't have to decompress them yourself.
  23. Hello, have a look at the screenshot forum. never been so great ! amazing ground details - Community Screenshots - Orbx Community and Support Forums (orbxdirect.com) A trip to Wales UK Mesh. - Community Screenshots - Orbx Community and Support Forums (orbxdirect.com)
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