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Scott Harmes

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Everything posted by Scott Harmes

  1. There must be another explanation. Using a different drive partitiion format should make no difference to performance or strain on hardware, whether they are mixed or not. The only difference between MBR and GPT is basically the size and number of partitions that can be used on a drive. Did you backup/remove all data from the drive before converting? A drive would usually need to be formatted, ie all data removed, before the partitioning could be converted. Personally I would not recommend anyone try this for some hope of a performance benefit, as it could be risky and there is little chance of any performance gain.
  2. Hi Tommo. Looks to be the Carenado B200. I believe this paint was at OzX years ago and unfortunately most of the files for repaints have been lost since the site was hacked. Sent you a PM. Cheers,
  3. Hmmm. Not working here either.
  4. Thanks all. TTM, this is P3DV5. Cheers,
  5. Erik is correct. There is a setting in MSFS which adjusts ground aircraft density. Set this to zero to see no MSFS planes at the airports. See the pic below:
  6. Hi, In short, yes, you would have to match the existing RAM if you were simply going to add more RAM. It may be worth getting entirely new RAM, depending on the specs of your motherboard. It is your motherboard and processor in your system that will determine what type of RAM you can install. If you take a look at your motherboard manufacturer website, or elsewhere online, you will find a manual for your motherboard, or simply specs, which will show what type and amount of RAM you can install. You say you have 3GB currently, which sounds kind of low, as most modern systems these days are running 16GB, and up to 32GB or 64GB. If you just want to add more RAM, then yes, you would need to match the new RAM to your existing RAM.
  7. I don't know if there are statics in the default MSFS. Usually statics wil only be added by 3rd party developers. Are you sure what you are seeing are not AI aircraft that are simply parked? In any case, there are three options for AI aircraft. - Real time online AI, which tries to produce AI in the sim based on real world, real time schedules. - Offline AI which will show aircraft running on pre determined schedules. - Off, which will give you no AI aircraft As with other sims, you can adjust the percentage of the AI that you will see in your sim. MSFS has another way in which you will see other aircraft, and that is multiplayer. If you have multiplayer enabled in your settings then you will see other player's aircraft in the sim also.
  8. Hi Rodger, You can also adjust display settings in Windows 10. You can choose to increase size of text and icons in all windows up to 175%. Just go to settings from the start menu, then choose "Ease of Access" and then choose "Display". Here you will find a heap of settings that may help. You can also adjust contrast etc. I use an extension called "Dark Reader" with Chrome, and with that I just reduce the brightness about 10% to make a lot of web pages less glary. Cheers,
  9. A very interesting "In Flight Guide" for the Cessna CJ4, including information on how to interpret and react to an intercept from fighter jets! https://www.citationjetpilots.com/documents/safety/docs/in_flight_guides/Inflight Guide CJ4-V2.0.pdf Apparently you need to pay $1000 to purchase the official Pilot Operating Handbook for the CJ4 from Textron! There is an Aircraft Flight Manual for the Diamond DA40 available from their website support page http://support.diamond-air.at/da40_ng_afm_bas+M52087573ab0.html or direct link http://support.diamond-air.at/fileadmin/uploads/files/after_sales_support/DA40 New Generation/Airplane_Flight_Manual/Basic_Manual/60115e-DA40-NG-AFM-r3-complete.pdf
  10. As John says there are real world manuals available online for a lot of aircraft. Here's an Airplane Flight Manual for the Cub Crafters X Cub: http://cubcrafters.com/c/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/TC10000AFM_Rev_U_-_Statement.pdf and a couple of versions of the Pilot's Information Manual for the TBM930: https://www.tbm.aero/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/PIM-930__AN__E0.pdf http://www.tbm.aero/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/TBM-930_PIM_FromSN1227.pdf Also, here's a general information document about the TBM930: https://www.tbm.aero/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Daher-TBM-930-Essential-Guide_2017.pdf Cheers,
  11. Hi Maurizio, No it won't. It adds only landmarks or points of interest around Central Great Britain, and will not change any buildings at airports.
  12. I believe this was done so as to not melt any more cars. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-23930675.amp&ved=2ahUKEwjchbn9rILyAhX0xDgGHeQpA98QFjAAegQIAxAC&usg=AOvVaw1ItUVCVQc04pgB-qOwz7QV&ampcf=1
  13. Hi, I suggest you uninstall and reinstall. I have checked my setup and I have runways, SIDs and STARs.
  14. Bit of advice for anyone who receives such text messages, phone calls or emails. NEVER respond. If you respond you become more of a target as they have then confirmed more of your information. https://www.techtimes.com/articles/257255/20210220/can-someone-hack-my-phone-by-texting-me.htm
  15. Spectacular shots Mikee! The scenery looks great in all of them, and I particularly like the final shot, which would make a great painting. Love the RAAF Roulettes livery too. Cheers,
  16. Red soil and Aboriginal gentleman suggests YBAS, Alice Springs to me.
  17. Hi Don, I believe you are comparing different simulators. The first pic is from P3D, and the second pic is from MSFS, and appears to be showing the "Landmarks Brisbane City Pack" which is only currently available for MSFS. Cheers,
  18. I think Greg has it. I see Inns' Bruck written on the wall. Is it written as two words? Is that the correct Austrian way to write it? Great pic, and a new take on this competition. I would like to see the interiors of many other airports, as it would currently be impossible in real life.
  19. Thanks for the info and the pics Erik. I have checked this out too and the info has been passed on to the developers. Re your first point, The frequency and ILS name and course were all input into the correct fields for me when checking this out after release. The info was all in the NAV/RAD page before I departed once the approach had been selected, and it was there on approach. I found the info did briefly disappear from the NAV/RAD page during descent, but returned before the ILS was to be intercepted. It is possible that this could be an issue with the FBW A320 itself as the info is there to be interpreted. Cheers,
  20. It is definitely an interesting idea. GSX already implements automated ground operations in FSX and P3D, and I think they are bringing that to MSFS eventually too. With GSX you can change your camera to custom views outside or even inside, the ground operations vehicles. They have pushbag tugs, catering trucks, baggage trucks, driveable airstairs, jetways, cargo loaders, buses, vans, fuels trucks, and you can get up close to them all using the included custom camera views or with the avatar in P3D. Making them driveable would be an interesting expansion on this that I think would make the most sense, so maybe FS Dreamteam are the ones to suggest this to on their forums. Some PMDG aircraft (at least the 747 Queen of the skies II) come with a driveable pushback tug, so you can control the pushback of your own plane, but I'm not sure if you can then drive it around. I often just use the avatar in P3D, or the drone camera in MSFS, to wander around an airport and surrounds to check out the finer details of a scenery. Particularly with many developers now including interior modelling and more detailed surrounds, you can spend hours just wandering around an airport, just like I do in real life when I get a chance to do that occasionally. I notice that the new Adelaide International by Impulse simulations has included the building which houses the record breaking Vickers Vimy (although not the plane itself), and I visited this in real life one day when I had few hours to kill at the real YPAD. I spent over an hour there and I was the only one there! I found that just by wandering around the perimeter of the airport, and walking to all the places I was allowed to . An interesting idea for sure, but be warned, you will find opposition from the traditionalists who think you should not be allowed to leave your plane .
  21. The last printer I bought was a Canon PixmaMG6150, in about 2007, but have not needed a printer for years, as I just use PDFs on a tablet or my phone or PC now.
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