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Everything posted by paulb

  1. Thank you kindly Martyn Interesting comment re the clouds. Amazingly there is a 48 page long post on a different forum about the clouds. Many claim that the were more detailed and better before SU3 and SU5 updates. As I wasn't an early adopter, I have no idea!
  2. Is the weather chasing you Jack? If so, please don't fly to the UK!
  3. Thank you Gerold. MSFS seems a good place to take screenshots
  4. Many thanks Jack . It's a nice island to fly from - well positioned for fairly short flights to Italy, France and Spain, as well as North Africa.
  5. Thank you kindly John
  6. Glad that you liked then Calum
  7. Many thanks Landon. Living in the UK, I have seen the team display many times. First class!
  8. I do understand that. I just wondered if Central looked within the MSFS install to identify scenery.
  9. Some shots from today's flight. MB339-A PAN flying from Cagliari Elmas Airport, an international airport located in the territory of Elmas, near Cagliari, on the Italian island of Sardinia. The airport opened on 3 May 1937. It was upgraded in 2003 and the terminal was expanded and provided with 6 jet bridges for passenger boarding, with a capacity of 4 million passengers per year. In 2018, the airport handled 4,370,014 passengers The MB339-A PAN is flown by the Frecce Tricolori, the aerobatic team of the Italian Air Force. Orbx LIEE Cagliari Elmas Airport and MSFS
  10. Thank you kindly Gerold .
  11. Nice set Don . But what an isolated place to live.
  12. A super set Adam . Your 737 looks good. I have that one in P3D but not in MSFS.
  13. Nice shots and narrative Martyn Live weather? Well its sunny in Wales at the moment .
  14. I purchased some Orbx scenery from Microsoft marketplace last month. I have noticed that it doesn't show in Central alongside Orbx scenery purchased directly. Not a big deal, but Central is an easy way to remind myself of all the scenery that I have. Is there a reason for this please?
  15. Great shots Jack! . I notice that no-one else is taking off or landing whilst you are doing your aerobatics!
  16. Great flight Gerold. An interesting flight and helpful narrative
  17. Thanks Landon . Indeed it is a beautiful country - very scenic.
  18. Thank you Martyn . Austria is interesting, being land locked and bordered by seven countries.
  19. Thank you sir. Glad that you liked them
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