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Just wanted to let every body no that i am not getting any support regarding downloading my latest purchase i think it is about time Orbx visited there public relations attuide towards customers .I have paid good money for a product  i cant download. If this carries on i will not be buying any more product.They smple will not respond to my requests...................robin

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ORBX and FSS service is actually quite exceptional to be honest, some of the best around.

Have you sent an email to the FSS or asked here on the forums how your issue may be resolved.

I'm sure they will help to have you up and running soon.

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ORBX and FSS service is actually quite exceptional to be honest, some of the best around.

Have you sent an email to the FSS or asked here on the forums how your issue may be resolved.

I'm sure they will help to have you up and running soon.

Tried their unmanned chat window too. No one should have to wait three days for an email reply like kiwipilot.

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Yes i have sent emails i think i have tried every avenue to download my latest purchase. This is the first time i have experienced this in all the years i have been flying Approx 25 Years I even bought the Orbx  wrapper  which will not work.................................robin

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I have also gotten zero response to my issue that I posted. Im going to try to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are all on vacation due to Easter.. But honestly they should of at least put up a post that they would not be around this week. I am left feeling ignored as a customer. Even if they don't know how to fix my issue. it would be nice to get some kind of response at least saying so. 

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I don't understand what everyone is doing to give themselves problems, I've been buying from FSS for years and have never had to email Adrian for anything.  I use my CC or PayPal and everything works like it should.

Oh we do it intentionally don't you know ::) ?  I never had a problem with a download till this week. Consider yourself lucky because someday you might get the all night wrapper.

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I have to go with Bruce and other positive posts here.. I have been dealing with the store and Orbx since day one, and NEVER had a problem, in fact I have had exceptionally good service for all those years. I had occasion to email them a couple of days ago, got a reply (the standard we will get back to you"} same day, and recieved my answer the following day and I am in the USA.

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I'm with Bruve too. I have purchased every Orbx scenery there is and every one of them worked as advertised. The only problem I ever had was trying to download on the same day it came out and got snail-pace download times. When that happens I just start the download when I go to bed at night and by morning I have it.


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Kiwipilot, I can see you are frustrated, but the overwhelming experience for Orbx users is positive. I have pretty much all the Orbx products, and like many here, have dome multiple transactions and downloads, ie FSX installers, double and now triple, a really huge download history. If it's a registration problem, that is for Flightsim Store, if its the download, unwrapping process, try the Orbx payware support forum. Your problem will be resolved, be confident of that.

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Did you download using a Download Manager as recommended by the FSS Store.  Also have you made sure that your ISP has not timed out during your download.


90% of complaints reported to the store are usually customer related and not the store.  Further more Adrian is one of the best store helpers around but also has another job to hold down.


Also if the guy is on his sick bed, then be a little patient and I am sure you will be helped as soon as Adrian is back on his feet.

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I can confirm that it can take days for them to answer a mail even. Recently I bought a scenery (not Orbx) from FSS and I went to my downloads page to download it after purchase but there was no download link as there usually is. So I sent them a mail and it took a couple of days before they answered and then fixed the link. Unfortunately they gave me a link that was for the upgrade version of the scenery I bought so I couldn't use it. Took another couple of days and then I finally got the correct link. In contrast, Aerosoft has THE best online customer service I've seen so far, closely followed by Justflight. They have a little chat tab down in the bottom right corner (this is getting more and more common amongst e-commerce vendors) and it is manned, I think office hours here in Europe. Just click it and someone will help you out, if not right away, in just a few moments. The only reason I buy from FSS is because they are, unfortunately, the only FTX/orbx download products online vendor. I wish I could buy from Justflight instead. This is just my personal experience but it's enough to shy me away from FSS unfortunately. Also a note to all online vendors, if you can't give customer support/service on weekends then you should have your store closed, you know like IRL stores. Imagine going to the hardware store to buy a powertool that you really need to use during that weekend and it's something wrong with it, you go back on Saturday and they say "sorry we don't serve weekends, sales only". Would you go to that store again? Not me.

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I have made 2 purchases from FSS this week and have had no problems whatever. And when I have had the occasional problem I have never had a problem getting it fixed. I may have had to wait for a few days occasionally but that is never a problem. As a rather senior (in age) member of this forum I have learnt over the years that patience is well rewarded.

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I experienced no problems with my purchase, download (I use the payware version of Internet Download Manager) and installation of Sedona.


That is consistent with my recollection of other download products from FSS. If the file is over 800mb, I usually pay the extra for the disk option and use that when it arrives in the mail. Thus, I have not been able to fault FSS in terms of performance for sales, downloading and installation.


The aspects which have surprised (but not yet deterred) me have been the email and phone, especially as I am communicating with FSS in the same country and time zone and during their normal business hours. Again from recollection, the three or four times I have sent emails have in some cases involved a delay of about a day but in others been almost immediate in terms of a response. However, I have never been successful in my phone calls resulting in anyone at the FSS end picking up the phone. The last occasion was about two weeks ago when I rang twice during business hours to alert them to the fact that their then newly listed updated Aerosoft Heraklion X was showing with a price of "$0". They must have got the message from someone else or realised the glitch because about an hour later later I noticed that it was corrected to "$23.35".



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I have been pleased with FSS. I did have an issue a year ago when I used Paypal and the verification got hung up. I was impatient so I re- ordered and that messed up the system because two approvals were assigned to my single order. The wrapper couldn't find my correct order number. Adrian helped me straighten it out and I've had problem free ordering since then.


I just requested my senior discount status, submitted my ID, and got approval notification a day later. That certainly is excellent customer service to me.



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IMHO the culprit is 'Broadband'.


I used to have broadband that took 12 hours to download an Orbx region. I can now do it in 12 minutes or less. A lot more can happen to a download in 12 hours than 12 minutes so a download manager is a must but there is always the other option of requesting disks for those unfortunate enough to be in the position of having very slow broadband.


I would like to also say that I have had a relatively problem free experience with FSS and on the odd occasion that things did go wrong, the matter was sorted out to my satisfaction in a timely and courteous manner. It is probably my age but in this 24/7 society, peoples expectations of service do not take reality into account often enough.Time of day, day of week, week of year, holidays, illness, all must be taken into account and the fact also that if it is Monday morning 10am in your locality it sure as $%£ isn't in Australia.



Kind regards



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You're right Ian patience is a virtue that you acquire (a liitle) with age but mobbing a customer who has a genuine issue, like do some posts (not yours)  in this thread, is IMHO doing a great disservice to the people of FSS and OrbX, among all those who never write a post but read.

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Hi Bruce

Yeow!  When I first joined the online world in 1992, I had a 14.4 dialup that was faster than that.

To be precise the speed I was paying for was .92

That's right Point92

Makes me wonder how I managed to download at all.


Kind regards



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IMHO the culprit is simply poor customer service. If the bloke is sick, understood, but he's still running a business.


If 90% or whatever of the support issues are PEBKAC (Problem exists between keyboard and chair) all well and good, but in my cases the support needs were not technical issues at all. Fraknly I'm more technically capable on the windows platform and the wider network area than many of you. My issues were more business issues that required response from the FSS, which after three emails and many weeks, almost a month, I finally got a response. And they never answered their phone either. I can understand how all you fan boys want to praise anything to do with Orbx where the FSS have a relationship to Orbx, and I like Orbx too, but this web store is barely operating as a business in the real sense from a customer support perspective.


In one case I was kept being referred back to the FSS for obtaining a patch for an add on since the vendor didnt want to provide it directly to me because I bought it from the FSS and not their vendor direct web store. After almost a month of not being able to use the product I fairly paid for, and no response at all despite email/phone/smoke signal contact attempts to the FSS, I appealed directly to the vendor for him and the owner eventually relented and agreed to send me the patch directly from his web store. God forbid I think about what might happen when a new patch is released and I need that too.


To be fair I havent had any network related issues with either bandwidth or latency problems from the FSS. I use a download manager that parallels download streams and fills my broadband connection to its WAN peak everytime I need to download from the FSS. I am not convinced that anecdotal customer reports about network problems from the FSS are the root cause of the FSS infrastructure, given my experiences I consider it more likely to be elsewhere with the root network cause for those who have had problems.

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IMHO the culprit is simply poor customer service. If the bloke is sick, understood, but he's still running a business.


 I can understand how all you fan boys want to praise anything to do with Orbx where the FSS have a relationship to Orbx, and I like Orbx too, but this web store is barely operating as a business in the real sense from a customer support perspective.


In one case I was kept being referred back to the FSS for obtaining a patch for an add on since the vendor didnt want to provide it directly to me because I bought it from the FSS and not their vendor direct web store. After almost a month of not being able to use the product I fairly paid for, and no response at all despite email/phone/smoke signal contact attempts to the FSS, I appealed directly to the vendor for him and the owner eventually relented and agreed to send me the patch directly from his web store. God forbid I think about what might happen when a new patch is released and I need that too.


First at 95% we are all cry babies when we buy... something. I know I am.


I'm on the other side of Australia continent and the speed I get (at 99%) is what I'm paying for (on mi side).


I personally never had one single problem with FSS so I can't comment on that. But let's say that I buy a lot from them.


I think you should watch the words you are using... it won't serve you well here, trust me on this one.


When I had issue with an ORBX product I posted in the right section and people where there to help very fast, customer and ORBX staff.


Yesterday I bought an Heli from an other vendor and the zip file would not unzip... well I was using the suggested ORBX download manager and THAT was the problem at the other store. Product was perfect.


I fully understand the frustration of not having what you paid for, in this case an instant purchase of a downloaded software... but hey, you know, there is only one  good way to get fast answer, staying polite.


They had a server problem weeks ago and yes THE FAN where all aware.  The fan offered help... beautiful gesture.


What I'm trying to say is let's stay polite, constructive and understanding.


And by the way, respectful fan may sometime have a little more attention when having a problem... and I do that in my own business.


Cheers, Ben

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mobbing a customer who has a genuine issue...is IMHO doing a great disservice


I concur. 


First at 95% we are all cry babies when we buy...

I think you should watch the words you are using...

Er, quite.

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