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Jay Kae

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Ok, it is now 636pm where I am, all the maintenance and upgrades that needed to be done which ran perfect in the sandbox went haywire.
I have had to pull orbxsystems and fullterrain out of the rack and put it in it's own separate rack, this afffected all the servers and services I provide to various parties (incl. REX, OZx etc etc.)

Intel XQCore, 3.3GHz x 4 (64 threads)
2 Gbps Uplink
10,000 GB RAID-1 Drives
250 TB Bandwidth

The above are the new specs for the server which holds Orbx and FTX .. 6 days, 11-13 hours sleep at the most...

Goodnight if there are more issues I will look into them tomorrow .. or whenever I wake up


My apologies for the longevity of this but there are HUGE amounts of data as you may imagine to be transported and my original post about it all got lost in the database issue I had to start it all off with 

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I once spent 3 full days without sleep so I really know what you're talking about. Someone once said that things like this should be easy, like they do in NASA when they unplug something and plug it elsewhere and everything works. Besides the biggest nonsense I ever heard, I didn't know on what planet this occurred. 

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I spent over 30 years in the business Jay. So I know how you feel. You're tired. You might even, at times, be a little angry. You sometimes wonder if it's all worth it. But in the end there's the pride of service. Knowing that you've pulled the irons from the fire and that you'll do it again. Whether or not others know what you've done and sacrificed doesn't matter. Deep down inside you know the only thing that matters is that you've done the job and done it right. And that you'll do it again for the same reasons. Hang in there, it only gets better. Thank you for being there.....



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I spent over 30 years in the business Jay. So I know how you feel. You're tired. You might even, at times, be a little angry. You sometimes wonder if it's all worth it. But in the end there's the pride of service. Knowing that you've pulled the irons from the fire and that you'll do it again. Whether or not others know what you've done and sacrificed doesn't matter. Deep down inside you know the only thing that matters is that you've done the job and done it right. And that you'll do it again for the same reasons. Hang in there, it only gets better. Thank you for being there.....



What Doug says and more!


We who have been there are proud of those who follow on the path we've trod. It feels good to have left such a legacy.


Having spent the better part of forty years in the business myself, I can feel your pain and trepidation as you try to get some sleep with fingers crossed; hoping against hope that you've finally resolved all the issues. 


Thank you for your dedication. Your efforts are recognized and greatly appreciated in my little corner of the world.


Hang in there!


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