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AYPY Finding the bush strips?


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AYPY.....  terrific scenery! Thanks.


Love flying in PNG, have done in the past with a different platform and scenery, especially the challenge of the bush strips.


Whilst I appreciate the Kokoda aerial mud map provided, is there a more scientific/aviation method to actually find these bush strips?


So far I've found most of them using the "square search" and "look out the window" method.  Bit hit and miss.....  then the problem of the approach and landing!


Don't think I've missed anything in the documentation.....


Any help here appreciated.....  otherwise I'll just have to saddle up the Twotter and try, try again!




chris from oz

P3D v2.2


AYPY Order No.FSS0298899

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A chart for the area if one exists is probably the way to go. Google earth isn't that helpful in this area.

I'm just planning to build up some local knowledge for the area and see if I can use the tried and tested track, time and distance method and identify some reliable visual reference points. ;)

Loving this by the way Orbx guys. "Experiences" is the way to go if you want to see me open my dusty wallet on a regular basis!

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Here's a list of GPS coords for the Kokoda track to get you from Kokoda southwards...





Kokoda  8.53.177 S  147.43.872 E


Helipad 8.59.257 S  147.44.103 E


Abandoned Myola runway 9.8.976 S  147.45.865 E


Track turns west 9.7.773 S  147.43.585 E


Launumu  9.8.568 S  147.41.112 E Track runs north of here


Kagi  9.8.137 S  147.40.216 E  Track turns south here


Efogi  9.9.284 S  147.39.590 E


Track turns south 9.9.882 S  147.38.528 E


Manari  9.11.454 S  147.37.316 E Track heads SE


Track turns south 9.12.382 S  147.38.044 E then curves to due west then heads due south to SW up a ridge


High summit 9.16.426 S  147.35.805 E


High summit 9.20.361 S  147.31.389 E


End of track  9.21.722 S  147.29.288 E

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If you leave Kokoda and head back towards the coast you'll pick up the Kokoda track winding its way up and over the hill (the only track/road in the area apart from the road that goes to Poppendetta) simply follow this and you'll hit the memorial and helipad at Isurava a bit further on you'll see large open grassy areas to your left....... the bush strips are in a tightly packed clump to your right, the Kokoda track goes past most of them




Probably best to use a chopper for the first time to get your bearings, the Twinotter is at the large end of what I would take into these and takes a lot of practice, during development me and Ken bust up so many aircraft testing these...


As for approach plates and scientific methods I dont think any exist except amongst the folks who actually do fly to these - check these videos of real-world flights in this area and you'll see what I mean: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/80474-flying-the-kokoda-track/


Kind regards


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Another hint for those with PlanG v3 is to set the map on OpenCycleMap which shows contours and its easier to match the terrain with what you are flying if you are using another screen for PlanG.

Haven't used plan G since the OZx days Trev is the data base updated to include PNG strips?


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Here is a Link for aTPC Map:






Great find Robert. Thank you so much for sharing.  It will give the AYPY customers some fantastic insight of the region and compliment the outstanding work that Tim and Ken have done for this underestimated area in FSX/P3D.


I have my fathers RAAF's "Operational Navigation Charts" of the whole of PNG from 1981(a little earlier than yours), when he was flying 38 Squadron Caribou's there.  I often use them when flying in (FSX) PNG.


I can not thank Tim and Ken enough for going out on a limb here and taking a risk on PNG.  I truly hope that this will not be the last of it and when better imagery is compiled of PNG, more of their "magic touch" can be added to this fantastic release.


"If you can fly in PNG?  You can fly anywhere in the world!"

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Hi all,


you can find all airports with VOR/DME. It is quite fun to navigate using only this.


(AYPY VOR PY 117.00 MHz)

Airstrip   Radial/Distance

AYKO   036/45

Isurava   042/41

Bodinumo   047/33

Boridi   045/33

Milei   041/32

Timkenumo   047/33

Kagi   049/33

Launumu   050/33

Myola   055/37

Efogi   050/31

Manari   051/28


BTW: Thanks for incredible charts!

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Ken ,planG creates the database from the FSX scenery.cfg file, so you rerun the configurator and get all the airfields (afcaded) in your install.. Plus there are soms files with all the NZ  and other non Afcaded airfields.



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If any of you are lucky enough to have an ipad and a subscription to ozrunways you can use it with flight sim in simulator mode after u install a plugin on your pc. I have all real world charts and made it alot easier finding the bush strips :)

I would not be without my ipad in flight In the real world or flight simming.

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Ken ,planG creates the database from the FSX scenery.cfg file, so you rerun the configurator and get all the airfields (afcaded) in your install.. Plus there are soms files with all the NZ  and other non Afcaded airfields.



Thanks Jorge, I'd forgotten all that neat stuff
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Jorge, I re-ran my FSX Database (Build Navigation Database) in Plan G but no airstrips.

Is there another procedure to get strips like Efogi in Plan G?



I'm just downloading and trying the latest Version 3.1

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The AYPY Jacksons PNG scenery comes with a Google Earth file "ORBX_PNG_airport_package_map_V1.0.kmz" which is in the \ORBX\User Documents\ folder in your P3D installation folder. Opening this in Google Earth, you can zoom into each of the Kokoda strips and see the latitude/longitude and elevations at each end of the strips, plus check terrain terrain elevation around the strips.


With those latitude/longitude coordinates from the .kmz file, or the coordinates John Dow listed above, you can enter these into the P3D from the menu World -> Map. Enter the latitude/longitude, zero for altitude & speed, whatever heading you want to start with, and you will be put right on the strip. Or, enter an altitude above the strip plus appropriate speed, and start yourself flying above the strip - no slewing needed.

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