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Squamish FSX


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Been a wile. Hope you enjoy this crazy new scenery. My rig won't let me put all detail level to max/cliqued in the airport control panel but I guess I'm pretty representative of the average customer as to rig goes. FPS with the Cerasim 222 is around 25 (5 to 8 more with stock FSX plane) but does drop sometime in the 15 (not for long). The Airport control panel is VERY well done and let you choose stuff depending on your computer power. Slider are by the book as suggested in the PDF file. If all cliqued to active the FPS was simple to low and often in the single digit. You have to chose them one (or 3) at the  time to see your performance. That said, it's well worthed!!!


I personally can't film with FRAP in this scenery so I'm moving to Bandicam today. I'm running FSX.


This is helicopter, small GA and seaplane even.

























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As an advertisement for Squamish, I would be instantly sold on the strength of your shots alone!... picture perfect!


Gonna get this scenery tomorrow!

+1 - These look fantastic Ben !! .





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Shots like these make the work that went into the build well worth it. Superb stuff.


I quit work today (it's rainy) ans got back into Squamish, I had fun with the quest amphibian trying to put her in the hangar.... You know witch one :-)  The lady was watching me with her son.

I then took off between the boat scraping some sailboat mast.


I tell you, bravo! Stunning scenery but on top it's full of fun thing to do.


You made justice to that beautiful river I had the pleasure of camping bedside... illegally in 2000.


Funny, it was in a Westfalia camper van, the one that I see so often on other scenery.


I never thought Squamish would look like that from the air.


Just out of the sim and flown from Squamish to Tipella and then to Vancouver +. Made me want to rediscover that beautiful corner of the world.


Cheers, Ben

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