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Bridg-o-batics, finally

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So, after http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/78483-and-this-could-also-have-come-next/ , http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/78554-where-am-i-extra-edition/ and http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/78529-john-wayne/ let me summarize the creativity session...:


Checking if this might fit between the cables...:



Well, the bridge is solid enough to land (thanks, Orbx-staff!). But the trucks ain´t...



So a little spin around:



... with an uncommon cockpit view...





And finally, a releaxed and usual approach to Alameda:



Lots of fun here, just because the bridge was existing. But now, off for more touristic touring.

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Gerald I bet you were even more dizzy after flying that bit than I was after viewing the shots. LOL


But I have to wonder as to the likely offspring will be from your mating with that truck. ;)




Tom Wunder

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I could not breath for a while after the 4th shot :blink:

Excellent scenes and please continue the story.

That´s why we should have Oxygen masks in the cockpit.  ;D


Gerold ,  make sure you clean up the inside of your aircraft . ???:o:lol:



It is not Ryan Air, we still have paper bags for free here.


Man, oh, man!!! What are you doing? :)

Just do the needful, as the Indians say.


Good trial on the truck. I kind of suspected that you would go through it, but wasn't sure. We now know...

At least the bridge is solid. So the experiment was not too soft.


Gerald I bet you were even more dizzy after flying that bit than I was after viewing the shots. LOL

But I have to wonder as to the likely offspring will be from your mating with that truck. ;)


Tom Wunder

I do not even know how long we have to wait for the result. Perhaps the 747 was developed this way?

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Fun shots.

As Dirty Harry would ask: "Do I feel lucky?"

Can be assumed.


Exciting stuff Gerold.

So what barnstorming are you up to next?

Just relaxed sightseeing in the Bay area....


Wonderful shots Gerold 8)


Great shots.




nice shots - have fun !


Thanks, mates!

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