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FSX... i think i want a Divorce !


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FSX for me is slightly smoother overall than P3D, and really is 'slightly' mostly due to 1/2 v-sync... there is no way FSX never stutters for anyone, as any engine that streams data will hiccup now and then. For me 99% of the time v2.2 is a smooth as FSX and there is no horrible  :wacko:  Autogen pop-up, no flashing water reflections or clouds (both common in FSX) and I have a whole host of other improvements that FSX simply can't do, and never will. P3D looks so close to the real world at times its amazing, whereas FSX looks flat, dull and boring in comparison. If P3D stutters badly, then it is down to your PC environment and/or hardware set-up... that fact may not be appealing, but it is the way it is, sorry.


I truly think some people are scared of the change, and like the familiar of good OLD FSX... personally I want things to move forward, and for that reason FSX has had its day and its time to say bye bye.

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 There is no way FSX never stutters for anyone, as any engine that streams data will hiccup now and then. For me 99% of the time v2.2 is a smooth as FSX and there is no horrible  :wacko:  Autogen pop-up, no flashing water reflections or clouds (both common in FSX) and I have a whole host of other improvements that FSX simply can't do, and never will. P3D looks so close to the real world at times its amazing, whereas FSX looks flat, dull and boring in comparison. If P3D stutters badly, then it is down to your PC environment and/or hardware set-up... that fact may not be appealing, but it is the way it is, sorry.


Offcourse stutters occur on a good tuned FSX too, but as I see them in FSX they come occasioanally and only 1 at a time and it happens if the frammerate drops a little from that constant 30 FPS and when they come I hardly notice them. In P3D they come every 2 seconds and in bursts 3-4 stutters at a time and is way more pronounced and it happens even at good frames, and at ground level it is awful, there the small bursts develops into 1 seconds scenery lag, like the landscape can't keep up even at slow speed in a trike. I don't have a high end system but it's fairly decent, and It's weird that lowering settings to the rock botton isn't helping either in P3Dv2. I also find it hard to belive that my system isnt' capable of handling P3Dv2  with all sliders at minumum!!, when in FSX I can almost max everything without a hich(offcourse it needs to be tweaked first)...


About P3Dv2 looks closer to the real world compared to FSX,,, too be honest,, take away vol fog/clouds and shadows and it basicly looks the same as a pimped up FSX with an ENB mod. But offcourse I agree with looking into the future and I have my copy of P3Dv2 and will keep it and test out each new patch and the day they solved the stutters then Im all in again. That being said I still don't feel I miss to much of the "future" except the vol fog and cockpit shadows, in some areas I find my FSX install more visually stunning, I might even dive into DX10 just to get the shadows but at the moment I can live without them.

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Only reason I'm not using P3D is Orbx NZNI and NZSI. When these are released for P3Dv2 I will be right back there. Really the only thing that should be stopping anyone is compatible addons. If everything you fly and use is P3D compatible then jump ship. The improvements in lighting and shadows alone are worth it.

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I wish I could offer some advice, but I've never had OOM or CTD in FSX. Not once. My sliders are maxed except for traffic/ships/boats.


FSX will keep me happy until 2015. By then, I predict the decision to move to P3D will be much clearer.

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 Really the only thing that should be stopping anyone is compatible addons. If everything you fly and use is P3D compatible then jump ship. The improvements in lighting and shadows alone are worth it.


I jumped ship when P3Dv2 got released, I was so hyped up and biased and really tought I could make a switch right away. So I installed P3Dv2 and removed FSX and all my hundreds of addons in favor of P3Dv2 in default mode.

In the beginning I hadn't to much performance issues and stutters wasn't all bad(pretty bad though compared to my tweaked and tuned FSX) and with LM statement for the 2.1 patch that they had solved a "legacy issue with stutters" really made me think I had taken the right choice. Then more addons got available and it induced more stutters, more time went and I still was calming myself that when the 2.1  patch arrived I would be in SIM heaven. And the day came, patch 2.1 was released and guess what, those legacy stutters had not been fixed but had gotten worse.


I was so dissapointed that I took a long break from civil flight sims and used DCS for awhile, because I already had removed FSX I wasn't tempted to reinstall and I was kinda fed up struggling with civ flight sims at the time. When patch 2.2 came I got back into the game in hope that the stutter issue had improved, but still a stuttery mess... So I decided to keep P3Dv2 with only a few addons for testing future patches and reinstalled FSX. And now I can't understand what went through my head removing FSX because it performs awsome and apart from the vol fog/clouds and shadows It looked even better than P3Dv2 visually. Im now flying FSX 100%.


What's stops me is performance and stutters, addons will come eventually and most of the planes I fly is already working in P3Dv2.





FSX will keep me happy until 2015. By then, I predict the decision to move to P3D will be much clearer.


:P, may I ask what's happening in 2015 and why is it easier to decide then??

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:P, may I ask what's happening in 2015 and why is it easier to decide then??


1 - Performance issues solved?

2 - My jealousy of everyone enjoying all of the eye candy will be too overwhelming  :P. I'm trying to contain myself.


Either way, all good. My FSX runs smooth, and looks fantastic. And I, like you, dabble in DCS, as well as RoF, and CoD. Plenty to keep me happy!

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             You have made your opinions on p3dv2 stuttering quite clear in several posts. I too get some very minor stutters looking sideways from the cockpit at times - but the look of P3D compared to FSX - with or without it's many scenery enhancements - is much more real IMO. I'll live with a slight stutter.


And BTW i run p3dv2 on a dual core 6850 with a GTX570 on medium settings, lock it at 24fps and it stays there most of the time. So i don't know what's wrong with all these people with modern systems who complain about performance. If i can enjoy the sim on my old system, it should really fly on yours. There's something wrong there somewhere. 

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I think Pete its not the size or power of the system that counts here as the coding should enable most systems to run P3D.. its a graphics driver config problem that makes this an issue.. I have seen this type of problem before in other applications and until its fixed on the graphics driver side it will be encountered across all spectrums of PCs..Some systems are just better at masking the problem then others..same as FSX you get people who claim they have no issues and run everything on max which I find very doubtful as they tend to leave out what they want and tell you only what suits them and what they want to believe...You cant run FSX on max with all addons including DX10 and scenery no matter what system you have without it oneday going Kaboom. !!.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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I sense that some may get a little offended by my whining about the stutters 8) . Sorry for talking to much about it, but it just kills the immersion when flying for me and maybe that's just me.

As I have said earlier I keep my P3Dv2 install to experiment with and download every patch to see where this SIM goes and wether I can make a permanent switch. If I had an agenda against it I wouldn't keep it, and I could have gotten my refund and forgot about the whole thing. I still keep my hopes up that LM gets this stutter issue fixed and then I'll switch for the future.

Until then Im happily flying FSX because all the eyecandy in the world doesn't make up for the awful stutters. 

I also reccomended the OP  that if he would buy P3Dv2 not to be as stupid as me and remove FSX right away because he may dislike the stutters just like I do and then facing a huge reinstall of the "old" sim.


I also found this thread nice for venting out a few of my frustrations regarding P3Dv2 because It has frustrated the heck outta me to say the least, at one point I was ready to give up civil flightsimming altogether and concentrate on combat sims.

I may have spammed the thread abit to much about stutters but I just couldn't resist and it felt good to get it outta my system, sorry if anyone gets offended by it. I have a bad habit at getting carried away sometimes and don't see when to stop :footmouth::wacko:::)

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No need to apologize mate..its the truth and god we all need to start speaking the truth. Its one of the reasons I started this was to get it out on the table.. We all know how much bullshit is out there in the sim world we have all spent countless hrs reading then tweaking then reading then tweaking. ..all to find out that you cant fix it all on your own and most tweaking causes more issues. My pet hate is autogen popping and thats because it kills the immersion. .just like yours is stuttering for the same reason. . We all dont spend hundreds and thousands just to have some crappy annoying glitch make it all seem like a waste of time..With FSX we cant do much about it but lets not hold back on P3D and let LM know that this is a problem and its stopping me enjoying your product to the point that its been shelved until you fix it..So as I said before some systems are better then others at masking or reducing that dosent make this issue less important or non existent..So no need to turn on each other about it or just say live with it or its not true..P3D users have an advantage over us FSX users you have power to make things change so don't waste it by being in denial and being selfish in your attitude towards others because one day its going to be you... in this game if you aint got a problem today you will definitely have it tomorrow.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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I may have spammed the thread abit to much about stutters but I just couldn't resist and it felt good to get it outta my system, sorry if anyone gets offended by it.


Kaboki, I'm not offended mate, I just wish everyone could get good performance, like a lot of us do.


Just one thing, please shut down any programs running in the background whilst your running either FSX or P3D if you haven't already done so. I'm sure many people have numerous icon's running programs in the tray severely detracting performance.


Regards   johno

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I truly think some people are scared of the change, and like the familiar of good OLD FSX... personally I want things to move forward, and for that reason FSX has had its day and its time to say bye bye.


Indeed..... "some" people, the majority just use common sense, just like the professional system administrator who doesn't immediately install the latest fancy Operating System on all the client computers in his company.


Let me know when you're done beta testing for Lockheed, when it actually offers more than just visuals and when the global market's main focus becomes Prepar3D....until then I'll continue to focus on flying, which is the main reason why I bought a flight simulator. We will eventually switch, no doubt about that. Many of us are just wating to make the jump when the time is right for..... us.

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Kaboki, I'm not offended mate, I just wish everyone could get good performance, like a lot of us do.


Just one thing, please shut down any programs running in the background whilst your running either FSX or P3D if you haven't already done so. I'm sure many people have numerous icon's running programs in the tray severely detracting performance.


Lol, I was just waiting for this moment, when someone would start giving advice on the misson impossible:D. Mate, I have tried everything there is to try, done 3-4 reinstalls(including wndows), tweaked the .cfg file, untweaked it, deleted it. Lowered settings to the lowest there is, and I got frames up in the hundreds but stutter remainded. I been trying and trying to get this to work for months reading al the tips and advices around, I even tried to force my monitor running at 30Hz(It only supported it in interlaced modus and it didn't help).

I also tried to unclock my CPU back to default, and up again, tried with HT on and OFF. Also convinced a friend of mine to test it out on he's gaming rig but it ran just as badly. Even started a thread in this forum awhile back to get help. There is not much more to do for me really than wait for a patch and pray to the almigthy that LM fixes this issue. :mellow:, but anyway thanks for trying to help.


Also I forgot to mention I not only have problems with stutters but my headtrack also acts very jerky when it stutters and it makes it hard to even land a plane, it's like Im looking to the left for a short second and turn my head straight forward but the picture still hangs for a second or two before it corrects. Making it almost impossible to fly using the headtrack....

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About P3Dv2 looks closer to the real world compared to FSX,,,too be honest,, take away vol fog/clouds and shadows and It basicly looks the same as a pimped up FSX with ENB mod.


So basically take away everything that gives the world depth in real life and it looks like FSX? That's kind of his point :)


The cloud/vegetation/building/cockpit/etc. shadows are one of those things you only miss when you are used to having them.


But if you fly in real life like I do, you realize how important they are. The HDR in P3D2.2 is better then ENB IMO because it's actually tailored to the sim. You don't get all the silly "burn your eyes out white cloud" effect.

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So basically take away everything that gives the world depth in real life and it looks like FSX? That's kind of his point :)


The cloud/vegetation/building/cockpit/etc. shadows are one of those things you only miss when you are used to having them.


But if you fly in real life like I do, you realize how important they are. The HDR in P3D2.2 is better then ENB IMO because it's actually tailored to the sim. You don't get all the silly "burn your eyes out white cloud" effect.


I know they add alot to the imersion and I have been used to them a few months now(actually been used to vol/clouds in other sims even longer). But all that new immersion enhanchers isn't worth shit when the stutters ruins the nice picture...and a jerky headtracker that makes it impossible to get good situational awareness. So for the time being, good old FSX is giving me more immersion than P3Dv2 is capable off at the moment. Stutters is the number 1 immersion killer for me, because it takes away the whole feeling of naturally flowing trough the air... I tought I wasn't able to enjoy FSX again after seing all these great "effects" but when I reinstalled and pimped up my FSX again after using P3Dv2 for some months I must honestly say that I actually find FSX looks quite good and I found the ENB mod to be just as good for me as the HDR, and more important, I can remove the stutters wich with P3Dv2 is impossible. Also the water in FSX looks alot better than in P3Dv2 so switching back gave me an "upgrade" in water visuals.


Offcourse having vol fog/clouds and shadows(DX9) in FSX isn't possible, and It was the announcement of these features that got me into buying P3Dv2. But when it's almost unflyable for me in this new enviroment with all these fancy new features, what's the point in having them. I don't miss them I tiny bit, having good performance and no stutters makes up for it all and I have even forgotten that vol fog/clouds exists(Vol clouds isn't exactly something new, it's been around for years and I very used to it and knows perfectly well how they can add to the immersion).


And no Im not a real pilot, but I have been a passenger and know what it feels like sitting on a plane watching the landscape go by and when Im sitting on a plane in real life I don't see stutters and scenery lag so I expect that to be the same in the sim, the stutters make me loose the feel of speed, the feel of being in the air it only contributes more to the feeeling that Im sitting and staring at a computer monitor and not actually flying.

Then you all could say, what about the autogen popup, doesnt that kill your immersion, and my answer is yes it does but I only see them occasionaly and not all the time, but the stutters in P3Dv2 is there ALL THE TIME.

So prefer the rare occasional immersion killer over the constant ones in P3Dv2, and I know how to avoid cloud popping in FSX so I can choose not too see them.


Im so happy to be back in the "dark ages" and I enjoy being here for some time until LM enlightens me with a new patch that gets me back into the future ::). But we all have different tastes and what kills immersion for me may not be that big deal for others.




Here is a picture when I have turned every setting down to minimun, and the weird thing is even at these bad visual settings that even a standard laptop should be able to run, the annoying every 2 seconds of bursts with stutter still is present. Something tells me that there is a seriuos issue at this engines core level.




Look at my specs and don't tell me my computer shouldn't handle grapichs like this without stutters...

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. . . But we all have different tastes and what kills immersion for me may not be that big deal for others.


I'm sorry that Prepar3D is not running better for you. But this isn't so much about our differences in what makes a sim immersive for each of us, as it is about the way that this sim runs for each of us, If I was experiencing the stutters that you have described in this thread, I wouldn't find P3D2 to be very immersive either, and I would be pretty unhappy with P3D2.


But I'm not.  So it isn't that some of us are just ignoring the stutters, but that we are actually experiencing very little stuttering. 


I own P3D2, FSX and X-Plane 10 (and MS Flight, and Aerofly FS). But P3D2 honestly gives me the best immersion of any filghtsim, so that is the one that I'm going to use (and the only one that I'm now willing to invest in).  P3D is still in development, and I would expect that v.2.3 will likely further improve performance.

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There's clearly something wrong with your setup in relation to P3D2.2.

Do you think so many people would be using it if it stuttered every 2 seconds on minimum settings?



Yes I belive many people will ignore these bursts of microstutters. I live up too the words from X-files, "I don't belive it before I see it". That's why I asked for anyone to put up a P3Dv2 video without these small bursts of micro stutters so I can beleive(and you can make others belive because frankly Im not alone with these issues, I have seen plenty of reports from other simmers about the same).

Some said it's the recording software that induce stutters into these videos, but I find it weird that I can go on youtube and watch plenty of FSX videos running stutterfree and not a single one from P3Dv2. And in all these P3Dv2 videos I immidiently recognises the same stutter pattern Im seing in my setup. Weird that the recording software induce stutters exactly the same way as Im seing them in my SIM.... Even LM with the statement "fixing the legacy stutters" for patch 2.1 recognises that they had a stutter issue, unfortunently they haven't found the cure yet. Im sure they will at some point if they put an effort into it and get rid of it once and for all, but until then it's all FSX for me.

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 So it isn't that some of us are just ignoring the stutters, but that we are actually experiencing very little stuttering. 


So by saying you experince very little stuttering mean that you see them to but they are so small that they don't bother you and you hardly notice them? If so, could it be that I perceive this "very little stuttering" as quite severe and you think it's hardly noticible. I think we all see these small bursts of microstutters but for most people they may not be a big deal?

Maybe Im just to spoiled being used to stutterless gaming from other combat sims and games(including FSX after many months of tuning and tweaking) that Im just nitpicking and put to high goals for what performance I like to achive, dunno, Im may be just weird :blink:.


I believe the future lays in P3Dv2 like most other people too, but It is not mature enough yet for me. I have been a LM supporter since they released P3Dv1.x and I bought a copy wich I haven't even used but I did that because they are trying to take this platform further so I wanted to contribute for they P3Dv2 development. I will continue to buy P3D versions into the future just to support them even if Im not using it, who knows maybe one day it pays of for me and I will be able to switch, It could be next month it could take years maybe I even have to wait until P3Dv3 before Im pleased with it. Im pretty sure that day will arrive for me too 8), if I hadn't believed that, I would never had put a dime into LM's pockets. I think this will be my last post into this thread as I feel like Im spamming this thread with my views and repeating arguments lol, I just never know when to shut up do I? :P


Happy flying all, whatever we prefer flying ::)

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I have a very modest system, but I don't find any problems with stutters at all... honestly, I don't .


The odd drop in frames, but since installing P3D2.2, I never look at the frame counter anymore. What I do see is smoothness and flying and more immersion than ever experienced before.

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Yes I belive many people will ignore these bursts of microstutters. I live up too the words from X-files, "I don't belive it before I see it".




Nope I don't get them and I hate them too... well, as I said they sometimes occur, but they do in FSX too... but, I do not get constant or regular stutters... I may just make a video to prove it, but not sure I should waste my time. The reality is, if you are getting stutters all the time, even at min settings, then there is something with your set-up that is at odds with P3D.



Indeed..... "some" people, the majority just use common sense, just like the professional system administrator who doesn't immediately install the latest fancy Operating System on all the client computers in his company.


Let me know when you're done beta testing for Lockheed, when it actually offers more than just visuals and when the global market's main focus becomes Prepar3D....until then I'll continue to focus on flying, which is the main reason why I bought a flight simulator. We will eventually switch, no doubt about that. Many of us are just wating to make the jump when the time is right for..... us.


Keep calm, no need for all the bold shouts... I aint beta testing, I'm flying and most of the time its perfect... sorry if its not for you.


And BTW I'm using common sense and flying the best platform available at this point... and all is good.


I also wonder what we want from our sims... what is more important than visuals, unless you fly by instruments alone?... Is it not why we are here on the Orbx forum, as they make the best scenery in terms of the visual experience?. Yes, most the improvements in P3D are visual, as strangely that makes the flying more realistic, or am I missing something?


If something doesn't look real, people complain, if devs focus on making things look more realistic, people complain... hmm.

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Nope I don't get them and I hate them too... well, as I said they sometimes occur, but they do in FSX too... but, I do not get constant or regular stutters... I may just make a video to prove it, but not sure I should waste my time. The reality is, if you are getting stutters all the time, even at min settings, then there is something with your set-up that is at odds with P3D.



Please please put up a video, I would higly appriciate it and be forever grateful :) . And in that video do some taxing around an airport use trackir actively and make some hard turns while you watch some of the airport buildings and don't try to "avoid" the stutters. I have seen in many P3Dv2 videos where the maker use minimal use of turning he's head and mostly look forward and not doing any aerobathics(maybe he's not doing it on purpose , I think is more like he tries to hide them for himself, atleast I did in the beginning using P3Dv2 so I could say to myself, damn this sim looks nice and runs smooth), that way you can hide the stutters a little, but to the trained(picky) eye they are still there. Also try som hard manouvers in the air, that will also make them alot more visible.


If you can produce such a video without these bursts of stutters then Im all in and I would upgrade my system to the latest high tech I can find so I maybe can take part of this future(everyone seems to pick on my system and blaming my computer for the stutters lol)...Then I will atleast know there is a solution even if I don't know what the solution really is. Please make a video like this, I would higly appriciate that..

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So by saying you experince very little stuttering mean that you see them to but they are so small that they don't bother you and you hardly notice them? If so, could it be that I perceive this "very little stuttering" as quite severe and you think it's hardly noticible. I think we all see these small bursts of microstutters but for most people they may not be a big deal?

Maybe Im just to spoiled being used to stutterless gaming from other combat sims and games(including FSX after many months of tuning and tweaking) that Im just nitpicking and put to high goals for what performance I like to achive, dunno, Im may be just weird :blink:.


No. What I meant is that I RARELY experience ANY noticeable stutters . . . and I do actually notice the ones that are present. I've never claimed that I don't experience any stutters at all (if it came out that way, than that was not what I was trying to say). But I also had stutters in FSX (although I was running it on my older system), and I see just as many stutters in X-Plane 10 (and I'm using the 64-bit version). 


But you are acting like you are somehow more perceptive to these stutters than the rest of us, when I just don't accept that.  I suffered  a severe brain injury when I was little, which damaged much of the left hemisphere of my brain. I have issues with language, which I've now mostly overcome, but I can still  not think in words (I think in images and then have to translate my image-thoughts), so it takes me a very long time to write anything (which is why I only have like 40 posts here). Since I was so young, the right half of my brain became over-developed after my injury. So I'm extremely visual . . . I literally test off the charts on things like spacial awareness.  I see visual details that most people miss. Plus I make complex mods for some popular RPGs, and run a gaming forum, so I'm very familiar with graphics in games.


I'm not blind to the stutters. I'm not ignoring stutters. And I'm being totally honest (which happens to be another side-effect of my damaged brain). The stutters that I'm currently experiencing (they were worst in v.2.1) in P3D2.2 seldom appear and they rarely last more than a few seconds. I can easily increase these stutters by pushing the slider too far to the right in complex, high-density urban areas . . . but I just use lower settings for those areas.  I'm not a developer for Prepar3D and I own FXS, so why would I be so pro-P3D, unless it was the actually the sim that works the best for me personally?


What I believe is that you are experiencing much more frequent and more severe stutters than I am.  The why is a mystery.  Perhaps it is due to some difference between our computers. It could be most anything, as there are a lot of factors [i have a 4770K, which is only overclocked to 4.2MHz, a superclocked GTX 780 3GB, 16GB 2133MHz RAM, and my OS is Win 8.1 64-bit].

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I hear you, I just tought that maybe it was like like that, that Im a nitpicking son off bit.ch haha. But a video showing of what you and all others claiming stutterfree experience see, would helped alot because I have used months trying all the tips out there and all possible solutions/tweaks to get rid of these stutters except buying a new computer and Im having a hard time beliveing you guys don't see them(yes, it maybe rude, but I just don't belive things before I see it, im just built that way, sorry)

And if I upgraded my computer based on people saying it is possible to get rid of these stutters using a shitload of money on it, and if it then would turn out that this new system I bought didn't solve anything, I would turn crasy banging my head at the computer swearing at all off you, and I would probably end up throwing my computer out of the window and never look back. So a video prooving this to me would save me alot of frustrations and I would be so thankful, because It could prevent me from being crazy and buy the latest most expensive computer there is just to fix this. Im almost willing too pay anything getting rid of these stutters.

Im such a simjunkie that I would even go out on the streets and sell my ass if that could solve it :wacko:


I may even end up like this guy  lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cCL0T2pVP8

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And I hear your frustration.  But I've never seen any video of anything that didn't have some micro stutters. Even movies have micro stutters.  The only thing that doesn't have micro stutters is real life live . . . all the rest are limited to FPS (which are basically just a bunch of still images in succession).


Don't buy a new PC. Wait for P3D v.2.3, as I would be really surprised if the next update doesn't improve performance.  Version 2.3 may not totally eliminate your stutters, but I expect that they will at least be reduced.

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And I hear your frustration.  But I've never seen any video of anything that didn't have some micro stutters. Even movies have micro stutters. 

 Well I have seen plenty of them:), and Im seing it in FSX. Ok, not 100% stutterfree, but very close to real life, in P3Dv2 they tear up my eyes and they come at such frequence that's it's impossinble to ignore them. With my FSX setup versus my P3Dv2 setup the difference on the smoothnes is like the difference between night and day. I really have to focus and concentrate to see the occasional stutter i get in FSX and when they come I get only one chug maybe every 5 to 10 minutes that I hardly notice and this 1 little stutter doesnt make the whole scenery lag like I experince in P3Dv2. What Im trying to say is the little stutter that i get in FSX doesn't make such a a high impact on the whole scenery like the stutters P3Dv2 does. In P3Dv2 I get them frequently every 2 seconds in bursts 3-4 stutters at a time and I If make e.g a sharp turn during these stutters it makes the landscape lag so much that I need to atleast to drink 20 pints to avoid noticing them.

Worst I think it is during taxiing and making turns on the ground looking at buildings around me lag so much, also takoff and landing it kills the immersion.

Im eagerly waiting for the new patch and really hope it could solve this.


Ah man, now Im really going around in circles here, please someone kick me out of this thread ???.  I probably just annoying all the happy bunnies around here with my whining on this stutter issue:p

Im thinking why do I even bother whining about it, that ain't gonna fix it anyway. Sitting here arguing isn't helping me at all, it just makes me more frustrated, listening to all you guys running things ubersmooth is like kicking me while Im down and it hurts lol. Because if what you say is true you guys/gals have the best shiniest sim out there and are having a blast while I sit here banging my head against the wall living in the "dark ages" while hearing whispers from the future that I can't participate in.

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 Well I have seen plenty of them:), and Im seing it in FSX. Ok, not 100% stutterfree, but very close to real life, in P3Dv2 they tear up my eyes and they come at such frequence that's it's impossinble to ignore them. With my FSX setup versus my P3Dv2 setup the difference on the smoothnes is like the difference between night and day. I really have to focus and concentrate to see the occasional stutter i get in FSX and when they come I get only one chug maybe every 5 to 10 minutes that I hardly notice and this 1 little stutter doesnt make the whole scenery lag like I experince in P3Dv2. What Im trying to say is the little stutter that i get in FSX doesn't make such a a high impact on the whole scenery like the stutters P3Dv2 does. In P3Dv2 I get them frequently every 2 seconds in bursts 3-4 stutters at a time and I If make e.g a sharp turn during these stutters it makes the landscape lag so much that I need to atleast to drink 20 pints to avoid noticing them.

Worst I think it is during taxiing and making turns on the ground looking at buildings around me lag so much, also takoff and landing it kills the immersion.

Im eagerly waiting for the new patch and really hope it could solve this.


Ah man, now Im really going around in circles here, please someone kick me out of this thread ???.  I probably just annoying all the happy bunnies around here with my whining on this stutter issue:p


Not annoying at all. Just strange how some people experience it and others don't, regardless of what kit you run.


I did a video a while ago (excuse my amateurish attempt) shows sim running smooth in a thunderstorm with most sliders at max.... even cloud shadows enabled! There may appear to be one or two stutters at the start and a couple near the end, but I think this was the way the video captured it with the built in recorder.


If you look at my specs in my sig, you will see how modest my set up is



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Lols that video is hilarious. ..exactly the way I felt about my FSX failing every two weeks..one thing I can see is that you all get stutters some more then others but you all get them..no super computer will fix this nor will tweaking..its a driver issue and only the developer can rectify this.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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I have seen your video yesterday:), In bad weather and turbulence I kinda perceive the stutters less also because of all the turbulence shaking and rain that disturbs my view it's harder to distiungish what is stutters and what is turbulence giving it a shake. I also tend to get less stutter in 3 person view. But I still see those small bursts in your video too especially when you get closer to ground but again all that weather hides it pretty well. I will pay attention to your upcoming videos and analyse them, hopefully they will be taken from the cockpit in clearer weather conditions and that you use trackir looking out the side windows when taking off or landing. Hmm also notice you have a 120Hz monitor maybe that would help in reducing stutters...


I am convinced though that all this stuttering has something to do with monitor frequence and vsync, I tried setting my monitor at 24Hz and that capped my frames to 24FPS and it took care of the stutters, but I could not use that setting because i induced other problems I find hard to explain at the moment. Im pretty sure this issue is just a small overlooked bagatell that LM could easily fix and one day im sure it gets sorted. But until then as I have already said dozens of times already I'll stick with FSX because I can use the 1/2 refresrate option in NI inspector to remove stutters.

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Not your video fiftysix.. The SimShitty one..and by the way nice video..but it really dosent disprove the stuttering issue as the scenery load is limited by the plane being centre of focus and storm conditions even though they can affect fps dont really induce stutters as they mask the scenery. Just my opinion ..

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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Not your video fiftysix.. The SimShitty one..and by the way nice video..but it really dosent disprove the stuttering issue as the scenery load is limited by the plane being centre of focus and storm conditions even though they can affect fps dont really induce stutters as they mask the scenery. Just my opinion ..

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk


haha!.... no worries at all.


You are right though regarding limited scenery load etc.


I will try and make another vid later with trackIR various views :)

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After reading some of the 150+ posts in this thread I feel the urge to add my 2 cents:


I do not get any stutters in P3D2.2!


I’m really sorry if this is disappointing for some of you! :ph34r: 

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I'm kind of with Koboki on the stuttering and performance issues. I gave up on P3D for the time being and went back to FSX dx10. P3D is generally smooth in most situations, but, I find urban areas and cloud cover (don't get me started on the ridiculous spinning clouds) excessively and unnecessarily taxing, despite lower AA settings and cloud/terrain shadows disabled. Throw trackIR into the mix and you really get to experience immersion killing suttering. I understand the benefits of P3D and the shadowing throughout is an incredible improvement, but at the cost of performance and affecting over all immersion...meh, not worth at the moment for me. 

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I think Pete its not the size or power of the system that counts here as the coding should enable most systems to run P3D.. its a graphics driver config problem that makes this an issue.. I have seen this type of problem before in other applications and until its fixed on the graphics driver side it will be encountered across all spectrums of PCs..Some systems are just better at masking the problem then others..same as FSX you get people who claim they have no issues and run everything on max which I find very doubtful as they tend to leave out what they want and tell you only what suits them and what they want to believe...You cant run FSX on max with all addons including DX10 and scenery no matter what system you have without it oneday going Kaboom. !!.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk


Exactly. Its nothing to do with FPS or the power of your PC or the setup.


Until Nvidia support 1/2 refresh rate at the driver level like they do with FSX, P3D will never be as smooth. End of.

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Hah - get you Kaboki-proof flame suit on  ;)


Strange how it's smoother than FSX (even at 20-30 fps) on some of our systems, and stuttering on others at higher fps...there's got to be some other factors at play (maybe the OS).


After reading some of the 150+ posts in this thread I feel the urge to add my 2 cents:


I do not get any stutters in P3D2.2!


I’m really sorry if this is disappointing for some of you! :ph34r: 

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Mmm, OK, thanks for the tips. I suspect running at the settings you suggest will have a big impact on frames? I'll check it out later, cheers.

I suggested those settings as a test. If you can't get decent looking water that way, maybe something else is wrong. But you are correct, good looking water in P3d 2.2 requires a certain amount of GPU horsepower.

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After reading some of the 150+ posts in this thread I feel the urge to add my 2 cents:


I do not get any stutters in P3D2.2!


I’m really sorry if this is disappointing for some of you! :ph34r: 


I dont get stutters either if I set it up right. I wrote a post about it over here on the P3D forum link below, but only a few such as my mate Rob actually replied with useful insights. And as far as I know, no one beyond myself has actually tried to publish telemetry data studying inter frame intervals. The flight sim community can be a strange bunch - its common to see things like FCAT frame interval analysis in review websites for hardware or computer games, but flight simmers seem more interested in talking/whinging about stutters than actually trying to get a handle on it




While I think that obviously improvements can be made about GPU driver optimisations specific to P3D and P3D code enhancements by LM allot of the stutters atleast on my system is about poorly applied user settings for the application

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P3D v2.3 is mostly a performance upgrade, with LM addressing further fluidity and FPS gains. We are extremely fortunate to have such continual improvement applied to this platform, and it's far to early to make definitive conclusions about P3D performance at this early stage.

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