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Update software


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Hi again. Been thinking of this for a while. With all this new software coming out, when it gets to the end of the year or even next year there is going to be loads to keep a check on. Is it not possible to have one piece of software that you can run to check which needs to be updated. Just a thought or perhaps it's not possible. This in regards to all Orbx software nothing else. Cheers Derek

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Negative.  I have enough garbage tracking programs running in the background as it is, and some other attempts by FSX developers have been either lacking (Aerosoft Launcher) or seem to demand constant updating and attention (FSDT's Couatl, or whatever in the hell that thing is called).  ORBX is beautiful for many reasons, and one is that it sits nicely in the background and doesn't act up.

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If it was something like the new "Navigraph FMS Data Manager" IMO that would be ideal, it is not an auto-updater, it's a seperate executable that scans the installed addons that you initially link it to, and provides the ability to pick and choose what and when you want to update.

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As has already been pointed out, run FTX Central/Tools/Reports/FTX Products Installed which lists every ORBX Region, Airport and Library version installed on your system.  Using that listing just cross check the ORBX Support page for available updates/service packs.  If it is on the support page and not in your FTX Central report then you need to download and install it.  Why ask ORBX to redirect resources to do something the user should be responsible for?  The more ORBX has to 'take care' of users the less time they have to provide us with more and better product.

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Or...maybe.. the easier it is for the user to keep their products updated, the less resources ORBX staff would need to deal with support issues caused by update issues and the more product they may sell Lol. May have been a contributing factor to why Navigraph went that route... :)

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Adding configuration management into ftx central would make for an easy user update experience I think. Ripcord it doesnt have to be a tsr like program, if it were coded into ftx central it would only run when the user executed it.

I would find this way of keeping track of updates very helpful too. And think it's a great idea.

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Hi. Looks like I started a bit of a hornets nest with this subject. Did not realise it had been mentioned before, and like most questions there's a lot of people for and against. Yes you can check FTX central against updates, but do you know as of this moment there are 87 items or more of scenery you can install. That's ok for know but think what it is going to be like in two to three years time from now. Will prob be up in the hundreds and have to check that lot for any updates. When this was mentioned before the big chief John said that the internet would have to be on all the time, not sure I follow this. All you would need is a bit of software that you run when in fltsim or FSX central now and again to check for any thing that needs an updates, but there again I am not a programmer. Any way lets go flying. Derek.

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