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Las Vegas area merging work...


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Since i love to fly over the Nevada desert and even with FTX Global the Las Vegas area is totally unfaithful ,in waiting for the future America landclass, i've decided to try some merging works.

After lots of trial my last combination is this: FTX Global + FTX Vector + Mega Scenery Las Vegas (only for photoreal base)  + Aerosoft Las Vegas Cities X (only for autogen) + FS Dreamteam Mc Carran Intl.

The result make me so satisfied with the transition between FTX Global and Mega Scenery photoreal almost invisible and so natural...Now fly over Vegas is really a stunning experience!!


Borderline between FTX Global and Mega Scenery Las Vegas...

(click to enlarge)


Mega Scenery on the left FTXG on the right....


the same in another view angle


overfly the "strip" ...the autogen from Aerosoft Las Vegas cities X fill the scenery at the best replacing the missing one from FTXG wich is overlapped by the photoreal textures


the FsDreamteam Mc Carran on its best...


full detailed autogen over all yhe City



FTX Vector sill work at the best, all the street are placed right and fill of car traffic







FTXG and Vector are really awesome scenery products, it provides the best full scale scenery available and in the same time they leave the possibility to merge and blend others local

scenery (ie photoreal ones) at the best.


Really a new dimension of fly!!


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These are really great looking shots.Would it be possible to ask if you could list the specifics of how you achieve this? Meaning what order you place the different products in scenery libs.

Do you have to exclude certain .bgl files or is it something you can achieve quite easily. lastly is there a big hit on fps?

Thanks if you can but no probs if its too technical or time consuming for you.

Again super shots.


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