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Ryan Mason

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Hi, Folks:

My name's Jon Houston, and I live in Nova Scotia (pronounced "Nose Kosher"), in eastern Canada.  Born in Ontario, I joined the Canadian Forces in the Fifties, and came "down east" here to fly (non-pilot) for 35 years.  After that I was a small-newspaper editor for a long while before retiring to prune the bushes and mess with computers.

Started with the VIC-20, and never looked back.  Started tinkering with Flight Simulator back in the Eighties, when it was all line drawings!

You'd think that after continually boring holes in the sky for 35 years, I'd have picked another hobby, but I found the challenge of navigating from the (virtual) cockpit was just too strong to resist, so I've been hard at it ever since.

My nickname's "HighGround", which has a rather nifty history:  Canada's last aircraft carrier was HMCS Bonaventure, and I flew in the back seat of CS2F Trackers (aka "Stoofs") for a number of years.  One of my jobs was long-range communications with the Ship, whose international callsign was HIGHGROUND.  I just couldn't let the old girl's callsign disappear entirely, so . . . .

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Nice to see the faces that are so well known in name!  Good to see you, Emmsie, Tailgunner, et alia.

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Hey there, Teecee:

Well you certainly do have a discerning eye, Sir.  It IS an Akubra.  I have about 15 or so of them, wouldya believe, in different models.

That one's a "Territory" model that was getting old, so I experimented with it and cut the wide brim down a little.  Didn't like it being so narrow, so I relegated the hat to Dirty, Grotty Jobs status, and haven't worn it much since.

I developed an eye problem, some years ago, and found I couldn't bear overhead light -- sunlight, or the lights in most stores and shops.  But my head's a real "melon" -- Size 8, or 64cm!! -- and I couldn't find any hat to fit me.  Standard ball caps and the like looked like little yarmulke's, perched on my bloody-great loaf.

So I went looking for a "real" hat, and one in my size, and thanks to the magic of the Internet, I discovered the Australian Akubra brand, and their marvelous hats.  Eventually, I more-or-less settled on the Territory as my hat of choice, since it doesn't look too "cowboy-ish", yet it has a nice, WIDE brim to protect my feeble old looking gear.

But I recently ordered a new model, called The Boss.  If you're interested, try this: 

Go to Akubra's site at  >http://www.akubra.com.au/

Click on Products

Click on Western

Scroll down and you'll see the Territory.

Scroll a bit farther and you'll see The Boss.

Click on the image for a better, zoomed view.  Kinda nifty hat, imho, and it suits my personality, now that I've gotten accustomed to hats.

Alas y'can't buy directly from Akubra, but only from approved distributors.  I've had wonderful luck and service from a marvelous woman named Joy, who operates from her Website at >http://www.aussiebushhats.com.au/catalog/default.php

Click on Hats / Hats List, and there are two sections of Akubras listed there.

For me, one of the really nice things about Joy's site -- in addition to her good service and sterling reputation -- is that her site accepts PayPal.

And btw:  If you ever should order one, be sure to stipulate (in the comments section) that you want the hat to be Lined.  That's a free option that gives you a nice satin interior to the hat.

More information than you wanted, Teecee, but there y'go.  Just in case anyone else was interested, maybe I've saved them some scrambling and searching.


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Hey, High Ground Akubra is Australian.  Wide brim to keep the very hot sun off the face.

They were always worn by the boss, the grazier, not the stockman or farmhand.  Some private schools in Australia that educate the sons of the rural rich, our landed aristocracy, also affect the Akubra as part of their uniform.

Make sure you get one that suits your build, otherwise like a previous Prime Minister of Australia, you can look like a roofing nail.  They look best on tall, strongly built men ...  and that's not me.

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my name is Loren Hendrix this is a pic of me at work in my construction trailer

I am an Inspector for school construction projects. I have been flight simming since about 07

before I found this forum I felt somewhat weird telling others my main hobby is flight sim but now

after discovering all of these other people with a similar interest I brag about it ;D

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Didn't notice this thread until today. I'll add a few pics from a few different places.

My name is Matthew and I am a Hairstylist for a living. This is a great job as you can work anywhere in the world (Which is exactly what I do with it). Currently I work in Toronto but I am East Coast Canadian by background. I also have my New Zealand residence, so I go back and forth between these two great countries. I am currently in Toronto until January and we are moving back to Wellington, New Zealand in January (Just in time for World Cup Rugby).

My handle ytzpilot comes from Toronto Island Airport (Now renamed Billy Bishop Airport), this is where I went to Flight School. I started Flight Simulator when I was 12 years old on my old Apple IIe computer. I started with Release 1, which I obtained because back then we used to trade 5.5" floppy disks with bootlegged games around the schoolyard. As soon as I discovered it I was hooked. I've purchased every release of Flight Sim ever since.

I started Flight School back in 1996. I still fly occasionally but find it really expensive now compared to when I first started back in 1996. Gas and Insurance hikes make it costly today. FSX is that much better then it used to be so it makes more sense to fly in the Flight Simulator, especially now that FTX has raised the bar in realism.

Cheers Guys,

Cape Breton Island, Canada.

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East Cape, New Zealand (this is where you go to watch the first sunrise in the world)

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Halifax, Nova Scotia - My old stomping Grounds, you can see the harbour and the Navy Yard in this picture.

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Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia - This is very close to where Swissair flight 111 went down.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cool pics Matthew!  I like the lighthouse one...  didn't know that's close to that horrible accident...

Thanks Ryan,

The plane went down in St. Margarets Bay and this lighthouse is at the enterance to the bay. So it would have been possible to see Flight 111 crash from were I am standing in the  picture. It is a very beautiful part of Nova Scotia and a lot of the victims families found comfort in visiting the Peggy's Cove Lighthouse.

Also my old house in Cole Harbour overlooks CFB Shearwater where they reconstructed the debris. So for a while there you could see the debris being reconstructed from my front window (with binoculars). They are still preserving the wreckage today just in case they reopen the case or dispute any of the findings, but I believe they were able to determine the cause.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all! I am not new to the forums, just new to posting here.

The name is Dave Tuohy. I have been an Admin over at www.simviation.com since 2003. I know a few of you here but thought I would intro myself as your latest products have really got me excited about flying again. I used to take allot of the screenshots for Aerosoft, Eaglesoft and a few other companies back in the day. Here is me at the latest airshow event here on Long Island, NY.

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Hey everyone.

Just looking around on the site and saw this and thought I would tell every one a little about myself.

Real Name- Caleb Davis

Forum Name- Blue Devil 0510. I thought I would put this because one thing that I really enjoy a lot is music and if you are a DCI fan, or if you don't know what that is, DCI is Drum Corp International. Basically that is like the Major League for Marching Band. The best of the best per say and my favorite corp is the Blue Devils

From- I am from Foley AL. Born and raised there and have lived here all 18 almost 19 years of my life

Hobbies- The things that I enjoy the most are flight simming, playing the drums (any kind: snare, base, tenors, drum set with single or double bass or percussion really), drawing on the computer or by hand and just messing around on the computer in general. Ya know, learning what ever I can learn about computers. I have been flight simming for about 4 years. I have been playing the drums for about 10. I also started drawing about 7 years ago give or take some. Watching and Drawing Anime. I LOVE Anime shows. Any really. Had my first actual flying experience about a month ago. Went up in a Cessna and got to actually fly it by myself. Coolest experience of my life since I am only 18 years old

Some of you guys might know me from the REX site. My username is AAL548 (which was my old American Virtual Airlines call-sign). So yup, that is the same guy. :D.

Anyway. thank you for reading this and letting me take the time to introduce myself to everyone.

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Also if you are wondering what the Isobar 5 is, that is something that I made for my dad for all of his photos that he takes. He always uses isobar 5 for everything. I know that he enjoys photos saw I thought that I would throw a little signature together in Photoshop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Real Name: Pascal F.

Age: 40

Location: near Aarau, Switzerland

Professional Life: A sales professional in a distribution company, selling spareparts of bicycles to bicycle-dealers. I'm currently preparing for my exams in sales, marketing and communication (equals bachelor). Been in the bicycle-business for just over 15 years now, it's kind of a love-hate-relationship.

Hobbies: The obvious... But much more than bicycles, photography also plays a big role in my life. I've got a D300 and a bunch of lenses (my two favourites are the 24-70 f:2.8 Nikkor and the 105 f:2.8 Makro from Sigma). I'm also a great music-lover, mainly guitar-based blues and rock music from the 70's and 80's (all-time favourites: AC/DC, Deep Purple, Whitesnake, Krokus, ZZ Top).

Flight Sim: Started with FS4, got bored, came back to FS2000, got addicted. Used FS9 until a year ago, now running FSX with over 100 addons. I do airliners (PMDG MD-11), worldwide, as well as VFR, preferably in areas I'm familiar with in real life and with a high density of available VFR-sceneries (Switzerland, Germany, UK, Can-AM Westcoast) - haven't discovered Australie yet, though. Things yet to come... :)

Origin of Nick: For flight simmers: P-Flight (obvious), for photographers: PF light. 2000 stands for the year I discovered the internet for communication.

The picture was taken in Vancouver BC in 2008, after a 'mailrun' in the co-pilot's seat of the DHC-2 Beaver floatplane in the background.

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Best wishes for Xmas to everyone here!


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  • 2 months later...

I have been on a sailing trip to Masurian (I didn't realize that there is an English translation, Polish/original name of this region - Mazury) Lakeland several times, including 2007, about two weeks after this storm (also known as a Masurian White Storm). It is a region number two on my "the best in Poland" list :D

Yeah, it's a wonderful region. One of the best vacations I ever had so far. Before and after the trip I stayed with friends who live between Katowice and your hometown Krakow. Beautiful city! I also flew home from Krakow. ;)

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That is the airport i'm working at (ATCo). World is a small place, isn't it?  :)

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Hi everyone. My full name is Andrew DeLaney and thought I would finally introduce myself. A few years after this thread was started but better late then never.

I am from outside Philadelphia. I spent 10 years in the USAF From North Dakota to Belgium to Montana. Belgium was terrific but North Dakota and Montana were a little boring for someone raised near a large city. For the last 11 years I have been a Career Fire Fighter and even though we see people on there worst day I love my job. Even though I had no real life taste for the cold Rocky mountain area I love to fly the PNW, PFJ, and NRM. The sceneries changed how I fly and its a struggle on my older computer I love it. Thank ORBX.

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My daughter visiting me at the fire station while I was working.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well this is me Hendo (Henderson Pow). I'm 15, been flight simming for 7 years, always wanted to be an airline pilot since I was 7. And know I've got 2 hours in this 152 VH-MJG.

thats is one of the best looking 152s i have ever seen most are old dogs that have been treated poorly by students.

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Hay guy since i have been in these forum's for a bit i would bore you by talking about myself.

I am from wyndhamvale in melbourne vic. learnt to fly at piontcook GA flying and like most have change to Rec flying now.

Been into flightsim since 98. at the moment my PC is a GA-X58A-UD7

Intel R core tm i7cpu 960@3.20 GHZ win7 64bit 8gig ram and SLI GTX  GA470s 850watt power supply.

Into motorbikes current CBR600rr and RC helicopters and aircraft. pics of toys below.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


The new me. Hadn't cut my hair in 35 years. My late husband and I had an agreement, he didn't shave his beard, I didn't cut my hair. Took the plunge last Friday, boss snapped this when I got to work. I donated a 12" pony tail to locks of love.


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  • 1 month later...

Real Name: James Maitland


Flight School: Basair

Local Airfied: Bankstown Sydney

Gday Everyone, ive been Flight simming since i was in my early teens and started Flying legitimatly after finnishing high school.

After overloading FS9 with freeware addons i desided that ide be more careful with FSX and started buying payware addons, ORBX being the first terain addons ive ever used blew my mind with the acuracy of the terain land marks, Well worth the money aswell.

with the orbx terain addons its amazeing to fly at home and get 100% accurate practise flying out in the sydney flight training area with FTX australia, this product was well worth the cash for more realistic flying experience and is Extremily helpful in practising my basair flying lessions.

My main interests in life is All aspects of Civil and Militaly Aviation, ive had a years worth of airfield experience at bankstown airport in 3 similar aircraft maintanence jobs before the global financial crysis hit. Im also persuing a flying career in ither military or civil aircraft.

Also have a intererest in History aswell

extremily impressed with the amazeing work for FSX Australia terain and am looking forward to future aussie and america releases.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys,

after posting for a while I got some pictures worth introducing me ;)

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From this point of view you can see me sitting on the right.

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The guy on the right side thats me.

I got a gift certificate from my girlfriend to fly a heli for half an hour and yesterday I did it :)

Its just great but that exhausting cause these little aircraft didnt want to do what I wanted. I learned that those simulated aircraft (mostly addons or modded) do very well in the FSX but feeling the acceleration and the fact that you dont wanna take a closer look at how good the resolution of the ground texture is make it such different. I think now when flying a heli in FSX I will be much more careful.

Greets from Germany


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