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Telluride CO


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Boy am I in trouble. My first work free week end for 5 weeks and I told the Missus what I was going to do in the house and the garden.

Well I have been up for 6 hours and apart for cooking lunch and feeding the birds, I have just been sitting on the computer doing some updating to the flight sim.

I have downloaded the 3 NA airport packs and taken a flight from Teluride in Colorado. This is freeware at its best and I am very impressed and now looking forwards later to exploring more of them.



Taxiing out to rwy 27.


Passing some expensive hardware.


Up up and away.


What a spectacular setting for this airport. Route 145 is the best way into town. Not much room for error here.


Mears Peak is in the background but shrouded by clouds.


The airport is frequently closed due to bad weather which at 2750m is no surprise.


Telluride is a former mining town.

All straight vees with slight cropping.

KTEX Telluride is from the FTX Global freeware airports Pack 2.

Congrats to the developers, your hard work is greatly appreciated by this simmer.

Hope you enjoy.

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Wonderfuls set from a very nice place - what a marvellous sky! Good luck for your "spring clean", over here we have to make the garden winter-firm in these days - last lawn mowing, digging up the garden and so on :unsure: .

Not too hot here today so I will go out soon and have a few hours tidying up.

Sure are a great set these.



Martyn you have to set your priorities no matter what the outcome and in my case it wasn't good. :D  Excellent set!!



Can't get away with it today, besides not as hot here today.

Way better than garden work. Great shots. Thanks for sharing.

Yes, I know what I would rather be doing.

Great scenery and shots Martyn , it sounds like your V key might be getting a workout soon . Enjoy your time off my friend .





They got a pounding yesterday afternoon. Now all I have to do is find time to upload the shots.

nice sky in those .

Beautiful shots!!! I have been there many times in real life and if is even more beautiful than FSX plus FTXG.

It looks like an incredible place to visit in RL.

cracken set of shots my friend!

Many thanks to you all for your great comments.
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