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Thank you Holger & Bill


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Last week I was :( because I had bought SAK without knowing that a large area was not adjoining PFJ. After a lot of advice from some of the guys around here I bit the bullet and bought Tongass Fjords to make up the total scenery. Wow! I'm glad I did :D . Holger, Bill, what a superb piece of work. I have just spent a wonderful afternoon flying and exploring this beautiful part of the world. I was mesmerised with the beauty of the area as I flew a flightplan from Sitka to CAB5, Bronson Creek, a flightplan that had been suggested by Matt Smith over on the Aerosoft forum. It's a beautiful trip and I can thoroughly recommend this area. The last 20 miles west of Bronson Creek is stunningly beautiful and while I was gazing at the awesome scenery I snapped a quick pic. I hope you like... BTW, I think the rendition of the ice is absolutely spot on!

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Hello Howard,

glad to hear you're enjoying Tongass X and thanks for the kind words.

The approach to CAB5 is one of my favorites too. For a few years Bronson Creek served as the lifeline for the Snip Mine located on a plateau above the airstrip. There are some interesting YouTube videos of Bristols and other large prop aircraft in operation at CAB5; see, for example,



Cheers, Holger

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I've had this one for years. I've done that trip.

I love the Sitka area and for a long while I did a several-step trip from Orcas to Sitka and back, exploring different areas each time. Now I can continue to Cordova (I am doing that now).

An excellent piece of work indeed.

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