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The Dream continues..


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It's been a busy few days.


In between living the good life, I been out in 'the cave", slaving away.


Here's the pics I promised earlier:










So, then I had to take off up to Caloundra on Saturday for a leisurely Saturday BBQ.


It was lovely up there, just looking at the pelicans:




And then out of the blue, a big fishing boat steamed by.........




Of course, it was the USS Bonhomme Richard, cruising up the Sunshine Coast for some R&R...........


Sunday, it was back to it....




Almost put back together, now, just 4 panels in the roof to go.




Once she is all back together, I'll be doing all the measuring and marking out for the construction of the curved screen. That should be getting under way before the end of the week.




More to come, stay tuned.....






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yeah looking great Frank I can't wait til the day I get the nose section from FDS it looks great when put together. Have you got enough room at the from though for the projection? It looks very close to the wall! :)

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Yeah, but I've struck a problem with the last panel. I need to go back and undo a bunch of panels to get them all to fit snugly.


At the end , it's like fitting a square peg in a round hole.....and it ain't gonna happen!


I should have a result by tomorrow, then I can get on with the measuring and building of the screen and wall.








Wow! This thread has reached 10,000 views, holy smokes!

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Had a lay day, today. Went to the flicks and saw Pacific Rim......yawn....should have saved my ten bucks! 



Will be at it tomorrow, tho. I really got the bug now and am looking forward to getting a lot done over the coming weeks. 



Watch this spot............




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I got a good days effort in today. sorted out the problem with the shell and it's all finished.


I mounted my forward and rear overheads, just to check the fit. All good on that front.

So, I broke out the 737 measurements manual and started checking dimensions. They were all ok, too.


Until I got to the MIP. When I built the MIP, I didn't have a shell to make the glare panel off. I actually took my measurements from several sources.

As it turns out, they were all wrong, by a fair amount. The glare should be 460mm from the front of the glare to the back, but for some reason, it's only about 320mm.

Here's a pic to explain:








Here's the problem:




Oh dear, that only means one thing. It's back to the drawing board with the MIP again. This is the third time.


It's all good, tho, at least I have the shell all constructed and I can get the measurement exactly as I want it, so it will fit snugly.


I guess this is what comes of changing my mind on the project, so many times.


No time to cry over spilt milk, on to it tomorrow.......






Ohh, and the mighty toads, next year will make nine and then ten....you get the picture!

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Well, I woke up this morning and felt like crap. My darling missus, who has been home with a bug all week, went back to work today, but I think she left me the bug....grrrrrr


Anyway, I needed to do some measurements, so I got to it and dragged in all the components, one by one.


There's a fair bit of tweaking to go on, before I get things right. I can't complain tho, it does look the goods, at least. And all of the underlying electronics is finished and pretty much flyable.


So, I've taken a few pics. here they are:
















I tell you, gentlemen, there is a lot of time and sweat and money in the above pictures.


Now, I need to take a few garlic and horseradish pills, go and have my half hour nanna nap and then it's back on the heads, for the night shift.......


Watch this space,





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Great stuff frank absoluty fantastic. Well I made a hard core decsion today and bought a new computer. I7 4770 16gig ram 630 graphics card included with 4 gig on board and a 2TB drive. This will at least run FSX much better then my current system I hope. Next investment is the MIP from FDS and Glare FDS. I dont have the skills of old Frank but one day I hope to have a setup almost as good.


To get the funds for the new computer I sold many of my Ham radios and Short Wave radios which I've had for many years but too many hobbies and a sacrifice was needed. Now I just hope the taxman is kind to me so I can order from FDS!

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Thanx Andrew.


I had a fairly successful day, actually.

I trimmed the sides of the MIP and managed to get it in it's proper place. From here, I'll make a template of the glare I need from cardboard. Cut it out and make sure of the size, before making it in MDF and taking the old one off and installing it.


I also modified the sidewalls, which turned out to be an easier job than I'd anticipated. They fit nice and snugly now and I'll do a little patch job on them as well to make them look 100% again.


I've bought a set of dual rudder pedals from Gwyn Perret and Gordon Turner of Aerosoft Solutions and should have them mounted in the cockpit in a fortnight (after I pay them off).

Have checked the clearance in the floor and they'll fit nicely as well.


I now have to take a step back and work out where I go next. There's a multitude of things to do, but I'd like to keep it in some sort of order and not keep doing the same thing over and over again.


So, I'll probably do my patch jobs tomorrow and modify the MIP, that will give me a little time to work out what comes next.



More pics and info tomorrow,




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Yeah, well, don't be too impressed.

It turns out that I really haven't left myself enough room, in the room......grrrr! 


Upon closer scrutiny, I really don't have enough space to locate the curved screen, the current way I have it. So, looking at my options, I have another 20 inches (because of the small wall on the right hand side of my room), if I turn the cockpit around 180 degrees.


This looks to be the best option, as it still allows me to keep the cockpit shell as forward on the base as I have it now, leaving room at the back for an entry. It will also leave at least 20 inches of space from the curved screen (of which I have about 4 inches at the moment).


The implications, however are a little more disastrous. If I rotate the sim 180, I will block the back door. This is not good, as I'd like to keep within fire regulations and would also like a rear exit, in case something goes wrong.

So, the answer to my problem is to relocate the back door........oh, no, back to the building again.


At the moment, I'm going to weigh it all up and sleep on it for a few days. However, I am sure that this will happen, as it's the best course of action, so that the visual system will operate at it's fullest potential.


On another note, my good friend from up on the sunshine coast, who helped me do all the building and painting said he's happy to come down and do the changes.....wow, a man is very lucky having such good friends.


So, it's contemplation time. Better weigh up the costs and tell the MOF (Minister of Finances) about it tonight.

I might need a loan from her next week to get it done, so I best be on my very best behaviour this weekend!



More of Days of our Dreary's to come......





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oh Frank sorry to hear that. you had originally two large TV's you were going to use didn't you? maybe instead of the headaches of moving the sim around and going to a projector system why not see if you can locate those TV screens in front of the nose section? You might find it will work out better for you for now and save you all the headaches.



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Frank what can I say. I have been watching this post closely over the last few days, thinking that things were really looking good.


Those last few pics were great, its really starting to take shape, looking like a Simulator


But now, a 180 rotation, move the door, I am not certain whether to laugh or cry, but then I say its Frank and he seems to always overcome.


Its really looking great mate, I still feel a little envious, just a little..

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You're dead right, John. In this game, you need to be so flexible and take it on the chin, sometimes.


I did my sums tonight and also went back to the drawing board, (literally). It turns out that it should have been my Plan B, or more to the point, Plan A.


The whole idea of putting everything together, was to make sure it all fitted, including the screen. Well, it didn't, so in the end, I found the best solution possible.


No doubt, turning the whole sim around 180 degrees is going to take some time and another hernia, but I can now split the shell in half, move the MIP and sidewalls back into the garage and turn the base, easy enough.

I already had to build the end wall and the curved screen, so the only real challenge is re-locating the back door.


It will take a few days, no doubt. Maybe a few bucks for a sheet of external plasterboard to fill the hole where the door was. I can retrieve the door and put it down the other end, so no loss there and no expense of another door.


It's time consuming and requires a bit of elbow grease. Lucky, I got plenty of both.


Oh, and Colin, the TV's were never going to be a satisfactory alternative, in my books.


I figure, if you are gonna do a job, do it right and follow throo to the end.


And besides 10,500 people are following this thread, so I wanna give them some value for their money........hahaha


Later, guys,







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one step ahead and two back can be frustrating for sure.  Remember back to the start of this thread when all you had to worry about was about 3 inches?  I guess you could call that "the good old days!"

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Turns out that the glare was not wrong length, just wrong shape. 


I've made some adjustments and it's now going to fit. I will need to modify the sidewall panels a little, too, so that will be my job, today.


I also put the call in to my friend and we start re-construction of the back door, tomorrow.


Now, I gotta get back out to it.......






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My neighbour might have something to say about that.


I had a good day, today. The MIP needs one small adjustment on one side and it's finished. I had to take the windscreen back out of the shell to trim down the surrounds.


I didn't end up doing the sidewalls, so that will need to be done in the next few days, as it's all hands on deck for the back door tomorrow.


What I did mange to do, was finish the paint job on the second Yoke. It really looks great, I managed to get a few good coats of clear on it and it looks really lustrous. Just am matter of unmasking and buffing up the yoke head now and put the trip counter back on.



I'll try and get a few pics tomorrow, of our back door efforts. Till then,






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Well, it's good news all round.


The builder mate and I sat down this morning and nutted a few things out. So, it now turns out, with his redesigned plan, I don't need to re-locate the door.

Whew! There's a saving of a few hundred bucks and about 100 man hours.


We stripped the sim back out and turned the base around 180 degrees. This certainly is the right decision.


We managed to just slide the shell, intact, off to one side, so there was also no reconstruction of the shell, once we got the floor back down.

We've managed to bolt the shell back down and I'm up to where I was a few night's back, only 180 degrees the other way.


I'm so wrapped, Tom is a smart cookie and a real good mate!


So, I still have a little work to do on the MIP and then I can trim up the sidewalls. after that, I'll mark out all the components on the floor and check the measurements.

That will allow me to accurately re-position where the yokes need to be.

Then it's pull it all back out and start installing the yokes again.


I'm feeling like I'm moving forward again now, and it's a good feeling.


More to come....





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Here is a pic of the shell, facing 180 degrees, now.




And here's a few pics of the second yoke, after it's first coat of primer:






The MIP is now fitted to the shell and secured. My two sidewall panels are also in place and secured.

I did my measurements from there and cut out the holes in the floor, for the yokes.






This time, as I have to incorporate within the sub-frame again, I think I will change my approach. I am going to build another frame around the yokes and then install that withing the main frame.


This will allow me to set up the two yokes together, build and test the centreing mechanisms for the pitch and roll and the gearbox assemblies for the electro-mechanical transmission devices.


Once it's all good to go, I'll just make the necessary cuts to the existing base frame and install it, whole.


I'm waiting on my projectors to arrive, so I'll keep up the work on the shell for the time being. Once the projectors arrive, I'll switch my attention to the curved screen and wall set-up.


That's the plan, moving forward, anyway....








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