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The Dream continues..


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I'll have bigger fish to fry when I get back, Roger.


My new FDS MIP will need some setting up and construction, so I'll be in for a busy few weeks when I get back.



Santa's gonna be very tired this year, my friends.....


More when I return....





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I've had a busy day today, removing the Flight Illusion gauges from my current MIP, in readiness for the new FDS MIP when it arrives. 

I also removed my expensive clocks.


I have OC gauges to go back in the MIP, so when I sell it, it will still be fully functional.


It's only a day now before I leave on holidays, so this was the last thing I had to do before I left. I'll be back into it as soon as I get back home in mid November.


See you guys then, when I return,






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Have been away for some time Frank, and have missed looking at this topic.


Well it looks like nothing has changed, ever where I look I see, goodies..goodies..goodies.


You certainly keep us on our toes, it will be interesting to see those projectors in action.


Don't cut your holidy short just to get back to set them up.


Enjoy the break.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just checking in from Chiang mai in Thailand. I been here a week and hardly seen any sun, it's rained nearly every day.

This is really the first time I've checked my flight sim URL's. A few more weeks of massage and lazing by the pool and Thai food and then it's back on my head.

It's gonna be full on when I get home, that's for sure!


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I'm now in Luang Prabang in Laos and still checking in occassionally. I'm loving my holiday and it's hard to be anxious in this part of the world anyway, but I am also looking forward to coming home and getting back into the obsession.

It's been a fabulous break so far and still have a week or two, but I'll be ready to come home by then.

I noted that JV and Ed visited my mate, Nat's Sim in melbourne (in another post in this thread).

Well, I've bought the exact same HD projectors Nat is running, so I'm hoping for similar results as his.

We also have a lot of the same running gear, MIP, Shell, etc., so seeing his set-up just makes it harder to lie back and relax.....haha

But, as a great man once said......."all good things come to those who wait".


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Hi Frank

Really good to hear you are enjoying your holiday buddy. You will definitely rejuvenate your enthusiasm to build after a break; looking forward to progress reports

BTW - what is the make and model of your projectors?

I think I'm going to go HD too, I will use my others for my Cessna sim build!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, my time away is almost over.

I leave Vientiane tomorrow, bound for a few last days in Bangkok, before returning home on Friday.

I've had a great break and with batteries fully charged now, I'm ready to get back into it.

I've been in touch with FDS and my new MIP and CDU bay will be shipped at the end of this week, ready for pick up in Brisbane next week.

I see that ORBX has kept us busy, too, with Bathurst.

I'll be buying that as soon as I get home, even tho I can't get the 737 in there.

It sure looks nice.

So, I look forward to the interaction with my old pals here and many new pics and vids for all the loyal followers, as soon as the new gear arrives.

It's gonna be a very busy few months ahead, now.


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It's so nice to go away, but even better to come home.


All my IT behaved itself while I was away, but have just spent a few hours updating all my FS progs.


I still have to go and buy Bathurst, so I'll be downloading and trialling that in the next few days.


It's full steam ahead now, I'm gonna be super busy before Xmas.


I have received an email, saying my FDS gear arrives at brissie on Thursday, so I'll have plenty of pics and maybe a vid following. 


I had hoped that P3D V2.0 might have been released, but I think we still got a little wait yet. That's alright, I got heaps to keep me busy for a good while.


Until then.......




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Well, as you can see, no pics and no video's.




Well, it is a matter of frustration for me.


There have been delays along the way, resulting in me getting so hot under the collar. The company that is shipping my stuff is so incompetent, it is unreal.


Suffice to say, I will never deal with them again.


My gear now, is supposed to arrive tomorrow and hopefully, I can pick it up on Monday.

This has turned out to be a very expensive and frustrating upgrade, prior to my finishing, so I will certainly be thinking twice about doing it again, once it's all finished.


I still have 2 major item to buy, one of which will probably come from OS, but I'll be cautious about my dealing with that.


So, more waiting I'm afraid. I have been busy in the Flight Deck room, I split my shell and have moved it back onto the base, allowing me to remove the old MIP out to the shed where I can get it ready for re-sale, once I build my new MIP.



More to come........





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Hi Frank


Is the company the one you referred to in an earlier post and one that has been championed on another popular simming site?


If it is, I have been looking at their stuff for some time and slowly (very slowly) working on the Treasurer and chief of the budgetary expenditure committee. In view of your experience I will consider and alternate and probably less expensive track to follow in my quest for an improved simming experience.




Andy b

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Hi Andrew.

Not sure about the make and models. They are Chinese brand, I think, but they have been modified for FSX.

I'll see if I can find a name on them when I get home.


Hi Frank

Sorry to hear of your recent woes :(

Any more info on the above for me?

In light of Prepar3D v2 I want to go HD too.

Thank you

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Just to let you know, guys. I got my new MIP a few days back and I've been very busy putting it together.


I've got some pics, but I'm having troubles with the pic uploader here, so I've shot off a request for the mods to take a look.


As soon as there is a resolution, there will be pics, trust me.


I have just installed the MCP and twin EFIS's into the MIP tonight. It really is shaping up very quickly.


As well, after contacting FDS, they have a pre-wired loom available now for the MIP, so I've bought one of those and should have it soon. It will certainly take the hassles out of doing all that wiring again.


When I stood back and looked at the MIP tonight, I suddenly realised how professional and well engineered this new MIP is. I was worried that I'd spent money unwisely, but I now know it's just added to the authenticity of the sim.


I am certainly back on track now and have no shortage of time at the moment, so it's full steam ahead.


It's beginning to look a lot like Xmas........hahaha



Pics coming........





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The quality of the FDS products is unsurpassed in this industry.


If it weren't for the ridiculous costs of getting the stuff here, I'd have bought the whole shooting match from them......well, I practically have, anyway!


It's just great to have stuff that actually goes together and looks so damn good.


Ok, gotta get back to it........





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I've come across a small problem.

My Flight Illusion Brake pressure gauge is too big for the panel and it needs relocating.

Took a trip to Bunnings and bought some sheet metal. married them up, cut it out and drilled it. Still got a bit to do, but should have the problem resolved by tomorrow.

Those sheet metal skills sure do come in handy...



Ohhh, I got a notification from the caped crusader (Jay Kae) today.

Apparently it's my anniversary, I been an avid ORBX contributor for 7 years....all of a sudden I'm itchy!!

And while I'm here, how about the news, P3D V2 is coming on Monday 25th......woohoo!

I'm getting my X-Box one on Friday, Playstation 4 next week and P3D next week as well...it sure is Xmas, guys!!!


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And while I'm here, how about the news, P3D V2 is coming on Monday 25th......woohoo!

I'm getting my X-Box one on Friday, Playstation 4 next week and P3D next week as well...it sure is Xmas, guys!!!



Far, far too much time on your hands.

Lucky so 'n' so.


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I got very little done on the sim, today.

Every time I went out to the man cave, I just had to come back in. the culprit for this:


That, plus Forza....what can I say?

They give you a yellow MX-5 and Bathurst, unbelievable graphics on the 65 inch screen...it's all just too much. How do they expect a bloke to get any work done?

And next week looks worse, Monday is P3D day and Friday is Playstation 4 day.

This is definitely putting a dent in the inaugural flight day......


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I'm not much into the gaming thing anymore, But Forza caught my eye earlier on. It really is great. That's why the X-Box.

There are a few games I'd also like, but they're on the playstation 4, so that's why the playstation 4.

And who could forget GTA5? The best game that's come out this year....but only on the playstation 3, so I get to keep my PS3, too.

I don't consider the sim a game, more a training device, but it sure feels like a big games machine, too.

I guess I didn't have a lot of toys when I was a kid.....kinda making up for it now.


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Well, I was a bit slow off the mark.

I didn't buy my P3D until 3.00pm Ozzie time (it had been on sale for about an hour by then) and have just got home to start downloading.

Over 10.5Gb, that's some hefty download, but surprisingly, their servers are pumping out nearly a meg a second, so it's either well organised, or the general populace is not downloading at the moment.

I'll be cleaning off my PCI-E drive (FSX....GONE!!!)and reloading all my ORBX goodies.

Mind you, I have cleaned the books for the rest of the week and it's out in the man cave until I see significant progress, no X-box, no PS4, nothing.......bloody slave-driver!


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