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Orbx Central MSFS World Update 17 Updates


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13 hours ago, Badl4ndz said:

The latter two have World Update 17 compatibility listed in the changelog.


That was definitely the main aim of the updates (removing POI's which were now included in WU17, fitting our POI's into the new Photogrammetry areas, repositioning POI's which were displaced on the new ground imagery etc).

We've tried to take the opportunity to improve a few other things whilst we were at it as well.

GB North is still being worked on.


In a few places the new ground imagery was taken from a very oblique angle and things look a bit messy. There's not a lot we could do about that (check out ASOBO's own POI of Blackpool Tower to see that they admitted defeat as well)!


All the best,



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13 hours ago, Badl4ndz said:

Just noticed updates are available for:


EKKA Shoreham Airport


EU GB Central


EU GB South


The latter two have World Update 17 compatibility listed in the changelog.

Where did you find these - not on Orbx site as I can see

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21 minutes ago, John Heaton said:

Where did you find these - not on Orbx site as I can see


The announcement was made on our Discord channel John - that seems to be where many things appear these days.

I guess we have to move with the times :rolleyes:


They should be available via Orbx Central.


All the best,



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15 minutes ago, John Burgess said:


The announcement was made on our Discord channel John - that seems to be where many things appear these days.

I guess we have to move with the times :rolleyes:


They should be available via Orbx Central.


All the best,



MMMMm ! - that's interesting ! - Thanks John


Normally I get inundated with Discord Orbx changes and /or - new stuff - but not the above's - and it seems to be quiet  lately

and I did not get any of the updates you mentioned


Some time ago (3 weeks?) -I remove my community files into limbo - away from MS - and I wonder if that's the problem/reason??


Went to Central and Just installed the Central and South - (and North) - and I assume it's the latest


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43 minutes ago, John Heaton said:

Some time ago (3 weeks?) -I remove my community files into limbo - away from MS - and I wonder if that's the problem/reason??


Hello John,
If you have moved your files away from where Orbx Central put them, it can no longer check the versions, or indeed see them at all.

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1 hour ago, John Heaton said:

Went to Central and Just installed the Central and South - (and North) - and I assume it's the latest


They should be.

The update for North is still a work in progress so you'll still get the older, pre WU17, version.


All the best,



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23 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


Hello John,
If you have moved your files away from where Orbx Central put them, it can no longer check the versions, or indeed see them at all.

Thanks Nick - so I need some advice - so that I don't miss any updates as per this example.


I want to reduce the size of the community folder and followed your advice to rename it something else - "Community Standby"

and when I want to go somewhere - I just transfer it across to community. I break this file further down into Aircraft regions etc

I especially want to do this before 2024 - because I want to keep 2020 for a while just in case it might be so different and needs

an awful lot of SSD space


I see from Central that one has an install choice of MS or a Library - should I call my temporary Comm file -"Library" -  or what? -

since I have sooooh many Orbx in limbo


I don't want to use the Addon that everyone talks about - it's too complicated for my old brain



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Hello John,

probably the easiest way, given what you have done already, will be to 
move everything back into the Community folder every now and then, perhaps
once a month and then run Orbx Central, updating anything that appears.


Despite your reservations, the best way, by far, is to have everything from Orbx installed into an Orbx Central Library.
That way, there is nothing added to the Community folder and you can choose exactly where the Orbx Central Library is.
Secondly, the files always stay where they were put, so Orbx Central can always see them.


Both Orbx Central and the excellent Addons Linker use the same method.

1) They both add links to the Community folder from where the files are and better still,
2) the  Addons Linker will recognise the Orbx Central Library, so you can choose the ones that you want to link from there
without opening Orbx Central at all.
3) Virtually no product files are added to the Community folder, so in the event of a disaster and the Community folder is
deleted, nothing is lost.


I spent a little time organising my non-Orbx addons into folders and ended up with this:




From there, I can select a whole folder, or any individual items from any of them and links are added to the Community folder.
The numbers show how many/from the total have been selected.



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many Thanks for the good advice and the time taken from your weekend to reply


I will immediately create an "Orbx Library" as you have suggested - separate from my standby Community

I assume that it can be on the same SSD as 2020/24 and will be found by Orbx when updating

---and continue with the itemized library method similar to yours


I hope this will also help others who do not use the Ap

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 Whoops @! - I created a folder called Orbx as you showed - installed from Central - London City via "Library"

but it ended up in a user file that I had not created - and ended up in the Community folder as well where I did not want it


I found it via the Install done 2 days ago of Orbx trees - in the same file - new to me - File which also ended in community folder as well

which I did want installed for use now


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Please do not tell me that you have removed Porthkerry railway viaduct near Cardiff airport? I have just arrived at the airport after installing the updates for GB South and Central, and the viaduct has vanished. I also noticed a very ugly cliff anomaly to the left of the approach whereby the coastal terrain was being rendered as very blocky until I was close. Is this a conflict with the Orbx Mesh package, as I have not noticed it before?


EDIT: that horrible blocky cliff and low resolution textures must be an artefact of World Update 17, as it is still there with Orbx Great Britain Mesh disabled. What a mess. As for Porthkerry railway viaduct, I fear the worst :(

Edited by Christopher Low
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@Christopher Low


I can recreate your issue description if I turn my photogrammetry off.  I normally run with photogrammetry on.  The WU17 photogrammetry update for Cardiff area was stunning, in my opinion.  That photogrammetry update extends all the way to EGFF.  I assume Orbx removed the Porthkerry railway viaduct POI due to its conflict with the photogrammetry in that area which includes a very nice rendition of the viaduct which you can see in the 2nd picture below.  The only difference between the two pics below is toggling the photogrammetry parameter from off to on.  With photogrammetry on the picture is brighter and higher resolution which is obvious when you look at the cliffs on the left and right side of the pictures.  These pics were taken with Orbx EU British Isles Mesh turned on.







Edited by stiletto2
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I have removed the UK2000 version of the airport, and installed the Gaya handcrafted version that was included in World Update 17.......and the Porthkerry railway viaduct has reappeared. In other words, it seems that the viaduct model is included in the hand crafted airport package. Maybe this is why the Orbx model was removed, although it does mean that anyone using an alternative version of the airport with PG disabled will not have the viaduct at all.



Edited by Christopher Low
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2 hours ago, Christopher Low said:

I have removed the UK2000 version of the airport, and installed the Gaya handcrafted version that was included in World Update 17.......and the Porthkerry railway viaduct has reappeared. In other words, it seems that the viaduct model is included in the hand crafted airport package. Maybe this is why the Orbx model was removed, although it does mean that anyone using an alternative version of the airport with PG disabled will not have the viaduct at all.



That's interersting.  I did not realize that the Gaya version had the Porthkerry railway viaduct in it, since I am continuing to use the UK2000 EGFF which I like better than the new Gaya default.



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Not sure what happened to the Porthkerry viaduct to be honest.

It does indeed seem to have disappeared from GB South but there was never any intention to remove it.


As far as I can remember all we intended to actually remove from the last beta were some ships which conflicted with Seafronts scenery.


I'll try and look into it.


All the best,



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My guess is that since current default MSFS contains the new handcrafted EGFF which apparently includes a Porthkey POI, it would fit the criteria for GBSouth to remove that POI since it is already in the default sim as of WU17.



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The problem here is that the WU17 version appears to be PG. POI landmark models absolutely must be hand crafted models, otherwise anyone who does not want to use PG (or has it disabled for performance reasons) is losing out. The inclusion of a model of this viaduct in the hand crafted version of EGFF Cardiff is a curious anomaly, since it would have made more sense to simply include this in the World Update 17 POI list, rather than a PG one.

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I am not at all sure if "The problem here is that the WU17 version appears to be PG."


This series of images would suggest that it is not.

Note: whenever adding or removing scenery, it is best practice, if used, to delete the rolling cache and in any case, delete all of the scenery .dat files










It also looks as if EU Great Britain South does not have a version of the viaduct and that it does not exclude the Microsoft one.
This is standard Orbx practice.







I don't know if it is technically possible, but none of these anomalies would happen at all, if developers were able to first disable

anything that would be there before adding their POI.
On the other hand, if Microsoft and Orbx both exclude the other and both are installed, what would show?
If you include a UK 2000 version as well and it has an exclude, perhaps that might be why it is possible to see no viaduct at all?





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10 hours ago, Christopher Low said:

The problem here is that the WU17 version appears to be PG


Hi Christopher.


I've just had a look at all this and found the following.


The WU17 photogrammetry of the Cardiff area does, indeed, include the Porthkerry viaduct which is actually one of the better examples of PG.

The WU17 version of Cardiff airport has a custom model which is, unfortunately, misplaced on the terrain and fails to exclude the underlying PG version.

That's ASOBO's problem!



As Rod pointed out the PG around here is better than most so, with PG on users of either the UK2000 or Sofly version of the airport can remove the Gaya version and will see the perfectly acceptable PG version on approach.


I only had time for a quick look but as far as I can see the UK2000 airport successfully excludes the Gaya version of the airport so folks who prefer to fly without PG can have both active and will see only the slightly misplaced Gaya version of the viaduct.


The recent Sofly version doesn't exclude the Gaya version so that must be removed to use the Sofly scenery.


Basically anyone can sort out a way of having the viaduct there (apart from those wishing to use the Sofly scenery with PG off).


As I said I don't think our removal of the viaduct was intentional - it was not discussed and I'd rather it was still there!

I suspect Rod is right that it got included on a list along with the actual WU17 POI's as something to remove and I didn't notice.


Ours was correctly placed and excluded both the Gaya and PG versions successfully (screenshot from an earlier beta with the GAYA airport installed and PG on).



All the best,








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On 9/13/2024 at 9:37 AM, John Burgess said:


They should be.

The update for North is still a work in progress so you'll still get the older, pre WU17, version.


All the best,



Hi John / All


Due the incompatibility of UK N - C and S along with London and Dublin City Centres I uninstalled them after my WU17 update.


I saw the post above ref UK S and C updates above, so reinstalled, is subscribing to Discord the only way to be notified now of an update for UK N, London and Dublin in the future?


Only other way I can think of is to reinstall them via Orbx Central then disable in Community Folder link. Therefore, Orbx Central will notify me.


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4 hours ago, paulk said:

is subscribing to Discord the only way to be notified now of an update for UK N, London and Dublin in the future?

not really, Orbx Central is designed to not only notify of updates but also, if selected, it will install them automatically.
It isn't really any more difficult to start Orbx Central, than it is to visit a Discord channel, if you prefer not to do that.

The answer is probably to put your products back to where Orbx Central placed them and then use that.
The answer to not having them in the Community folder is to install them into an Orbx Central Library, then you can use
either Orbx Central, or Addons Linker or any other means to place links into the Community folder.


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15 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

not really, Orbx Central is designed to not only notify of updates but also, if selected, it will install them automatically.
It isn't really any more difficult to start Orbx Central, than it is to visit a Discord channel, if you prefer not to do that.

The answer is probably to put your products back to where Orbx Central placed them and then use that.
The answer to not having them in the Community folder is to install them into an Orbx Central Library, then you can use
either Orbx Central, or Addons Linker or any other means to place links into the Community folder.


I recently followed your advice and allowed Orbx to place my last 2 purchases into a library created by Orbx on the

basis of transferring it to community - When I wished - however - both items are in my community folder as well and 

already in use by MSFS ??

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12 hours ago, John Heaton said:

I recently followed your advice and allowed Orbx to place my last 2 purchases into a library created by Orbx on the

basis of transferring it to community - When I wished - however - both items are in my community folder as well and 

already in use by MSFS ??

 Hello John, 
they are most likely just links in your Community folder.

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