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More Sea plane Bases.......


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.....in MSFS :).


I found two more. This time in Orbx partner's Seattle Landmarks. Both are located near Seattle, Washington state, NW USA.


One can see that they are close together




First, W55 Kenmore Air Harbor SPB










Second, S60 Kenmore Air Harbor Inc Seaplane Base













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I used to LOVE me some seaplane flying in FSX and P3D with the venerable Aerosoft Beaver and the incredible A2A Cub floatplane. I still have yet to find a floatplane in MSFS that fills that same niche for me as those two aircraft. Looking at these fine images of yours Paul is making want to scratch that seaplane itch ;) 

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51 minutes ago, Sniper31 said:

I used to LOVE me some seaplane flying in FSX and P3D with the venerable Aerosoft Beaver and the incredible A2A Cub floatplane. I still have yet to find a floatplane in MSFS that fills that same niche for me as those two aircraft. Looking at these fine images of yours Paul is making want to scratch that seaplane itch ;) 


Thanks Landon :). Same feelings here. Although we should get a free Beaver in November ;)

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35 minutes ago, paulb said:

Although we should get a free Beaver in November 

Yes, I am aware. I just hope it's up to good standards from MilViz...we shall see. I don't want to get my hopes up and be disappointed. There have been far too few good quality Beavers in the sims in the past 10 years. 

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1 hour ago, Sniper31 said:

Yes, I am aware. I just hope it's up to good standards from MilViz...we shall see. I don't want to get my hopes up and be disappointed. There have been far too few good quality Beavers in the sims in the past 10 years. 


Well, (from memory) Milviz released the Beaver and the Otter for FSX/P3Dv4 and then there were the two Aerosoft ones for FSX and XPlane 11. So at least there was always somewhere to go! I ended up buying all of them :)

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41 minutes ago, paulb said:

Well, (from memory) Milviz released the Beaver and the Otter for FSX/P3Dv4

Yes, your memory serves you well there Paul. I had those same Beaver and Otter aircraft in FSX/P3Dv4 too, but I was not at all impressed with them. I really wanted the Beaver that is soon to come out for MSFS to be at the same standard as the Cessna C-310, but that company said that is was not going to be developed to that same level. So, I am at least hoping that it is developed to a similar standard as their PC-6 that was released last year (not to be confused with the free PC-6 release from Asobo). I don't know, I just don't have good vibes about it. As far as I am concerned, the Beaver keeps getting disrespected by sim developers. Such a hard working, historical aircraft that is still in use in rough areas of the world, but so under represented in the sim as far as I am concerned.

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24 minutes ago, Sniper31 said:

Yes, your memory serves you well there Paul. I had those same Beaver and Otter aircraft in FSX/P3Dv4 too, but I was not at all impressed with them. I really wanted the Beaver that is soon to come out for MSFS to be at the same standard as the Cessna C-310, but that company said that is was not going to be developed to that same level. So, I am at least hoping that it is developed to a similar standard as their PC-6 that was released last year (not to be confused with the free PC-6 release from Asobo). I don't know, I just don't have good vibes about it. As far as I am concerned, the Beaver keeps getting disrespected by sim developers. Such a hard working, historical aircraft that is still in use in rough areas of the world, but so under represented in the sim as far as I am concerned.


I don't disagree with your comments Landon. Thinking back, the one that I flew the most was the Aerosoft one in FSX. Not suggesting that it was the best of the bunch, but I was buying Orbx scenery long before I moved to P3D (2017 v4).  Despite its flaws, I loved flying that Beaver around the PNW :).

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30 minutes ago, wain71 said:

some great shots there, love the float planes, I was leaving my local area in a default sea plane and just landing on lakes and things, was a really relaxing way of passing the time and admiring the scenery...


Thanks Wayne :). As you say, a great way to fly - low and slow!

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