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I dream .....


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Just a little bit of "whimsy" and wishing for warmer weather.




Orbx Alaska Mesh 
Landmarks Brisbane City Pack
YBBN Brisbane International Airport
Orbx Mackay Airport (YBMK) 
KCBE Bryce
REX Accuseasons 
REX Weather Force
SimWorks Studios Kodiak 100 Series II


Real Weather - clear and sunny .... -32C , pretty much sums it up where I'm at.
But with Covid it's just not feasible to travel, but virtually, well that's another matter.
Yes !! . I'm off somewhere warm ....



And almost instantly (it's my dream , right) here we are at YBBN Brisbane International




My flight goes on a bit later today, so lets just nip into the city for some breakfast  
and sightseeing(the dream thing again). 

But then again , you can just settle for one view and watch the fog....




Too  bad about the weather and I really should be getting back.  But its 24C so, no complaints here!




I decided to try a boat out to the airport.  What's the saying if "you can dream it you can do it."
Works great ...!



And I won't bore you with getting through Brisbane and on to the right flight.
But here we are at our destination ....
Mackay Airport (YBMK) - Queensland, just a short hop from Brisbane

Now this is a dream come true .... clean and new, shrubs in full bloom, no snow !!



You can't ask for anything more .  And it's supposed to get to 30C this afternoon:D:D
Just think, 24 hrs ago I was on the other side of the 30 :(




Just look at the shrubs. Full bloom and it just looks so warm out.  And it is !!

Just gorgeous ...


And this looks just fine and will do for supper , I'm sure



Definitely not a bad spot to be 


and palm trees no less .... what a dream


And there's my hotel for the night.  I've stayed in Ibis all over Europe and their good, comfortable
and great food and service.


I'll just have a quick look around while I'm here. Hey, that's my plane I think.
But it looks like they're doing something to it.


Ah yes, typical armchair piloting . Parked in the wrong spot --- again!
I guess the "H" didn't stand for "here" :rolleyes: :banghead:



I think I will stay here forever, or at least until spring back home

But then, I had the weirdest experience.  Some "monster" aircraft outside this little 
wooden hanger trying to get in, but it was too big  and some guy named "Tim" shouting at the top of his lungs about a missing pony at KCBE

Scary stuff :o



And then I woke up .... and it was still cold and snowy , rats!

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19 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Great stuff here Pete, although I am not ready for warmer weather yet...ski season has just gotten started ;) But, your shots look like nice and pleasant weather for you :) 



Thanks Landon. 

Ski Season here is almost "cancelled" at the moment. With wind chill -40 ish.  But you're right.  It's a wonderful sport and really is something

to look forward to in the winter season.:)

Personally I just like going out for walks when I can. At my age I worry about falling, so I have good winter boots

with carbide ice grippers and that works really well for me.

Cheers & all the best for 2022!



14 hours ago, Stillwater said:

A fantastic compilation and storyline, Pete. And it increases my desire for Summer slightly.

Thanks Gerold!

All the best for 2022!



14 hours ago, BradB said:

I dream of Jeannie , but so far no luck ........:wub:B):(:lol:

 You're at the wrong website and the wrong forum B)

It's ok John.  Our lips are sealed and we'll never tell :lol::lol:


All the best for 2022!




12 hours ago, John Mac said:

Great shots and story Pete! Could do with a lash of sunshine myself! However it was weirdly mild here all over Christmas! 

Thanks John

See!  Everyone likes the chance to catch a few "rays" from time to time:D

"However it was weirdly mild here all over Christmas! "

Now I know what happened here :)

Cheers and all the best for 2022!



7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set of shots these Pete.



Thanks Iain:)

Cheers & all the best for 2022!




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