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Orbx LOWI - time to call in "Professional Help"


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I have to say that even using my new XBox controller I was having my struggles with the camera system in MS2020


Also the odd "distortion" in the camera system that created tilting of things like buildings , poles, towers etc was getting to be annoying.


So I decided to contact a professional gamer and get his advice. He was kind enough to give me  a virtual "Zoom" lesson. What a difference :)


His name was Chad and he is the 10 yr old son, of my niece. He has an XBox game with a balloon and started out just showing me what he does.

Lightbulb time - the actions on the controller are the same for the MS2020 drone :rolleyes:


The other interesting aspect is all visual distortion I was experiencing is non existent  with the Drone camera system


Real quick . Using the drone , right joystick rotates around a viewpoint, left joystick moves towards and away from a viewpoint. Left trigger causes the drone to decrease altitude , right trigger causes it

to increase altitude. And no visual distortion....:)


So these are just a few little "snaps" at Orbx LOWI, which is just a fantastic creation BTW.


They are really meant just to demonstrate that you can get some very neat perspectives quite easily.


And the old fellow in the second shot. He could probably be any one of several hundred of us I suspect. B)
















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19 hours ago, BradB said:

Top notch shots Pete !! .

Thanks John:)




17 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great shots Pete.



Thank you so much Iain

I have to say though that it really does remind me of a Romulan Warbird. 

I was a little worried that it might have activated a "flight cloaking mode ", but so far so good!

But then I'm a great star trek fan , so that's quite all right :)




10 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Nice shots!!!!!!!!  Is the only  way you can take screenshots in MSFS  2020 is with a drone?


Hi John


There are 3 different modes for the camera . The first is a cockpit view, the second is an outside view and the third is the drone.

All can be controlled by either keyboard instructions or the mouse but it is quite difficult to maneuver. 


Both the cockpit and the outside view are tied to the aircraft. There are also presets that can work well also , for these two views

The drone is not tied to the aircraft exclusively. Of course you can use it for that, but you can also use it to go off exploring as it is an independent

camera system.


BUT .....imho the drone  is the most diabolical dastardly  non intuitive invention known to man when you first encounter it in MS. I found it was completely uncontrollable

My reaction all through the alpha was "what are they thinking?"


However,  as soon as you attach a XBox controller to your PC , the magic truly happens. Now you have the ability in all 3 modes to use the joysticks to

maneuver your camera easily and precisely to whatever view you want.


And the drone - well it acts exactly like a real camera drone with the controller.

It makes something that was extremely frustrating into a lot of fun.


Hard to believe , but now I enjoy it so much I wish all flight simulators had this type of camera control system.:)


Cheers and thanks!



8 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Boy, we all need a 10 year old professional gamer in the family sometime to help us good old boys with these sorts of problems! :D  Got some great shots from that collaboration! :)


Boy do you have that right!

He is just a regular little whiz with that thing. 

But he was a very good teacher I have to say.


I think MS should provide an instructional video of him on their website :)


Thanks for the comment. I couldn't have done them without his help!












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On 8/26/2020 at 2:16 AM, Aussieflyer38 said:

Great shots Pete, and I agree, MS are very lacking in any sort of instruction, particularly in the camera mode.



Hi Don 

Thanks. I am very pleased you enjoyed it.


Hopefully it will come with time, but if you're willing to spend a bit of time with Mssrs. Google and Youtube you can usually find

your answer  (at least so far its worked :rolleyes:).


I also would really recommend the series by a fellow named "Squirrel" ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSeb5KSN6BC1c0WwEjUzM_A  )


He has a no nonsense practical approach , which is very focused on solutions.

And the best part -- I have never seen him waste half the video telling me what his cat had for breakfast :rolleyes: 



On 8/26/2020 at 2:29 AM, wain71 said:

nice shots Pete, I have to agree re; the drone camera, nightmare until you plug in Xbox controller.....



If you look at some of the very early videos that Asobo made, you can see that they have Xbox controllers on their desks , along with the joystick.

 At the time I thought it was just a "prop" .




On 8/26/2020 at 4:07 AM, Dario said:

Excellent shots, Pete! What a difference the XBox controller makes! As you properly said, it goes from uncontrollable to magic :) 

Thanks Dario:)


It is surprisingly easy to use after a bit of practice. I was back with XPlane 11 a few days ago, and trying to control the camera with a mouse (which actually works very well BTW) seemed to now be something that I wished I could easily change to use the controller.


So far, anything I tried resulted in my losing my joystick and substituting the Xbox controller which isn't quite the same.


I'm not sure I would get a positive reception from the program's author if I asked for a feature request to be allowed to use a Microsoft XBox controller

along with a joystick as part of the setup.




13 hours ago, olderndirt said:

Very innovative Pete - finally some real colors and a truck with a winglet :).



It's the new 2020 truck design. The catering company is called "Flying Wings" :rolleyes:





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