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White balance is off on TE Norcal

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Gorgeous scenery package as usual, but a slight oopsie. I've noticed that the white balance of TE Norcal is very, very very warm. Everything seems to be a very saturated shade of orange. Comparing this to TE Washington and Yosemite valley. Northwest CA seems to be ok though, once you get into the redwoods.






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Are you using any shader mods?


I have slight differences in the sceneries (this is due to different source imagery) but I don't remember seeing anything like the difference you are showing.  However there is an area towards the west of the Oregon scenery where the colours were different, you can see that they are different to the rest of Oregon as well as NorCal.  Once again this was attributed to the source material.  Eventually I hope they will find a closer match.


The pink areas where rocky outcrops occur I believe is due to the source imagery as well, though the conversion process inside P3D probably increases the tint, much the same as highlights such as riverbanks tend to be washed out.  It's a trade-off in the processing to maximise frame rates I would guess.


The Yosemite scenery is definitely way off colour, and I mentioned this in testing, they were going to look at asking the dev to see about matching the colours, but really, the Yosemite Valley is so well portrayed in TE now that the add on is not really required any more.

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As always with aerial imagery there's a chance of slight color variations within larger coverage areas that can never be eliminated entirely. These can be exaggerated to the extreme with the various shader/HDR settings in P3D.

It's usually best to reset the shaders and play a little eith HDR saturation, brightness etc. until you see everything to you liking (which again can vary very much depending on thr screen and screen settings used).




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I fully understand the Ortho colorimetry issue but it impacts the customer experience ;) That's too bad. I tried to set some stuff with Toga EnvShade and the colorimetry of my monitor and nVidia driver without success.




One of the feedback is that it looks like an always sunset situation.

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Well I just use pure unadulterated P3DV4.5 colour, no tweaks, not even HDR, no other shaders, textures etc, and I get a very satisfactory experience. 


However in answer to Mac7367 about the border between TE sceneries and LC sceneries, no, it can't be fixed because the borders will always be very obvious because of the entirely different textures.


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21 minutes ago, newtie2 said:

Adjusting 'Hue' to ~ +13 will help remove some of the orange as well.




I would never play with those settings. If you do, you will end up with different vibrance/hue for every scenery with the prospect of having to switch at every scenery boundary. Moreover, I use a color-calibrated (using a hardware device) monitor, thus I am certainly not going to play with vibrance and hue after calibrating it.


I have been flying very much in the "old" FTX NCA and this has definitely a much more green/yellow tint than TE NCA, so either must be "off".  As vbazillo states, I am always under the impression it's sunset in TE NCA. That's the region around San Francisco which I investigated to far.


Kind regards, Michael

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8 hours ago, John Dow said:

However in answer to Mac7367 about the border between TE sceneries and LC sceneries, no, it can't be fixed because the borders will always be very obvious because of the entirely different textures.


I understand that.  I was referring solely to the color balance.  In my pic, Oregon looks about right, NoCal much too orange.  The other posts here tell me I can mess with the hue -- but probably shouldn't.


Maybe I could wear my blue-tinted sunglasses.  B)

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On 6/15/2020 at 5:13 AM, Mac6737 said:

Amen.  Here's my screenshot of the border between the TE No. Cal. and plain old Oregon.  Don't look right! 


Can this be fixed?



TrueEarth border.jpg



Maybe TE Oregon will erase this boundary

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The Deal is if you change color for one scenery , you change for all the sim .. and i think after you back to the older settings and for TE N-CAL............ let it snow ....!



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This is unacceptable!  TE No Cal looks like Mars.


I am going to disable mine, until there's a fix.  I see that TE Oregon is in the offing.  That will just double the area of blood-soaked scenery.  No thanks!


Here's the eastern edge of TE No Cal in mid-morning.



No Cal border.jpg

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9 hours ago, Mac6737 said:

This is unacceptable!  TE No Cal looks like Mars.


I am going to disable mine, until there's a fix.  I see that TE Oregon is in the offing.  That will just double the area of blood-soaked scenery.  No thanks!


Here's the eastern edge of TE No Cal in mid-morning.





There's no way that Orbx can offer a match between the TE scenery and the LC scenery, the products are just too different.  So flying along the border will always be an abrupt change in textures.  It's the nature of the beast.  Oregon and NorCal match reasonably well along the border, close enough that if you fly across ot without looking for problems you probably won't even realise you've crossed over.


Here is a Google Earth image of the same part of the scenery as you have in your screenshot.  As you can see, the source imagery varies depending on the season, the lighting, the climate, the processing applied to the imagery (which is generally taken in a format designed for extraction of information by specialised geodata programs, not the 'photographic' quality of a normal camera) and of course the time of day etc.


As you can see the colours in the main part of the image are fairly similar to the colours in your screenshot.  If that's the imagery output that is supplied to Orbx then that is what will appear in the scenery product.  Added to whatever colour balance is supplied, the process of conversion to simulator friendly files, followed by the internal processing of the sim which is geared towards performance rather than photographic standards, and it is actually very difficult to produce a colour balance across a landscape that looks good everywhere.







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8 hours ago, John Dow said:


Oregon and NorCal match reasonably well along the border, close enough that if you fly across ot without looking for problems you probably won't even realise you've crossed over.

Thank you for the education.  Earlier in this thread (06/14) I posted a pic of that border, too, the first one I crossed after installing TE No Cal.  I think it 's as jarring as the one in the later pic.


That said, your post satisfies me that there's nothing to be done about it, within reason. 


"At the end of the day, it is what it is."



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