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RAT takes on the Wallowas

Rodger Pettichord

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Hi all. Our soon-to-be-released novel's Royal Order of Rubber Ducks (ROORD) Beaver is now painted in its final  ROORD Air Transport (RAT) colors. Many thanks to TeD "TuFun" Wolfgang. So now I get to take it on some adventures. This first trip takes us to eastern Oregon and the Wallowa Mountains. This range is easily the visual equivalent of the Three Sisters in central Oregon, and is a popular destination for those who enjoy true wilderness camping. Forum folk who have XP True Earth Oregon really ought to give this area a look.


This flight starts at Joseph State Park air strip (AS3) on the edge of the mountain range. ORBX has done a good job with Joseph, so we start with a feeling of "real."


[ORBX Global/Vector/NA LC/PNW. REX real weather. Milviz DHC2 Beaver. Repaint by TeD Wolfgang]


Beaver parked at Joseph State Park (AS3). The plane fits here, rugged and ready.



Taxi at Joseph. Well laid-out airstrip.



At runway three-three. The canyon in the background will be our entry into the Wallowas.



Lift-off from Joseph. Wallowas to right of screen.



Leaving the flats and entering the Wallowas. Wish I knew the territory. I pray to St. ORBX and carry on.



So far, so good. Just follow the canyon and smile.



The mountains rise on either side. I'll stay low and follow the canyon. What could go wrong?



Happy as a clam. I've got this figured out.



Oops. Getting foggy, and I have a split ahead. Left or right?



I'll head left. Six of one and half a dozen of the other, right?



Left it is. Just stay down and follow this new canyon. But things don't feel so friendly now.



A ridge appears out of the fog. It's the end of the canyon--it's a giant box. Oh my stars and rutabagas!



I think I can, I think I can. Airspeed dropping. Stall shudders. Get out the adult diapers, mother, papa's gonna need 'em soon!



I know I can't, I know I can't. Stalling out. Someone take care of my good dog, Spot. Raise a memorial on the Forum. Been nice knowing y'all!



The moment of truth. What followed was not pretty.




Well, so much for adventure #1. But good news -- I just found some new back-country strips. The Duck RAT Beaver will rise to try again!

Thanks for coming along.














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2 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Nice set Rodger, looks like you cumulus granitus.

Yes, Jack, and it's darned hard to fly through.


2 hours ago, Aussieflyer38 said:

Good shots Rodger, and a bit of comedy thrown in :D


Thanks, Don. Sorry, but it hurts to laugh right now. ;)


2 hours ago, JohnnyJohnJohn said:

Well, at least your honest Rodger!  Nice shots though! 

Can't stretch the truth much, J3, when the wreckage is all around you. :rolleyes:


2 hours ago, olderndirt said:

Great set Roger and a brilliant paint by Ted.  The Milviz beaver is essentially the Soulmade beaver in XP - unfortunately we don't have that paint.

Thanks, OND. The repaint is solely for use with the novels at this point. Maybe later?


45 minutes ago, adambar said:

Well you almost made it Rodger. :D  Great paint on the Beaver! :)

Adam, what is it they say about almost having made it in an airplane? I sure found out!


14 minutes ago, lifejogger said:

Enjoyed the shots and the flight.  Well, most of the flight.

You speak for both of us, John. :lol:

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