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Black and Blue in Norway

Ken Terry

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Doug, some further information.

Most of Norway is fine and looks like this.  This a valley about ten miles west of ENNO Notroden


Then all of a sudden in the same area I see this


I re loaded my scenery library - no difference.

I tried various seasons winter, summer etc. no difference.

Here is my Summer approach from the south to ENML


Pity it spoils the experience of low level flying.

Any further thoughts as to a solution.



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A Google search "P3D Black Terrain" sent me to AVSIM and this comment from a reader


In FTXCentral, near the bottom of the Settings page in the Tools section (you may have to scroll down off the first page in Settings), there is an option to force a remigration of the unified lclookup--I would try doing that.  The FTX regional products use a custom landclass map and some custom landclass texture files, and if that is boogered up, you'll see black tiles.


I cannot see a Force remigration on my Settings page of ORBX Central.


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Hello Ken,


FTX Central and Orbx Central are not the same thing and therefore that advice is not relevant to you.

Efforts to persuade customers to give the two utilities their correct names have met with variable

levels of success.


Possibly @Holger Sandmann will be able to give you some useful advice on this problem.

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Hi Ken,


it does look like an installation problem to me (even the screenshot that supposedly is "fine" shows some problem spots). One way to exclude that it's an issue with an incompatible third-party add-on is to temporarily move the four FTX Norway entries to the top of your scenery library menu (while maintaining their correct numerical order) or else uncheck every non-Orbx item active above the Orbx/FTX block.


Your first post states "suddenly I have"... What happened before 'suddenly'? Also, do you see any similar issues in FTX Germany or the UK?


Cheers, Holger

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Holger,, thanks, England is OK

I tried to move the NOR entries to the top of my scenery list but it would not let me move above the first ORBX insertion point.

Also all the check marks on added scenery are grey and I cannot delete them by unticking.

Suddenly was a bad choice of words, the fault was always there i came across it when I flew over a hill.


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Hi Nick, all addons are in the same library.

I believe the culprit might be a recent purchase of Moscow but I can't click it off to see 

My tick marks are grey and inactive see below.


As you can see Moscow is there but the delete option is grey.

Further down my Scenery library I see this


Here you can see I can delete some addons, in fact I did delete Tivat which was also a recent purchase but that did not improve my black and blue patches.

How can I get the greyed out addons to highlight so I can delete Moscow?

Or is there another way to delete Moscow perhaps by a Sdit of the Scenery config?



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Thanks Nick, found the addon menu and deleted Moscow, no difference.

I also deleted some other recent addons no difference.


I guess I will just have to work at it over the next few days to discover which scenery is causing the fault.


May take many trials but I have time.



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Nick, Holger, hooray fixed the fault.

It turns out that none of my scenery or add-on scenery is at fault, the problem was me and my incorrect work on Orbx Central

What I had done is put the Orbx Airports and Regions under Aspen as the Insertion Point and I also put Orbx Global Open LC under Aspen.

When I changed the Orbx Global Open LC to be under Orbx Airports and Regions everything worked fine, no more black and blue terrain.

Everyday we learn something new.

Thanks for staying with me on this problem.



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