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Boxes in luxury.


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Those good ol times when we used to excitedly open the newly arrived Orbx boxes... put them in the DVD drive... installed scenery by scenery...

Thanks for reminding me, Martyn.

The Luxemburg scenery looks a bit burned, has global warming hit them so hard already?

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On ‎7‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 6:00 AM, Stillwater said:

Those good ol times when we used to excitedly open the newly arrived Orbx boxes... put them in the DVD drive... installed scenery by scenery...

Thanks for reminding me, Martyn.

The Luxemburg scenery looks a bit burned, has global warming hit them so hard already?

Those were the days Gerold, waiting for the postman to arrive and having to pay for the postage.

This morning had to pay GST for the first time on a FSim download.

Not only global warming in The Grand Duchy but it is also looking slightly wrinkled!

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22 hours ago, Wakashi said:

I always ship my boxes in luxury, so make sure you take care of them! :rolleyes:  Great shot btw! 

DOn't worry Roger but I hope your package is not marked "Fragile" as my landings can be a tad rough.:o

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7 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Cool shot Martyn, but boxes of what?  I hope they're boxes of nice Merlot wine. :P

I will have to see what we have on board Jack, what do you fancy apart from the Merlot?

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5 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Hmmm....Corvettes? :D

I thought of you on Saturday morning Jack as I saw an immaculate light red C3 when driving across the causeway.

One of the most beautiful cars ever made although I do like the later versions of the C1.

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6 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

I thought of you on Saturday morning Jack as I saw an immaculate light red C3 when driving across the causeway.

One of the most beautiful cars ever made although I do like the later versions of the C1.

Wish you got a photo of it!  I agree, in my own personal opinion I would do a one-for-one trade for a brand new 1978 Indy Pace car C3 Vette.  It has to be the most beautiful car ever built.  To this day it still looks futuristic.  I used to tell people I'd take a C3 with a lawnmower engine in it as the body style was what I really loved the most about it.

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