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YMML V3 White Rwy Lights large and Distorted


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I just bought YMML V3 and it looks great overall; however the White night runway lights (all runways) are very large and distorted.

The other (colored)  lights seem OK.  Is there a fix available for this? 

Some screen caps are attached to illustrate.........

Best to all,





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Is this the forum for FTX Support ?  If yes, I am looking for some support with the subject issue.  Been waiting for

3 days.  If I'm in the wrong place please point me in the correct direction.  If you think I'm being too impatient,

let me know and I'll try to better contain myself  ~ :) ~  >>  butt,  I'd seriously like to get this issue fixed.  Night

runway experiences @ the new YMML (V3) are just ugly now.

Best to all,

Ken Boardman

Product information

  • Transaction ID: 5b0f7cb8c1c74
  • Product: YMML Melbourne International Airport V3
  • Amount paid: $21.17 AUD
  • Purchased at: 2018-05-31 04:43:44
  • Quantity purchased: 1


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Thank you for the replies.  I have never tried / used DX10 mode.  I've been tempted because I've seen some messages

that suggest that it's easier on VAS usage. I think I found the white lights .dds and was tempted to tinker with it in Photoshop

but was hoping I could get a more graceful solution direct from the source ~:)

  I'm certainly open for tips and suggestions.  The airport seems well designed >  very reasonable regarding frames and VAS

usage,  and also very attractive otherwise.  I'm guessing the solution to the white rw lights thing is not to complicated.

Best regards,


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Hi Nick,

  The DX9 white lights in your screen cap (above) look good.  They seem smaller and less distorted than what I have here.

Why would I be seeing DX10 type lighting here when I'm not using DX10 ?



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That seems to be the main question.

I think that the developer intended the lights to look as they do in my Direct X 9 image,

as at that point, development was only for FSX and Dx9.

Probably if the FSX  installation is free of outside influences, the lights will look as intended.


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I'm seeing the same, and I have just tried every tweak I can find in the DX10 fixer to limit the lights but to no avail.  DX9 is nearly as bright as DX10, not as much difference as Nick is showing.


Now, I did notice one thing as I took the trike down the runway, the lights do dim quite substantially just a few feet from the aircraft.  Like about two lights away.  As you move down the runway each light dims as it gets close to the observer.  This indicates that there may be some setting in the lights that is set to make them brighter at long distance but dimmer closer, and the setting is wrongly set.  If it could be pushed out to 3km or more it might do what was originally intended, which I suspect might be a visible runway from circuit distance, but not as bright during final etc.


However I have no knowledge of any of the mechanics of FSX lighting, but it might be worth someone with ADE or dev knowledge to go in and have a look.



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Hi Scott,


Finally had some time to get a screenshot for you. Please see attached. 


See how the runway lights are really big! When I was about to land the lights looked like they were floating above the ground surface.






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Nick and Lucas,

  Lucas's screen cap above is indicative of what I see when near touchdown at night on the approach to YMML.  As I view the white lighting

farther down the runway,  the individual lights are so large that the end effect appears as a large smeared blob. 

  Tonight I'm going to do approach to (FTX) YBCS to see what the white RWY lights look like there,  because I have not noticed a white RWY

lights issue at other airports.

Best to all,


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Below are screen caps of white runway lights at other airports (FTX YBCS and {default} KLAX).  Is there a way to substitute

the White light Textures of the FTX YBCS for the same textures of FTX YMML.  Is it possible ?  Might be worth a try and perhaps

an improvement for some of us that have the large blooming :)  light syndrome at YMML ..










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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The lights for YMMLv3 are plain terrible, worst I've seen in my life I think.

They MUST be fixed, its embarrassing for ORBX.

This is how they look in a fullsize 737 with 200FOV projected HD visuals.




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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Hi Nick,

The new dds file gives much improved rwy lighting on my system and software,  especially during the approach. 

Many thanks for the file to all involved,  especially Nick for "keeping after it"   ~:)

Best regards,


Win 7-64, FSX Accel, i7 930@3.8ghz,  12gb,  Nvidia GTX 960 (4gb)

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  • 6 months later...
On 9/12/2018 at 3:18 PM, Nick Cooper said:


please try the attached file.

Put it into ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_YMML\texture and let it overwrite.

It should help.


G'day Nick,

I just stumbled across this "fix" and have tried this in P3DV4.4 with no luck. There was no change to the lights size and intensity. Runway lights are huge and very bright. Taxiway lights are less intense but are still small Christmas trees. I have tried the FTX Central control panel but there is no option to change lighting intensity as far as I can see.


Regards,   Martin YBLT



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22 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


the effect of the "fix" can soon be undone by using a high level of brightness and bloom.

G'day Nick, thanks for the tip! Any hints though on how to tweak brightness and bloom please? That would be really appreciated and apologies for the lack of knowledge in this area.


Regards,    Martin YBLT

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