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Stewart will be hopping mad.


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2 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Hope he catches up Martyn!  It would be good to have a nice sit down lunch with EMM!

Thanks Jack it would be a great lunch to have but at the moment I am currently eating on the run!:o

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1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

Good morning Rotterdam!

Wans´t there a movie with this sentence?

I am sure there was Gerold and wasn't there a saying too.:unsure:

Something is Denmark in the State of Rotterdam!:wacko::blink::rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, European Mountain Man said:

super shot   Martyn you are a bugger I will catch you and you cant avoided me for ever and where are you going now regards EMM  

Thanks Stewart, I am worried now as to what you will do when you do catch me!:ph34r:

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