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Plum Island


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Every time that I try to use Plum Island, the scenery etc loads and then P3Dv4 closes and I return to the desktop.


I do not have this problem with Nantucket.


I have crash detection disabled.


Any suggestions please?

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That’s a bummer but can not help you Paul. Sorry. Just seen it’s okay with Nantucket that’s strange. Maybe some thing missing from the Plumb Island folders. ? Maybe try downloading it again.  Derek.

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42 minutes ago, Dadtom65 said:

That’s a bummer but can not help you Paul. Sorry. Just seen it’s okay with Nantucket that’s strange. Maybe some thing missing from the Plumb Island folders. ? Maybe try downloading it again.  Derek.


Hi Derek,

Yes, if there is not an obvious fix, then I will delete it and download and install again tomorrow.

Cheers Paul

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Well, I uninstalled 2B2/6B6 and did a new install (all via Central).


No change!


The scenery etc loads, then P3D closes and returns me to the desktop.


I checked KACK again (just to be sure) and KACK still works fine.


Any suggestions please?

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5 minutes ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Rogue FS9 aircraft will cause P3Dv4 to crash without warning.  Are there any in your sim that might be causing this problem?  Just a suggestion as it seems to happen often with P3Dv4 users.


Hi Stewart,

No, nothing FS9 there. I use P3D most days and it never crashes. In fact this is the first problem (apart from some elevation issues in the past) that I have had with a normal install of orbx scenery. The odd thing is that Nactucket loads fine every time (as do my many other sceneries)

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6 hours ago, paulb said:

Every time that I try to use Plum Island, the scenery etc loads and then P3Dv4 closes and I return to the desktop.


I do not have this problem with Nantucket.


I have crash detection disabled.


Any suggestions please?


I finally got a chance to check out this addon yesterday.


I have the identical issue. I have not rogue FS9 planes.


I can load the sim anywhere else no issue, but as soon as I change to airport Plum Island, it crashes and if I start a flight there, the sim crashes immediately that it starts to load.

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59 minutes ago, Bill Womack said:

This is the first CTD I've heard of with KACK. Have you checked your Windows event logs to see what the specific crash info was? I'd be curious to see it.


Hi Bill,


We are not talking of KACK here. The issue is with 2B2/6B6. 


I have 95% of all orbx scenery and haven't had this problem before.


I will check my windows events log and let you know.


Cheers Paul

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I went to windows event viewer and could not see anything there. I did a specific test with 2B2 in P3D first so that I could be sure of the time that P3D closed. I could not see anything in any of the folders showing that time. 


I must say that windows does not crash in any way. What happens is that when I start, P3D loads as normal to the selection screen. When I select 2B2 or 6B6 then everything seems to start loading normally. Then the loading bar gets to 100% and P3D closes and simply returns me immediately to the desktop.

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39 minutes ago, paulb said:

I went to windows event viewer and could not see anything there. I did a specific test with 2B2 in P3D first so that I could be sure of the time that P3D closed. I could not see anything in any of the folders showing that time. 


I must say that windows does not crash in any way. What happens is that when I start, P3D loads as normal to the selection screen. When I select 2B2 or 6B6 then everything seems to start loading normally. Then the loading bar gets to 100% and P3D closes and simply returns me immediately to the desktop.

Those are the exact symptoms of an FS9 aircraft crashing the sim without warning to desktop.  The event viewer doesn't even pick up on it.  This may not be your specific cause, Paul, but something suspicious is causing your crash.

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1 hour ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Those are the exact symptoms of an FS9 aircraft crashing the sim without warning to desktop.  The event viewer doesn't even pick up on it.  This may not be your specific cause, Paul, but something suspicious is causing your crash.


Yes it is odd Stewart. P3D works fine - except with this particular scenery.

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15 minutes ago, Elaine Dixon said:

Hello Paul


Can you see Plum Island in your Prepar3D Scenery library ?  


It should be situated just under the Orbx Libraries.  Ensure it has not landed at the bottom of your library


Hi Elaine


Yes, it is there. It is No.40 in my scenery library. 1-33 are 3rd party sceneries. Orbx libraries is No 34. Then the FTX sceneries follow in order ie 05S, 0S9, 11S, 1S2, 1WA6, 2B2-6B6 and so on.


Cheers Paul

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The comment about FS9 traffic made me think... there's a traffic file included in 2B2, but it uses native traffic. However, maybe there's something to test there. You might try going to the Orbx\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_2B2-6B6\scenery folder and renaming "Traffic_6B6.bgl" to "Traffic_6B6.bgl.OFF" and see if that makes a difference. It's marked at 6B6 traffic, but there are flight plans that take AI from 2B2 to 6B6 and vice-versa, so it does have some effect on Plum Island. It's worth a try.

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12 minutes ago, Bill Womack said:

The comment about FS9 traffic made me think... there's a traffic file included in 2B2, but it uses native traffic. However, maybe there's something to test there. You might try going to the Orbx\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_2B2-6B6\scenery folder and renaming "Traffic_6B6.bgl" to "Traffic_6B6.bgl.OFF" and see if that makes a difference. It's marked at 6B6 traffic, but there are flight plans that take AI from 2B2 to 6B6 and vice-versa, so it does have some effect on Plum Island. It's worth a try.


Hi Bill,


I have just done as you suggest and renamed that file. Unfortunately, it makes no difference. P3D still gets to 'loading complete' and then immediately closes when I start from either 2B2 or 6B6.

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Have you played with the control panel, turning things off just as a test? You might start by switching everything in the 2B2-6B6 control panel off and see if the crashes persist. Without error reporting from Windows, it'll be trial and error figuring out what's causing it.

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12 minutes ago, Bill Womack said:

Have you played with the control panel, turning things off just as a test? You might start by switching everything in the 2B2-6B6 control panel off and see if the crashes persist. Without error reporting from Windows, it'll be trial and error figuring out what's causing it.


Hi Bill,


I have done as you suggest and turned everything off in the control panel. Now both 2B2 and 6B6 load fine!


It is after 11pm here, so I am going to bed. Tomorrow I will try turning each item back on in turn in the control panel and see if I can identify the culprit!

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5 hours ago, Bill Womack said:

Have you played with the control panel, turning things off just as a test? You might start by switching everything in the 2B2-6B6 control panel off and see if the crashes persist. Without error reporting from Windows, it'll be trial and error figuring out what's causing it.


Hi Bill, and welcome back.


I tried this evening to load this airport again, it crashed again, I then opened the control panel and shut off the static aircraft only. It still crashed.

This is so weird. Will keep looking into.


It not the layer priority, that is all fine.

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- I opened up the control panel and turned everything OFF.

- I then turned them on one at at time, rebooting P3D after each was turned on.


I have isolated the crash occurs ONLY when the environmental sounds are turned on for Plum Island

OR with the Minute Man strip and the associated environmental sounds turned on. If you launch a flight at one or the other of these airstrips when the environmental sounds are turned on the sim crashes.


But if only one of the two is turned on and then you start a flight near the other airport which does not have the sounds turned on, then the sim launches.


So this means that the sounds files or controllers which are distance controlled are causing the issue.

I haven't isolated the offending file(s) or whatever conflict might be happening; I am unfortunately in an RV 1600 miles from home and its somewhat difficult to do this work on my computer here.



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Hi Brian, I just want to add for troubleshooting that I have all boxes ticked on both airports and don't have the crash.  I find that odd.  One thing occurs to me though is on another forum for a plane, I forget where it was, but the fix was to disable any unused sound devices in Windows.



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20 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Hi Brian, I just want to add for troubleshooting that I have all boxes ticked on both airports and don't have the crash.  I find that odd.  One thing occurs to me though is on another forum for a plane, I forget where it was, but the fix was to disable any unused sound devices in Windows.




Hi Jack, I'm not sure what that means. I do recall an issue with Spokane sound files years back, and there was a problem with conflicting sound files with something and I can't recall what it was, but it was obscure.

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8 hours ago, Bill Womack said:

Have you played with the control panel, turning things off just as a test? You might start by switching everything in the 2B2-6B6 control panel off and see if the crashes persist. Without error reporting from Windows, it'll be trial and error figuring out what's causing it.


I tested again this morning by turning on different items in the control panel. 


I can confirm the same as Bryan above at both airports.


As long as I keep Environmental Sounds unchecked in the airports control panel then both 2B2 and 6B6 load and work fine! :)

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Interesting. My guess is that it's sound card related, most likely. The sounds play in P3D for me (and in FSX as well) without problem, and in the months that the scenery has been on sale, no one else has reported a CTD using them. I'll keep an eye out for a possible solution, but in the meantime, it's easy enough to just leave them unticked in the CP.

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7 hours ago, fltsimguy said:


Hi Jack, I'm not sure what that means. I do recall an issue with Spokane sound files years back, and there was a problem with conflicting sound files with something and I can't recall what it was, but it was obscure.

I "think" I saw it on the FSLabs A320 support forum but I'm not sure.  Anyway, they were talking about this same problem, crashing at one airport, not the plane but the sim.  So one guy troubleshot it down to a physical issue with sounds card devices and he solved it by deselecting all devices he didn't use with the Windows Control Panel.  And, I'm pretty sure it was 4.2 related.  Yet another reason for me not to go to 4.2.


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2 hours ago, Bill Womack said:

Interesting. My guess is that it's sound card related, most likely. The sounds play in P3D for me (and in FSX as well) without problem, and in the months that the scenery has been on sale, no one else has reported a CTD using them. I'll keep an eye out for a possible solution, but in the meantime, it's easy enough to just leave them unticked in the CP.


Strange though Bill? I have well over 100 payware airports installed and have not had this problem before.

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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I "think" I saw it on the FSLabs A320 support forum but I'm not sure.  Anyway, they were talking about this same problem, crashing at one airport, not the plane but the sim.  So one guy troubleshot it down to a physical issue with sounds card devices and he solved it by deselecting all devices he didn't use with the Windows Control Panel.  And, I'm pretty sure it was 4.2 related.  Yet another reason for me not to go to 4.2.



I am still on 4.0 Jack!

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42 minutes ago, paulb said:


Strange though Bill? I have well over 100 payware airports installed and have not had this problem before.


Disgregard my comment... I'm working too many threads at once and getting confused. 


If I had to guess, I'd say that the other airports probably don't use these sounds.

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1 hour ago, Bill Womack said:


Disgregard my comment... I'm working too many threads at once and getting confused. 


If I had to guess, I'd say that the other airports probably don't use these sounds.


No worries :). I expect that your guess is correct.

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3 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Not 100% sure it was 4.2, worth a look anyway?


I am using v4.1....its not that or it sure shouldn't be.

4 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I "think" I saw it on the FSLabs A320 support forum but I'm not sure.  Anyway, they were talking about this same problem, crashing at one airport, not the plane but the sim.  So one guy troubleshot it down to a physical issue with sounds card devices and he solved it by deselecting all devices he didn't use with the Windows Control Panel.  And, I'm pretty sure it was 4.2 related.  Yet another reason for me not to go to 4.2.



This is not really making sense to me either given how sound files and their controllers work.

At least we know where the problem is, isolating it exactly is another story.


But strange things still happen with this sim, so it won' surprise me when we find the exact solution.


I am wondering if the sound files and their controllers are copied from other sources and have been tweaked for this scenery???

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Examinging the files this morning, more weirdness.


My KACK has these files turned OFF yet the controller has everything turned on except sounds.





These doesn't appear to be a sound bgl in this scenery unless one of the above three is it.

AND, why are these three files turned OFF?




AND look what I found in the 2b2 and 6b6 folder, so this seems correct.




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6 hours ago, Bill Womack said:

Interesting. My guess is that it's sound card related, most likely. The sounds play in P3D for me (and in FSX as well) without problem, and in the months that the scenery has been on sale, no one else has reported a CTD using them. I'll keep an eye out for a possible solution, but in the meantime, it's easy enough to just leave them unticked in the CP.


I'm working on it Bill. See my notes above.

I just can't see how a brand new computer that has a great built in sound card and how the sound file, controller and compiled bgl work how this would work for one sound file and not another. But, hey, what do I know. I will attempt some sound devices playing around as well, can't hurt.

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