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Disaster Struck - A word of caution

John York

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The 'E' disc failed!  I had many GB's worth of Flight simulator stuff on it.


So, I sent the 'puter back to the original makers; Chillblast thinking they would be best suited to carry out the relatively simple job of replacing the disc.


Goodness me!  Was that a mistake!


When I got it back there was nothing left on any of it!  Not Microsoft, or any of the scenery  on my other discs; C and D!


When I queried it, they said and I quote;  'Well, we took the opportunity of cleaning it up for you so you could have what amounts to a brand new machine !


So, I've now spent something in the region of four weeks getting every thing on it and running again.  I've now got only the ATC, FSUIPC, and an active traffic program to put on before I start flying again.


I would be interested if anyone can recommend the ATC and Active Traffic addons please.  They may be better than those I had.



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I'm not sure if PF3 is under new management Dadtom.

I'll have another look.  Thanks.

Hi Iain.  So that's why I'm 85 tomorrow.  Do I have a claim?

By the way, I just can't get Ultimate Traffic to work.  I must admit to getting confused as to getting it set up.  Truth is, I don't know what I'm doing!


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6 hours ago, JohnY said:

The 'E' disc failed!  I had many GB's worth of Flight simulator stuff on it.


So, I sent the 'puter back to the original makers; Chillblast thinking they would be best suited to carry out the relatively simple job of replacing the disc.


Goodness me!  Was that a mistake!


When I got it back there was nothing left on any of it!  Not Microsoft, or any of the scenery  on my other discs; C and D!


All you probably needed to do was open the drive (presumably not an SSD), move the read head off the disk platter (probabe failure point) and re-install the disk.


Unfortunately, the skill set of many outlets including the major manufacturers is very lacking. Local shops in my experience will always wipe the disk in the hope it's a Windows/Driver issue. If you ask them to preserve the data they'll say it was not possible, badly corrupted etc etc.


Bitter experience on my end and it's why I learned to "get my hands dirty".

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See the painful advantage, John: You now have a clean setup.


I am using Pro-ATC/X for IFR: http://www.pointsoftware.de/ Meanwhile you can add plane and airline data as you need, and modify most of the ATC decisions.


For AI traffic I was happy with World of AI in FSX. But UT Live gives even more options to P3Dv4 - the best being the possibility to change traffic density instantly when flying. You will know what I mean when you get into Brisbane or Heathrow...

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Happy B'day. I'm glad all is now well.........Doug

4 hours ago, Fizzelle said:

All you probably needed to do was open the drive (presumably not an SSD), move the read head off the disk platter (probabe failure point) and re-install the disk.


Unfortunately, the skill set of many outlets including the major manufacturers is very lacking. Local shops in my experience will always wipe the disk in the hope it's a Windows/Driver issue. If you ask them to preserve the data they'll say it was not possible, badly corrupted etc etc.


Bitter experience on my end and it's why I learned to "get my hands dirty".

One of the worst pieces of advice I've ever seen. Screw this up and the data is unrecoverable. Most competent shops can recover most, if not all , of the data but if you start mucking about yourself all bets are off (I've been there...several times).........Doug

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Nowadays portable SSD drives of a Tb are cheap enough (I recently got one for under $50 US), so a full backup of important files is feasible.  Of course programs often must be reinstalled, but still a lot of data can just be restored. This is especially true of Orbx, and many scenery and aircraft folders.  My point is that  one of these drives won't solve all of this kind of problem, but at the price is worth having and using to create s backup. Will at least save quite a bit of time. Also, don't forget to backup the data folder in "My Documents" to save logbooks and flight plans.


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Thanks to you all.  Too many to mention individually but I must say that you are all so kind which is sometimes is difficult to come by these days.


Right, well with help, I've now got UT Live up and running.  All I need now is to get PF3 going.  At the present count, with the difficulties presented by PayPal, I'm not sure whether I've paid for it once or twice but even with that I haven't been awarded a download button!  I hate PayPal!


Why is it that everything, even what should be simple things are all so complicated these days?


All the best to everyone.







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17 hours ago, Triplane said:

Happy B'day. I'm glad all is now well.........Doug

One of the worst pieces of advice I've ever seen. Screw this up and the data is unrecoverable. Most competent shops can recover most, if not all , of the data but if you start mucking about yourself all bets are off (I've been there...several times).........Doug


Done 3 hard drives so far - 2 x desktop HDs and 1 x laptop HD. No problems so far. But then again, i always was the adventurous type! Nothing ventured...

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