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About Fizzelle

  • Birthday 02/23/1952

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  • Location:
    West Yorkshire
  • Interests:
    Simming, Photography, Travel, all things medical, Systems Design, Life in general

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  1. Realistic tree sizes in the Marketplace does this but I'd prefer this new Orbx program if it did it!
  2. I'm still about! Survived 2 lots of cancer and various associated "difficulties" arising from. But...now turned 72 and still simming in XP12 primarily, having given up on the mess that is FS2020. Best wishes to all fellow coots.
  3. So are we saying that an Old Coot is 75+ years? It leaves me on the horns of a dilemma! I coming up to 72, but I wannabe an Old Coot. Should I wish my life away, or will you accept that Cootism starts at 70 maybe? I wish life wasn't so complicated. 🙄
  4. Well I've just turned 71 and here in Yorkshire, being "God's own country", I feel I'm in the right place in case me clogs get popped. Less far to travel "after" if you get my drift.
  5. Aw gee Fellers that's kinda sweet of y'all. I'm 70 now - just a kid really! Much appreciated.
  6. Full review by a RW pilot here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaD-OV5FnZo&t=1440s
  7. I had one of those multi-tone musical horns on my first car, a Cortina Mk II, that went (you'll have to imagine this), "Da Dee Daa Daa", twice. The police, bless them, got the Government to ban them in case people mistook the sound for a siren. Really??? Spoilsports! I also connected a bull-horn to my Lambretta 125 scooter - it was fun to see people shift out of the way!
  8. Bought it, installed it, love it! Big difference at low level with oblique shadows. Flying in between mountains also has an extra dimension. At that price, it's a no-brainer.
  9. As there are animals in the game, I'm hoping for some Katmai bears to be visible for a great bush trip experience. Can Orbx confirm?
  10. Well as long as you're happy, that's fine then. Personally I think it looks amateurish, bit like the game itself. But I'll buy it if it's better than the opposing product released today. It just wouldn't be my first choice, as it stands presently.
  11. Sorry Ed but just look at that bridge in the foreground there - absolutely no blending of the road and riverbank. With that like so, I just can't contemplate it. Just not really very good for such an iconic city. This looks like the London Landmarks saga all over again. Apologies.
  12. But there has been some serious colour or texture manipulation by Orbx. If you look carefully at the last 2 screenshots in my other topic (link is above), you'll see repeating tiles textures and small white dots. That wasn't taken by any aeroplane! In my opinion, Orbx should de-saturate the green and add some brown and orange to those volcanoes. Whilst I have seen some green when living on the island, I have never seen it anything like this. Let's have a look at the RAW image, compare that to what Orbx has done to it, then we'll talk and I will pipe down!
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