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Ah, how soon we forget . . .


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Went back to P3DV3 to try out a few aircraft that I know don't fly in v4. Like the good old Optica, for example. Tried a quick flight around Munich





And then for reasons unknown, thought to myself "I wonder what Constantinople" looks like in the sim?", so moved myself via the Map option, and then this happened!



Tried a couple more times with the same result. You do so quickly get used to not seeing these, don't you?

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So many old well liked planes that don't get flown now as I cannot tear myself away from V4.0.

Also many third party airports that don't get visited either.

Maybe one day I will spend some time again in V2.4 but goodness only knows when.


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3 hours ago, stewart1 said:

That was a shame Andy because they where super shots never mind it does happen sometimes regards stewart 

Cheers, Stewart


3 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Maybe one day I will spend some time again in V2.4


3 hours ago, paulb said:

it's still great to fly some of these planes that will probably never see the light of day in 64 bit.

Martyn, Paul, I'd sort of given up using v3, as it seemed ridiculously out of date all of a sudden, but then I looked back at some of my old pix on my PC and realised that was daft. I won't use it much, that's for sure, but I'll keep it around for a bit yet. Might actually remove some of the ORBX stuff eventually as running two copies of everything they do for v3 & v4 takes up over half a terabyte, and I may end up just keeping a couple of regions for v3. But that's some way off yet.


2 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Or maybe it was political reasons blocking you from entering that country.

Well, I'm certainly not known for any degree of political correctness, that's for sure!


2 hours ago, BradB said:

A real shame Andy , these shots were looking so good . I have had the same thing happen to me , I think it is a known issue LM is working on hopefully

Thanks John. Are you talking a bout a specific problem with Istanbul?


52 minutes ago, lifejogger said:

Mighty fine shots, wish could have seen some more.

Cheers, John. I wish I could have taken more!

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1 hour ago, andy1252 said:

Cheers, Stewart



Martyn, Paul, I'd sort of given up using v3, as it seemed ridiculously out of date all of a sudden, but then I looked back at some of my old pix on my PC and realised that was daft. I won't use it much, that's for sure, but I'll keep it around for a bit yet. Might actually remove some of the ORBX stuff eventually as running two copies of everything they do for v3 & v4 takes up over half a terabyte, and I may end up just keeping a couple of regions for v3. But that's some way off yet.


Well, I'm certainly not known for any degree of political correctness, that's for sure!


Thanks John. Are you talking a bout a specific problem with Istanbul?


Cheers, John. I wish I could have taken more!

No , I have had my P3DV4 crash several times if I wanted to change locations on the fly . Now with 4.1 , I have not tried that yet .



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