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New Cherokee Paint

Jack Sawyer

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4 hours ago, paddler said:

Wonderful paints!

Thanks paddler!

4 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Beautiful pair of paints Jack.

Hard enough to paint something like the second one on a flat surface let alone an aeroplane.


Thanks Martyn, yes, one thing I could never do was airbrush no matter how I try.  Takes true talent IMO

3 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Nice one Jack you should of had it yellow regards stewart

Thanks Stewart!

3 hours ago, speedy70 said:

Actually the Blue one was painted for me quite a while ago by Alan 8055.


                              Cheers Chris

Well very good Chris!  It's absolutely beautiful!  Mr. Alan is talented!

3 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

They suite you well Jack.




Thanks Ruud!

2 hours ago, BradB said:

Sharp dressed birds Mr. Sawyer . B)





Thanks Mr. John!

2 hours ago, Senchay said:

For a second i thought i see someone swim down there in the pool....

Nice screens :-)

Thanks Senchay, amazing illusion isn't it?

1 hour ago, bernd1151 said:

Excellent paint jobs, Jack. The second one is almost unreal, must have been very hard to accomplish. Did you do them?

No, couldn't even know where to begin.  Juio sent me the A2A link, there's 9 if them in ine zip file.

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4 hours ago, speedy70 said:

Thanks Jack

      Yes he is an excellent painter.

If you or indeed anyone is interested in A2A paints etc,here is alink to an excellent little facility.




                          Cheers Chris

Thanks Chris!  Yeah, downloaded several from here.  Thanks!

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