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Jack Sawyer

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P3Dv4 - default LOWI to LEBB.


Well, I was on approach, descending to 6000 feet when I had a P3Dv4 CTD.  The sim stopped working.  I will post the shots I did take then the error stuff so maybe someone could help me figure out what this Latin gibberish means?





























P3D crash NGX.txt

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Oooh er, so v4 is not infallible. Or is it?

It shall be interesting to see what the problem is. I bet it could only happen to either you or me Jack.

Beautiful shots while it was running especially up in those mountains.

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16 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Oooh er, so v4 is not infallible. Or is it?

It shall be interesting to see what the problem is. I bet it could only happen to either you or me Jack.

Beautiful shots while it was running especially up in those mountains.

Thanks Martyn, it was SUCH a nice flight too.  I ran into all kinds of weather, a t-storm, low clouds on descent, and boom boom out got the lights.  CTD.  I'm not a happy camper and this one is very difficult to troubleshoot too.  At least Jetline told me tonight he's 100% certain it's not hardware.  There's no OC on it and the temps are cool and the fans never even spooled up.  So what caused it is anybody's guess.


And you're right, I can never seem to have a good flight, we're two peas I tell ya.  If it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all.

9 minutes ago, BradB said:






Hi John, since I don't watch TV I have no idea what this is.  But I get the drift I think, the crashes pulled me back in?

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29 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Martyn, it was SUCH a nice flight too.  I ran into all kinds of weather, a t-storm, low clouds on descent, and boom boom out got the lights.  CTD.  I'm not a happy camper and this one is very difficult to troubleshoot too.  At least Jetline told me tonight he's 100% certain it's not hardware.  There's no OC on it and the temps are cool and the fans never even spooled up.  So what caused it is anybody's guess.


And you're right, I can never seem to have a good flight, we're two peas I tell ya.  If it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all.

Hi John, since I don't watch TV I have no idea what this is.  But I get the drift I think, the crashes pulled me back in?

Yep , you got it - FYI a  clip from Godfather #3 , also done on the HBO series The Soprano's . I have been lucky so far with no CTD's in V4 . But I fly low and slow , so I'm under the OOM radar screen's . :rolleyes::D



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1 hour ago, BradB said:

Yep , you got it - FYI a  clip from Godfather #3 , also done on the HBO series The Soprano's . I have been lucky so far with no CTD's in V4 . But I fly low and slow , so I'm under the OOM radar screen's . :rolleyes::D



When I was in the Air Force we had to watch a cheesy movie about FOD called The Fodfather.  It was about what FOD could do to a jet.  Well, in V4 I don't think we have to worry about OOM's but something caused that CTD for me.  From what I've been reading it could be anything.  It always seems to happen on descent which is common to that particular code.  I really wanted to land the 737 at LEBB, I was like 30 miles away too.  :(


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Hi Jack. I was looking into the error messages you got and since you and Jetline are sure it is not a PC hardware fault i suggest maybe you check any USB linked things you have.

 There are a lot of posts regarding this fault and a sample of which is in the link:


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1 minute ago, jjaycee1 said:

Hi Jack. I was looking into the error messages you got and since you and Jetline are sure it is not a PC hardware fault i suggest maybe you check any USB linked things you have.

 There are a lot of posts regarding this fault and a sample of which is in the link:


Thanks JJ!  I'll have a look at this.  

I have:


The Orb Weaver which I use for views.

Saitek yoke

Saitek Quad 1

Saitek Quad 2

Saitek pedals

Track IR




I had already unplugged the Saitek TPM


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JJ, I also have two external HDD's I use for Acronis backups.


I looked at that site but it might as well have been written in ancient Mesopotamian as it's about ten miles over my head.


Plus, sometimes I keep a UBS thumb drive in the front plugged in so I can later put screenshots on it.


What a mess trying to figure this out.

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Blimey Jack, I remember the FOD stuff in the RAF. I think we called it Foreign Object Damage back then, but it Debris know I think. Hope you get this resolved. I  am visiting the Flight Sim Exhibition in Cosford UK on 7th October with a view to leaving FSX for P3D V4.



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6 hours ago, KeithGiannoni said:

Blimey Jack, I remember the FOD stuff in the RAF. I think we called it Foreign Object Damage back then, but it Debris know I think. Hope you get this resolved. I  am visiting the Flight Sim Exhibition in Cosford UK on 7th October with a view to leaving FSX for P3D V4.



Hi Keith, you're right, it was Damage.  

I sure do hope I get this resolved.  It's driving me nuts.

Trying it again as I type this but wil even lower settings.

It could be so many things it would take a PHd in computer science to figure this out. :(:unsure::wacko::blink:

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10 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Sorry to hear you run into problems again Jack, a very nice set of shots again hope you can solve your problems soon.




Thanks Ruud, you and me both.  It just never ends with this bad luck.

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14 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Trying it again as I type this but wil even lower settings.


I have a feeling its not your sim settings, but an instability somewhere else... maybe Windows, or drivers, or devices. Maybe a combination of add-ons.  I can max the sim out and it may run less than optimally, but it doesn't crash... ever. I hope you find a solution Jack, as this sort of issues saps the pleasure for what should be an enjoyable hobby.  I just wish I could help :(

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2 minutes ago, Mark Abdey said:


I have a feeling its not your sim settings, but an instability somewhere else... maybe Windows, or drivers, or devices. Maybe a combination of add-ons.  I can max the sim out and it may run less than optimally, but it doesn't crash... ever. I hope you find a solution Jack, as this sort of issues saps the pleasure for what should be an enjoyable hobby.  I just wish I could help :(

Thanks Mark.  I'm this close to taking a $10K loss on scenery, hardware and all and quitting the hobby.  I don't think there's a soul on Earth who could figure this out for any amount of money.  I really don't.


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1 minute ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Mark.  I'm this close to taking a $10K loss on scenery, hardware and all and quitting the hobby.


Don't do that Jack!... there is always a solution, but it may require some more drastic measures, such as a wipe clean and start from scratch with Windows, and then a re-build of your sim environment.  I'm sure we have all been there at some point, if we've been around PC's long enough... I've had to start again; start from scratch, but it was worth the trouble as I then had years of trouble free use.


I must add I don't believe in wiping everything at the drop of a hat*... there is way too many people that want you to delete this and that at the slightest hint of an issue, when its totally unnecessary, but once in a while it is the only solution... [ * I had a great Win7 install for over five years, and then a Win10 upgrade over that for a year before I needed a clean slate ] 

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1 minute ago, Mark Abdey said:


Don't do that Jack!... there is always a solution, but it may require some more drastic measures, such as a wipe clean and start from scratch with Windows, and then a re-build of your sim environment.  I'm sure we have all been there at some point, if we've been around PC's long enough... I've had to start again; start from scratch, but it was worth the trouble as I then had years of trouble free use.


I must add I don't believe in wiping everything at the drop of a hat*... there is way too many people that want you to delete this and that at the slightest hint of an issue, when its totally unnecessary, but once in a while it is the only solution... [ * I had a great Win7 install for over five years, and then a Win10 upgrade over that for a year before I needed a clean slate ] 

Yes, but if it's Saitek, or USB, or some hardware how would I know a complete wipe of everything would fix it?

Words cannot express how frustrating it is to see other people fly for 1000 hours straight and never have one failure.

I could bite nails right now.

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10 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Yes, but if it's Saitek, or USB, or some hardware how would I know a complete wipe of everything would fix it?


What happens if you disconnect everything?... fly with the mouse for a while (not ideal I know) and see what happens.  At least you would know if its a USB or controller issue causing it.


I do get the frustration though, but chucking in the towel is not the answer.

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Just now, Mark Abdey said:


What happens if you disconnect everything?... fly with the mouse for a while (not ideal I know) and see what happens.  At least you would know if its a USB or controller issue causing it.


I do get the frustration though, but chucking in the towel is not the answer.

Fly with the mouse?  I wouldn't even know how.  And trying that on the NGX or 747 would be an exercise in frustration I would imagine.


What does a USB controller even look like?


Maybe we should PM.....

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1 minute ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Fly with the mouse?  I wouldn't even know how.  And trying that on the NGX or 747 would be an exercise in frustration I would imagine.


What does a USB controller even look like?


Maybe we should PM.....


I mean physically unplug the hardware... Actually, using the mouse as a controller is not too bad on simple aircraft (right click on the screen and select mouse control at the bottom) ... but maybe no so good on big iron. It replaces the yoke, and keys act as other controls. I often us it when taking sreenshots as its quick and easy to manipulate the composition.


I'm off for the evening now but we'll talk tomorrow.

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