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PC is fixed. Long flight.

Jack Sawyer

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Thanks to Ken at Jetline the PC is fixed.


So tonight I made a 5 hour and 20 minute flight from KBOS to KSFO in PMDG's 747 with all Orbx stuff, Global, NA/ LC, Vector, Trees, AS & ASCA, PTA, and high settings.  The temps never rose above 59C and it was smooth and most all fun.


Sorry for so many.




















Passing over KSLC













Flawless autoland - I'm pretty darned happy.


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8 hours ago, BradB said:

A great trip across the country Jack and a perfect landing on 28R . Just a tad bit better than the AC pilots :

Thanks John!  Watching that age me shivers.  That would have been far worse that the Canary Islands.

8 hours ago, gumbypickett said:

Those shots look amazing Jack, glad its all to

your liking. I'm envious.:huh:



Thanks Gumby, no need to be envious my friend.  We all have good things in life to celebrate.

7 hours ago, magic1 said:

Nice shots Jack

Thanks Magic!

7 hours ago, adambar said:

Great news Jack, now you can fly inverted until your blue in the face, whatever that means. :unsure:  Wonderful set there Jack! :)

Thanks Adam, I can't fly inverted every flight, only when my face is blue. :D

6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Splendid shots Jack, Glad you got sorted mate.



Thanks Iain!  Yes, no more sitting on the edge of my chair expecting it to freeze.

6 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Great shots Jack good for you that your PC is alright now.




Thanks Ruud!  It's a good feeling after living with this problem for two or more years.

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Excellent set Jack. Some dramatic close ups of the 774.

On ‎19‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 2:35 PM, BradB said:

A great trip across the country Jack and a perfect landing on 28R . Just a tad bit better than the AC pilots :





Looks like someone will be scanning the situations vacant column of the local rag shortly.

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8 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent set Jack. Some dramatic close ups of the 774.

Looks like someone will be scanning the situations vacant column of the local rag shortly.

This video really show's how close they were from the worst disaster in Aviation history :





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1 hour ago, BradB said:

This video really show's how close they were from the worst disaster in Aviation history :





He saw lights on the "runway"  but still decided to land. A lot of questions to be answered here.

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8 hours ago, Mark Abdey said:

Hey Jack these are some very nice pics indeed... what was the problem with the PC in the end?... glad its fixed for you.

Well we removed the OC and I could make this flight.

But then last night in V4, with the same settings, AS & ASCA, All Orbx LOWI (the one in Orbx's LC Europe) to LEBB I got a CTD and it's a real puzzler as to what could have caused it.  Jetline says they see it all the time but I haven't seen anyone here have these issues.


Look for my other post LOWI to LEBB, I posted a screen from Who Crashed and the Event Viewer text.



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