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Kern Valley

Jack Sawyer

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4 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Another sim utopia, very well shown Jack, thanks for this flight!

Thanks Erik, it's a beautiful area, kudos to Orbx.

2 hours ago, Neptune6 said:

With "heli" is easy to visit ! good South West flight JACK



Thanks Patrick!

26 minutes ago, magic1 said:

Very Nice Jack

Thank you Magic.

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44 minutes ago, TigerTigerM said:

All that way in a chopper!:)

Well done.


Thanks TTM!  About 65 miles?  I like it, keep the speed up and get there in no time, besides, a chopper is awesome in the sim for going into all the places a fixed wing can't.  It's a lot of fun exploring and looking for POI's.

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Just now, BradB said:

Outstanding shots Jack , I will pass on Kern to V4 . Hopefully those people will start flowing soon . ;):P:D





Well, if I bought it for 3.4 it will be just an easy peasy install into V4 when Kern is released for it.  I just had to have some new Orbx stuff!  :P:D:)

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Great shots Jack from this beautiful area shame that I have to pass on all this great ORBX addons because there disagreement with PayPal I hope that there will be a solution for this sometime.




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8 hours ago, adambar said:

Beautiful shots there Jack! :)

Thank you'd sir!

6 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Great shots Jack from this beautiful area shame that I have to pass on all this great ORBX addons because there disagreement with PayPal I hope that there will be a solution for this sometime.




Thanks Ruud.  This is very beautiful area, so much to see behind every hill.  Gosh, I hope the PayPal thing gets worked out.  I have PayPal but never use it.

6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine shots.



Thanks again Iain!

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