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Just two

Jack Sawyer

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12 hours ago, BradB said:

That second shot is a real corker Jack !! .





Thanks John!

10 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Nice screen shots Jack I agree with John number 2 is very good regards stewart 

Thanks Stewart!

10 hours ago, farman said:

Great, great!

Thanks Fulvio!

9 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Great shots Jack.




Thank you Ruud!

8 hours ago, oldboy43 said:

Hi Jack, thank you for very nice shots.

Best regards


Thanks Karoly.

8 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great couple Jack.



Thanks Iain!

8 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

+ 1

Thank you Bernd!

7 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Love the skyline on the horizon. This looks top-shelf for sure Jack!

Thanks Erik.

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3 minutes ago, adambar said:

Nice natural look to those shots Jack! :)  I wish AS and REX would hurry up with there new program, not used to not being able to change anything. :(

Thanks Adam!  HiFi just released a fresh new beta yesterday for AS and ASCA.  They made some serious changes to ASCA.  And yes, I want my REX TD HD as I like Iain's theme I use in 3.4. I wonder if he'll use it in his new V4 and create a theme?  I hope so.

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Just now, adambar said:

My problem is I went straight from FSX to V4, so I don't have a license for any previous version.

Well, you can buy AS16 and then get the free beta.  Anyone who owns AS16 gets the V4 upgrade for free.  Like here with the scenery and thank heavens for that!

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7 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Adam!  HiFi just released a fresh new beta yesterday for AS and ASCA.  They made some serious changes to ASCA.  And yes, I want my REX TD HD as I like Iain's theme I use in 3.4. I wonder if he'll use it in his new V4 and create a theme?  I hope so.

Hi Jack!


REX TD is working  without problems in V4.You just have to point to V4.



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8 hours ago, magic1 said:

Nice! I like that last one.

Thanks Magic!

7 hours ago, dolf8857 said:

Super Duo, second is a stunning view!

Thanks Dolf!

3 hours ago, Doc Scott said:

Hi Jack!


REX TD is working  without problems in V4.You just have to point to V4.



Hi Scott, I'm gonna wait for the official release.  But in case they don't release it I know I can install it using this method.

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26 minutes ago, mikewies said:

Nice couple of images Jack... like the landing gear perspective. I cant seem to remember to capture an image at that time. Usually I have my hands full at that point in the flight.

Thanks Mike, I'm the same way, hence this was captured in replay.


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