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Coffs to Grafton

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So this evening I backed up my system, and then installed the new NVIDIA drivers for my GTX 980, 381.89.  I had been watching closely on the PMDG and FSL forums for the comments and everyone says they're solid VAS leak stoppers.  So I made a flight from Coffs to YGFN, Grafton in A2A's 182, UTL on, AS16 on, and was very surprised to see a VAS that never went down at any % at all, and FPS were better than I expected.


Orbx, Australia region, Trees, all Orbx Oz airports checked in SCE, Holgermesh of course, and if I'm forgetting anyone, I'm sorry.


Started out in this parking space not knowing it was a hangar.  Nice touch!  I like this place.



So let's look around, AS16 not on yet.

















Landed and looked around again and now off to Grafton.  I have real world Jepp maps and the ADF works great.







Beautiful ocean!







Here's Grafton





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17 minutes ago, TigerTigerM said:

Nice set Jack..

How recent are the new drivers?

Brand new TTM, and let me tell you I'm EXCITED!!! 

I almost always run this free app from VirtualFly, it's a VAS bar that stays on top of the screen in full screen mode, it has a bar that is green, yellow, or red and it gives a % and a number.  Forget who recommended it, PMDG maybe?  Dunno.

I flew around Alice Springs in my MV chopper, then as a test I set it to Broome then to Hervey Bay.

Usually when I do this I see the bar go into the yellow zone and sometimes it goes back down.

This time, when I did this the VAS monitor was rock solid on 59% the entire time, it never budged.  My jaw hit the floor.  They weren't kidding when they said NVIDIA fixed VAS leaks for all games and programs.

I can't recommend this enough.

I'm a very conservative guy, I don't upgrade or update anything (except Orbx whom I trust) unless I do extensive forum research.

I waited almost two weeks for the reports to come in and tonight I did it and couldn't be happier.

I did an Acronis backup first, of course but really, I'm amazed.



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That is great news Jack. I have been too afraid to upgrade my drivers for ages after having some problems but this sounds as if it will be worth doing.

Wonderful series of shots too, you capture Australia so well. 

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6 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

That is great news Jack. I have been too afraid to upgrade my drivers for ages after having some problems but this sounds as if it will be worth doing.

Wonderful series of shots too, you capture Australia so well. 

Well, if I can do it Martyn then you could do it.  Back up first though, just in case.


Thanks, I like flying down here and with my four Jepp maps I can fly VOR to VOR too.  Love it!

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8 hours ago, adambar said:

Splendid series of Oz shots Jack! :)

Thanks again Adam, appreciate it!

7 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Super-duper shotz! A lovely place!

Thanks Erik!  So far everywhere I've been has been lovely, varied and all have a unique charm.

7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Smashing shots these.



Thanks Iain!

6 hours ago, paulb said:

Some great shots there Jack! It looks like you enjoyed that flight! :)

Thanks Paul, I did, this is one area I'd love to vacation in.

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