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Night flight

Jack Sawyer

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7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fantastic set indeed.



Thanks Iain, I'm glad you liked them.

7 hours ago, BradB said:

Smashing night shots Jack in your Delta Queen !! .





Thank you John.  First night flight in a long time.

7 hours ago, jury42 said:

Wonderful night shots!!!

Thanks Jury!

5 hours ago, Sammy H said:

They turned out marvelous!

Thank you Sammy!

1 hour ago, paulb said:

Very atmospheric Jack! Well done! :)

Love the shots with the moon. The night lighting shots are brill also!

No shots from me for a while as I seemed to have messed up FSX :(

Thanks Paul.  I knew it was a full moon out or near enough so I thought let's see it.  

Man am I sorry to hear about your sim being messed up.

What happened?  I use Acronis for any problems but there's a bunch of others out there like it.

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11 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Paul.  I knew it was a full moon out or near enough so I thought let's see it.  

Man am I sorry to hear about your sim being messed up.

What happened?  I use Acronis for any problems but there's a bunch of others out there like it.


Thanks Jack,

Well my fault I guess. I have a Drive C for the operating system and Drive F for FSX. Anyway, I deleted some 'temp' files from Drive C and ended up with FSX not working properly.

I have a couple of threads going here and I am getting help.

Sadly, I am getting less and less confident about changing files etc.

It should prompt me to move to P3D, but with the new version out this year? and having 100 or so payware aircraft (£2,000+ spent) I hope to fix FSX sometime.................



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7 minutes ago, paulb said:


Thanks Jack,

Well my fault I guess. I have a Drive C for the operating system and Drive F for FSX. Anyway, I deleted some 'temp' files from Drive C and ended up with FSX not working properly.

I have a couple of threads going here and I am getting help.

Sadly, I am getting less and less confident about changing files etc.

It should prompt me to move to P3D, but with the new version out this year? and having 100 or so payware aircraft (£2,000+ spent) I hope to fix FSX sometime.................



We're in the same boat Paul.  I went from FSX and have some planes for it that won't go into P3D, for example the NGX, I don't want to re-buy it for P3D, and the RealAir Lancair, I'm still kicking myself I didn't buy it for P3D when I bought the Duke for it.  And then when P3D goes 64 I will have one plane to fly around in my delightful Orbx world, the PMDG 747.  Not even A2A will commit and we all know 64 bit is in beta.  But it's so important for me to get rid of monitoring every last byte of VAS (I despise it) that I'll gladly take a loss and hope the aircraft manufacturers catch up than deal with OOM's and VAS.


Man, I hope you get it back soon.  Remember, Acronis.  I have multiple backups and it has saved my bacon so many times.  Oh, and one last thing, I never ever upgrade anything no matter what it is until I look at the forums and make sure it won't break something.  Exception to this rule, Orbx.  It's who I trust.


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4 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

We're in the same boat Paul.  I went from FSX and have some planes for it that won't go into P3D, for example the NGX, I don't want to re-buy it for P3D, and the RealAir Lancair, I'm still kicking myself I didn't buy it for P3D when I bought the Duke for it.  And then when P3D goes 64 I will have one plane to fly around in my delightful Orbx world, the PMDG 747.  Not even A2A will commit and we all know 64 bit is in beta.  But it's so important for me to get rid of monitoring every last byte of VAS (I despise it) that I'll gladly take a loss and hope the aircraft manufacturers catch up than deal with OOM's and VAS.


Man, I hope you get it back soon.  Remember, Acronis.  I have multiple backups and it has saved my bacon so many times.  Oh, and one last thing, I never ever upgrade anything no matter what it is until I look at the forums and make sure it won't break something.  Exception to this rule, Orbx.  It's who I trust.



Thanks Jack,


Yes, it is a bummer really! I have been with FS since it was first released. Initially Commodore 64 (from memory), then Atari ST. Around 1986 I bought my first proper pc for FS. I have been with it ever since.

I used to be good with programs etc, but in recent years I have lost confidence. I actually left FSX for about 5 years until I came back to it at the start of 2017.

I realise that FSX does not have a long term future and I should probably move to P3D.

Frankly, I have been lucky re OOM errors. I tend to fly GA and warbirds mostly (as you know). They don't tend to use too much memory.

I just don't know when to best move to P3D, plus (as I said) I have so many great aircraft for FSX that I don't really want to lose.............

Anyway, perhaps I can get FSX working again! :)



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Dang, me too.  I started out with an Atari 16 MB, worked my way up to Apple IIe, Mac, PC's, lots of them and now I have Jetline build mine.  Sounds like we're probably the same age with the same experience!

Man, I totally agree with you.  And there's going to be some huge things this year with so many sims.  XP11, AS, P3D 64, things are finally starting to look up and change for the better.

It's a good time to be simming, but from my own personal standpoint, I like Orbx the best.  I've had the rest of other companies' sceneries and they don't compare, not at all.  Of course these are just my personal opinions, I like what Orbx produces.

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28 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Dang, me too.  I started out with an Atari 16 MB, worked my way up to Apple IIe, Mac, PC's, lots of them and now I have Jetline build mine.  Sounds like we're probably the same age with the same experience!

Man, I totally agree with you.  And there's going to be some huge things this year with so many sims.  XP11, AS, P3D 64, things are finally starting to look up and change for the better.

It's a good time to be simming, but from my own personal standpoint, I like Orbx the best.  I've had the rest of other companies' sceneries and they don't compare, not at all.  Of course these are just my personal opinions, I like what Orbx produces.


Well Jack, my first computer (if I can call it that) was an Atari 2600 (I think). Anyway, it took cartridges and my first game was 'tank'.


When I progressed (and time moved on) I bought from Sublogic (from memory) both FS and Jet. Fantastic in theory, but it was more a case of seconds per frame rather than frames per second! :D


Anyway, Sublogic became Microsoft and I have been with it ever since.


Yes, my favourite scenery is certainly by orbx and it suits my flying 100%.


I just need to get FSX working again - for a while at least............. :mellow:




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12 hours ago, Orbxtreme said:

Well those are certainly successful shots, and not too dark (you tought of the viewer!). You seem to become quite at ease with that big bird!

Thanks Orbxtreme.  But I have a long way to go in learning it.  It's not a jump in and fly kind of plane so it's a challenge sometimes.

10 hours ago, adambar said:

Marvelous set of night shots Jack! :)

Thanks Adam!

6 hours ago, mikee said:

Super Night Shots jack !

Thank you Mike!

3 hours ago, andy1252 said:

Wonderful set of shots, Jack. You seem to have it cracked now with your setup - you're getting some lovely flights in by the look of things!

Thanks Andy!  The SCE helps a lot as well as saving different graphics settings.  Lots of trial and error.  Seems I test more that real flying, always collecting data and checking numbers.

2 hours ago, dolf8857 said:

Fantastic shots Jack!

Thanks Dolf!  Appreciate it!

1 hour ago, boetie said:

Jack, that last shot, front on just does it for me. Magnificent captures mate!

Thanks boetie, I like it too, the 747 is so iconic and huge, what a superb creating by Boeing.

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