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Thought I'd take a look at Texas. Found an airstrip at a place called Beaumont, down near the gulf coast, and as that was the name of a place where I used to work over here I went to check it out. Nothing terribly special, but I saw it wasn't far to Galveston. So I dug out my Glen Campbell and headed off over there.


Approaching over the bay entrance










just a wee bit offshore - water looks good!




turning in to the airport,




but looks a bit bland so I'll carry on inland and head up to Houston, I think




I'll post those separately

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Andy be sure to stop in here at KIWS West Houston.  I'll have a bucket of cold ones ready for you.


BTW had to comment on photo #2 -- we took our first cruise out of Galveston and we had a blast.  Was nice to go somewhere without going thru a busy airport terminal (not that the ocean terminal was a desolate place, mind you).

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Sadly the water is far from tropical blue here.  Everything West of the Mississippi Delta is murky and brown, at least along the coast.  I understand it is the sediment that flows out of the Mississippi River, all kinds of residue from fertilizers that run off.  The tide/current pushes it this way.


Here is an image to show what I mean.


The beaches in Galveston are OK, just they are not spectacular like in Florida.




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Top class set Andy and to think it is just OLC.

The third shot is striking with all the buildings, port paraphernalia and haze.

3 hours ago, Ripcord said:

Sadly the water is far from tropical blue here.  Everything West of the Mississippi Delta is murky and brown, at least along the coast.  I understand it is the sediment that flows out of the Mississippi River, all kinds of residue from fertilizers that run off.  The tide/current pushes it this way.


Here is an image to show what I mean.


The beaches in Galveston are OK, just they are not spectacular like in Florida.




Incredible image, isn't nature amazing.

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Thanks for the kind comments, folks. I do like to explore, and sometimes you find some real treats. I have found NA OLC a bit of a mixed bag, mostly really great but a few places feel unconvincing (Florida, in particular just looks a bit, sort-of wrong to me). Mostly, where there are things that I feel don't work, it's around the Vector type stuff like the roads and particularly the bridges. I ought to experiment a bit more as I've still got UTX USA available to me, maybe I should try a bit of mix and match between that and FTX GL Vector.


But I thought the Galveston area looked good (even if the water is apparently a bit optimistic).


14 hours ago, Ripcord said:

I'll have a bucket of cold ones ready for you.

Cheers, Ripcord! I'll look forward to that!

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OLC and Vector are great products when considered what it is that they do -- we just get so accustomed to flying around full fat regions where everything is already hand-placed and color-matched and aligned beautifully.  I own all the UTX products and I was also very disappointed in them, but ultimately I came to the realization that I just needed to manage my own expectations.


As for Vector in particular, I will tell you one thing for certain -- they have nailed it on shorelines.  You can place some AI ship traffic in the sim using the AIBTC and Google Earth, and run that thing right up to the pier is in GE, and it will be there, lined right up with your shoreline in the sim, at least 95% of the time.  Probably our friend Henrik could comment on this a bit more but I have not been disappointed at all with it in this regards.


Roads, yeah the secondary roads and the such don't really add up with the LC patterns of buildings in the urban/suburban areas.  Having secondary/tertiary roads activated means more roads, which in turn means more disconnect with said buildings.  So the more roads you have, the more bungled up it looks in town.  But again, I don't think that is really a hit on Vector or OLC or even Global textures themselves.  It's just the random nature of landclass-based systems, a limitation that we have to accept to some degree.


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31 minutes ago, Ripcord said:

but ultimately I came to the realization that I just needed to manage my own expectations.

Yep, I'm aware of that aspect of it as well! As you say, the good stuff is SO good it makes it easy to forget it's not all going to be to that standard. Mind you, imagine what it would be like if the whole world DID look like Valdez or So-Cal (to name but two)!

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