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Lysander over Exeter (thanks, Rodger Pettichord)


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Having spotted Roger's thread (below) I realised that this was another aircraft memory from my spotty airfix youth days, and went hunting for a copy.

I found a copy on the Virtavia site in their Alphasim section. Thought I'd just mention here, in case anyone else is like me and didn't realise this, that although the list of free downloads is labelled as "repaints", in fact a lot (all?) of the files listed are actually the complete aircraft. Obviously, they are older models, mostly for FS9 and earlier, but will work with various degrees of success in FSX or (as in my case) with P3D.


Not without their quirks. This Lysander was initially experiencing the same problem I had with their P47 - a non-spinning propeller, along with some of the cockpit glass panels being opaque, but I found a fix for both of those issues at fsx-downloads.com.


End result? another fine addition to the hangar. OK, it's not Carenado or A2A levels of modelling, but it is a fun thing to have and (for me anyway) a great joy to see flying around in my virtual sky.










Oh yes, don't be put off by the colour scheme - this is just one of half a dozen paints it comes with and the rest are much calmer on the eye!

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Thanks folks, and happy to be spreading the Lysander word. I'd forgotten all about this beastie until I saw Roger's post, so all thanks to you, Roger P. What with the alphasim realisation and also a whole bunch of repaints and goodies at fsx-downloads.com I'm having a serious attack of the downloads.


16 minutes ago, Wakashi said:

Grand ole airplane, reminds me of that old Johnny Cash song "I Got Stripes"  ;)

And now, Roger, I have to go dig out my Johnny Cash stash and play that!  One thing just leads to another . . <sigh>


39 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

I like the last shot at Exmouth looking up the coast at all the places I used to visit  in the distant past.

Happy to be part of the nostalgia business for you Martyn. Sad thing is I've been to Exmouth far more times in the sim than I ever have in RL and it's only a few miles up the road from me. Still, come summer . . . got my beach chairs ready if we ever get the weather this year.


11 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Cool looking plane Andy and I really love the livery.  

You should get yourself a copy Jack - it'd look good in Vegas!


2 hours ago, BradB said:

Sweet threesome Andy !! .

Hi John! Are you all back together and fit and well again now?

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