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Irritating beep signal while flying

John York

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I knew how to get rid of the annoying intermittant sound much like morse code when I got it in FSX but it was so long ago I've forgotten how to do it.  I know it's something to do with an erroneously pressed 'coms' button, but on my latest flight I got it and couldn't get rid of it for the life of me.


in case it comes back again any ideas fellers so I can make a note of it please ?



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The Morse code beeping is the navaid identification.

You should be able to either turn it off or turn the volume down using your aircraft's comms panel or sometimes the volume is on the VOR/TACAN panel.  You could also tune a different navaid's frequency, one that is too far away to be received.


Another annoying beeping is the outer/middle/inner marker tone, which you'll hear as you pass over the applicable markers.  It is a repeating beeping tone.

I turned mine off by renaming the sound file in the P3D "Sound" folder, "MIDDMK.wav", to "MIDDMK.wav.OFF".

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Thanks chaps.  I remember now.  It's the Navaid.  I've obviously touched it by mistake!  Now I've got to find the bloody thing because I don't think loading a new flight with that aircraft will turn it off.  At least, I vaguely remember that being the case from years ago.


Thanks for the quick response chaps.



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2 hours ago, JohnY said:

Now I've got to find the bloody thing because I don't think loading a new flight with that aircraft will turn it off. 



I had the same problem and found (in case you didn't know) Control + 1 or Control + 2 will turn off navaid 1 & 2 respectively in FSX anyway.  It did prompt me to learn Morse code so I could figure what VOR I was tuned to since it was beeping anyway.



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I have occasionally had this happen and couldn't get the ID Morse code to shut off.  I discovered that if I had an airplane selected with, an ADF radio and had the ADF active then switched planes to one without an ADF radio on the panel the ADF ID still was active.  The solution I found was to switch back to an airplane with an ADF turn it off and then go back to the offending plane.  No more ADF.

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Yes, I've just finished a flight with no noise so I think it switches off when you close the flight and doesn't come on again until the Navaid is once again switched on in error.  Thanks for the tip about ctrl 1 and 2 Wakashi.  Now all I have to do is remember it.   At my age????!!!:lol:





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30 minutes ago, JohnY said:

At my age????!!!:lol:


My beeps did not shut down between sessions, no matter what craft I used I had the beep as soon as I was air borne or close enough to a navaid for it to activate.  I understand about the "at my age" too :)!




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