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FTX Lookup - Wales problems

Adam Banks

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I'm really not sure what the procedure is - as to whether all these lookup anomalies are part of the same unilateral problem - or whether they need to be addressed on a per-area basis.


Brand new install of my screencomp prize: FTX Wales (in P3dV3.3.5). I've never owned Wales before, so can't compare with an FSX version.


Install went fine - and a tiny update via FTX Central went through with no problems.


Having not seen FTX Wales before, I'm not sure whether what I'm seeing are lookup problems - or simply texture oddities that were there from the start, so I'm mixing them all in together. Current season/date: July (Summer).


I see *many* areas with what appears to a missing tile. This is one example:




Here's another one:



... and another ...


A different "missing" texture <??>. I see this oddity in a fair few places:


I get this weird shadow palette in quite a few places (possibly not a lookup problem - but looks bad!):


Maybe not a missing texture. This is some kind of an industrial area, but it looks "unfinished": Note also theodd strip at the bottom.


This could be the same palette problem as before. I don't see water colour like this in any of my other FTX areas. I used to live in this area. It absolutely doesn't look like that in RL!


Ooop! Another one of "them"!


Looks very similar to lookup problems I've seen in NZ (which are now fixed):


Panning around, or getting closer, you can see the wrong tiles being used:


Has anyone taken a long hard look at Wales since the migration? My trip was in a relatively small part of it.



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Don´t give you much help because i don´t have this region, but i´m very afraid to install any of my NA and NZ regions and mess with a perfect instalation so far. I asked if it was ok to install the regions now or wait to a migration-miraculous-fix but got no answers from the staff. Well, better luck to you!


By the way, i´m using your PTA profile. Great work!

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51 minutes ago, FlavioSSA said:

Don´t give you much help because i don´t have this region, but i´m very afraid to install any of my NA and NZ regions and mess with a perfect instalation so far. I asked if it was ok to install the regions now or wait to a migration-miraculous-fix but got no answers from the staff. Well, better luck to you!


By the way, i´m using your PTA profile. Great work!


This is the first *region* that I've installed post-migration. Other than that, just the odd updated airport (KBLU) ... so .. all my current major regions (and I have most of them) were migrated from existing installs. One would think there *shouldn't* be a problem (for you) - because you'd be like a new customer installing that area for the first time <?>.


Glad you're enjoying my PTA! I think it's really improved the look of my scenery - the NZ1078 screenshot entry being a case in point - it was kust a random shot while I was testing PTA, with no real mind to creating a "special" shot.




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4 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Adam,

Did you run the migration again after you had installed Wales?

Hi Nick - I'm so glad you asked that!


Even though I follow these forums avidly, it's not that clear as to whether one should or should not (!!). Worse still - I don't even know how to!!! Is there a "sticky" somewhere with vital info like this that I've missed?


Could there be any nasty side effects? All my other areas are working [almost] perfectly.




UPDATE: I found Ben's post here:

The CMD line is

"%localappdata%\Orbx\FTXCentral\FTXCentral.exe" /reset_migration /sim:fsx

Would the final parameter be /sim:p3dv3 (and not simply p3d) <?>. AND - would I need to re-apply all the little fixes (for NZ etc.)?


Though I think the Unified thing is a *huge* step forward, I have to say, use poor users shouldn't have to be doing all this ;)


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Hi Adam,


I've checked some of your locations: the sceneries in your last three pictures look correct on my system (P3Dv3.3.5), I do not see those misplaced landclass tiles/textures in the refinery area for example.


What I do see is this "unfinished industrial area" (8th picture), although the area south of it is grass/farmland for me. Thus this "odd strip" is nicely embedded in the area and hard to notice if you don't know it's there. According to Google Earth the "unfinished industrial area" looks like a large demolished factory and is not just a big grey area, but I do remember that it looked the same before the migration.


In theory, if you install one of the older ORBX products after migration, you just need to run FTX Central, and it takes care of everything that might need to be migrated. So you shouldn't need to run the CMD line from Ben's post. In theory, at least ;)

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Thanks, GT. I think that "industrial area" may have always been like that (I wouldn't know).


As to FTX Central - I did get a notification and small update to Wales immedately after installing FTX Wales. Maybe it didn't "take". I've clicked on various things within FTXC in an effort to (maybe) trigger something or other, but it all just looks normal - and appears to be doing it's job. I've done the usual "re-sync" thing too. I don't think I'll go any deeper - with migration re-runs or whatever - for fear of breaking other stuff. I'll wait for Ben to release his FTXC upgrade, I think!



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OK ... for what it's worth ...


Installed the new libraries today and tried to sort this mess out. Re-ran the migrator (which fixed loads of stuff I didn't even know had gone wrong in the first place, LOL) - then re-ran the Troubleshooter diagnostics tool. All green, but all the Wales problems persist (notably the refineries texture - as a dead give-away).


Going by Ben's advice, I uninstalled FTX Wales (and re-downloaded the latest 1.30 from FSS while I was at it). Same file, same checksum, so no change there. Re-ran the Troubleshooter - all green.


Sadly, there's no change in P3D - all the errors are still there. My only thought is that when the archive/scripts/whatever were recompiled for the quad installer, something went missing or is indexed wrongly.


I've not owned FTX Wales before, so there may be some old files that everyone else has that simply don't exist on my system. Also - I don't have FTX Global or any additional LC of any kind. Is it possible that Wales is looking to find textures there?




EDIT: I have to add that all my other sceneries are 99% fine - just the odd glitches, which have been reported/fixed.

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Ben - thanks for your perserverance - and thanks, Doc for the additional screenies!


In my worst mock German accent, I have to say "Vee haff good news ... und vee haff bad news" :lol:


Good news:

The weird green tile seems to have sorted itself out (it occurred all over the place):



Now the bad news - near Cardiff:



When flying around that area, I get the familiar blue missing tile "thing" that we had in NZNI/NZSI ... so I'm thinking I must be missing a texture. Any ideas what the filename might be? Would it live in FTX_AA_EGFF or FTX_EU_WLS_[XX]?


As far as the other "oddities" are concerned (palette, shadows and that weird "lozenge" shaped texture etc. - thanks for the pics, Doc) it looks like they're "features" (gasp!!) ... and nothing to do with migration. I also have dozens of custard-coloured "blancmanges" dotted around in places where I suspect there are meant to be slate quarries - but we won't go into that! :lol::lol::lol:.


I don't have any other scenery products other than ORBX on the system (beat that!) - and don't have FTX Global or LC of any kind. Should I disable every ORBX area other than EU?


Anyway - just to show I'm not *totally* cheesed off with FTX WLS, here's a couple of pics to cheer us all up! B)


Mach Loop (again):



EGFF - with visiting ANZ A320:







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Good to see that we're making progress! :) Now to find that missing texture...


Can you run the following command in ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_WLS_08_CUSTOM\texture:

dir /b > wales_files.txt

After that, please upload the wales_files.txt that was generated so we can see which files you are missing. I've attached mine to this post for reference.


That Air NZ A320 is quite a long way away from home!


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Amazing, the range these A320s have! ;)


I really want to NAIL this little blighter!!! :lol:


Here you go (attached, I hope!).


I make it 4,372 files in that directory. I'll run a file compare on these two txt files and report back!





EDIT: Drat! They're identical - other than mine not including the listing file itself, as I saved it outside P3D.

Also - tried switching through all seasons - just in case. No difference.

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6 hours ago, jjaycee1 said:

Congratulations Adam in your insertion into the Orbx team. You deserve it. Next stop a knighthood !


Why, thank you SIR! :lol: ... cheque's in the post!


It does feel a bit odd, losing my "Adamski / Adam_NZ "persona". Maybe I should swap out that poor gurneying avatar for a "real pic" - but on second thought's my avatar's better looking, hahahah!!!!


Of course, I'm bound to say that I consider it a great honour - and I genuinely believe what I say.


ORBX has given me a *LOT* of pleasure over the years, so it's great to be able to help pay some of that back in some small way.



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Just now, JS07 said:

Wow!  Adam you're with Orbx now?  Congratulations.  Ok, I have this problem with scenery see, and I.............


Nah ... you got the wrong Adam! I'm the Adam that only says nice things about screenshots :lol::lol::lol:


My secret aim is to infiltrate the organisation so that I can rig the screenshot comp. Ooops!



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4 minutes ago, JS07 said:

But if you can't post in the screenshot contest ...


Dang!!! I never thought of that! Failing to win the comp so regularly every month for all those years gave meaning and purpose to my life (I don't get out much :lol:).


It certainly won't stop me posting though - I don't *really* need an excuse!!!



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